Chapter 26 - Draconic Lizardmen!

Alex was now in the deepest parts of Blood Moore Valley. After a journey of stopping and starting Alex had been practicing his new skill [Flash Steps].

Just because he had the ability to preform the skill automatically with the help of the system. Alex knew from experience that to get the best out of the skill and be the best. He needed to have a sufficient base of knowledge himself about the in's and out's of the skill.

In fact to reach the top levels of skill proficiency it was next to impossible to not preform the skill manually.

"Although the skill is somewhat tiring even with my upgraded stats, my battle prowess has sky rocketed thanks to this."

"The chest should be up ahead."

Slowing his movements he peeked through a clump of bushes pulling the thorn bush that was blocking his vision to the side.

"There it is."

Sat atop a rock roughly 15 meters away was a chest drowning in golden sparkling light.

Yet around this rock was a horde of green scaled Lizardmen.

"They really are ugly."

[Draconic Lizardmen. LVL 24]

"Come to think of it this will be my first time since returning fighting a species of life with high intelligence."

Alex spent the next 2 to 3 minutes moving around the perimeter of the Lizardmen's base camp.

From his scouting he noticed that the base seemed to be bigger than what he initially thought it was going to be.

The area around the chest seemed to be just one of many area's to relax.

In fact the Lizardmen's hideout spanned quite a large area around Alex and he had walked straight into it unknowingly.

"I don't remember this existing in my previous life. I should scout some more, otherwise this might just turn into a death trap."

From his scouting he saw over 300 Lizardmen which was a number that would certainly bring death if he just openly attacked.

"Haaaah this really is causing quite the head ache." He sighed as he focused deeply on the back mountain that seemed like a mining outpost.

[You have found Territorial Dungeon Draconic Lizardmen Hideout - LVL 35.]

"Well that explains it, even though I kinda had a feeling after seeing how many Lizardmen there were."

Territorial Dungeon's were dungeon's that operate in different hunting area's. They were a one time dungeon that once cleared wouldn't reappear in that area unless all players stopped hunting mobs in that area allowing them to regroup.

"Now that I think about it I wonder if it was Ares guild that cleared this since the had control over the mining rights."

In his previous life Alex had come quite often to mine ore here to make money for food allowance after his parents death's. Although he was made to give up some ore. The saved ore that he then sold allowed him to barely survive with bare minimum.

"Ah well at least I don't need to go through that again. Either way it loos like my knowledge of Blood More Valley was false. Whatever is the king of the Lizardmen Hideout seems to be the king of the valley."

"It's no wonder that the Shadowed Manticore is just out wondering the valley randomly. It only became the king after Ares guild removed the real one."

Walking back towards the chest area he counted the number of Lizardmen in the area. Finding the number had come to 12, he was sitting on the fence of whether this was achievable.

He didn't fear the Lizardmen but he did fear the sheer number of them. If they all chased him he stood a slim chance of escaping even with his insane speed.

"Well what the hell, I need the chest for the object that's inside of it. I don't matter dying if it comes to it. With the cloak I'll be able to enter the regional dungeon when the time comes without people knowing that I'm Zero."

"That said I need to go all out the Lizardmen's defence isn't to be joked about with their green scales."

"Now that I think about it I haven't tried fighting with the Alatar's Breathing Technique yet."

Stopping to preform the cycle once to refresh his mind about the technique Alex found himself becoming warm and all the build up of exhaustion from scouting and preforming [Flash Steps] here and there seemed to vanish.

"Huh? There is such a thing?" Visually surprised Alex decided to continue cycle after cycle. Finding a somewhat addictive feeling he preformed 12 cycles in a row before he was interrupted by a system notifications.

[Congratulations! You have found hidden stat 'Constitution'.]

"Huh?!" He shouted before he realised he had messed up, tucking himself into the bush as a roaming Lizardman heard the noise and came and gave a look.

After some time seeing nothing the Lizardman shrugged and returned to rest once more.

"Constitution? Wasn't that only for the Mage class?"

Alex of course knew what the hidden stat was and what it did however from his prior knowledge he thought that only those that used Mana to create Magic spells could unlock this stat.

"Wait is this because of my Legendary Class?"

"Huh I need to calm down."


Breathing out he thought it over and noticed that now the Mana in his body was circling by itself and in the pattern of Alatar's breathing technique.

"If this is because of my class this will give me a unimaginable advantage. This will allow me to reform my body into a perfect foundation. Strengthen my attacks that use Mana."

"Heck, I could even have a unique playstyle of attacking with purely Mana attacks. A Mana Assassin. HAAHA!"

"Hmm I need a better name for that ah well."

"I wonder if I'll be able to get the legendary Mana Meridians. If I do my attack power will contend with Swordsman and even mages. I won't have to strictly focus on speed and combat techniques."

"Ah well time to get back to work."

Standing up he dusted himself off and refocused on his main goal.

Time to hunt!