The voice itself wasn't coming from a specific place, it was as transmitted only to my head, probably telepathy.
''We are enemies now.'' Said Viné.
There had to be something wrong here, Viné and I never fought against each other like that. Though... I kind of knew what was happening, there was no way he was after me, much rather... someone else.
'' Viné, what happened?'' I asked while looking at the ground, I didn't want anyone to see the sadness in my expression, even though I was sure no one was there to see me.
''What happened? Ha! That's a foolish question to ask.'' He said laughing
''What are you trying to say?'' I said confused.
It just didn't make any sense to me, from being so close to us being enemies, something was off about him.
''I told you already, we are enemies.'' He said with a voice filled with anger.
Even though his voice was filled with anger something really was different from usual, it was just as if it wasn't Viné, or... the Viné I used to know.
'[The user has finished one part out of 5]'
Five parts? That means I was on the verge of danger and that things wouldn't be as easy as I imagined.
imagined. But then something came to my mind. I thought of asking the system directly.
''Can you tell me more about the dungeon?'' I asked with a persuasive voice.
''Of course, the user has access to everything that is known.''
''Then please tell me what type of monsters I will fight next. Actually, before that, please give me the sheath of the sword.''
The sheath appeared in my hand. I switched the way I kept the sword and then put the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi in its sheath.
'Be strong.' I said in my head, after all, I really needed to take this matter seriously and be mature.
'[The user has cleared the first part]'
The murk disappeared and I could finally see where I am. Everything was clear, I was in a cave that was made for this kind of thing. I saw in front of me three paths, I had to choose one of them.
''System, what is the most efficient route?'' I said in a low-sounding voice.
''The second path should save some time.''
''Thank you.'' I said smiling with my eyes closed.
I started walking on the second path and the absence of light was again stopping me from seeing things far away.
Not long passed until I started hearing tramping sounds. There were two possibilities, one is a giant horde being on their way towards me, it was Viné trying to intimidate me with some ability he had.
I've extracted Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi from the sheath I put it in since I had to beware of any possible attacks.
Since I had to keep my sword using fire magic again wouldn't be a good idea so I thought of using the points that were made leveling up for something finer.
''System, is there any other way of using my points outside of the stats?'' I asked raising my left hand so I can touch my chin.
As the hand reached my chin I started thinking about something that would be most useful to me in this stingy situation.
''Yes, there is, you can also develop your senses.''
My eyes were shining bright, I found the solution to this. A smile appeared on my face and I stopped touching my chin and slicked back my hair, I was relieved since my idea completely enlightened my mind.
''How many points have I gained so far?''
''The user has reached level ten and one point is earned per level.''
''Can you give me a brief explanation of how the point investing system works?''
''Yes, investing one point to one of the main stats raises them by ten but investing a point in one of the senses increases them by five.''
''They are all at zero points right now since I am still a human, right?'' I asked while touching my forehead.
''Exactly.'' Replied the system, it sounded as if it was proud of me.
''Please invest my points into eyesight and stamina equally.''
'[Level up!]'
''I see...'' I said smiling. The system also leveled up if you understand it more and use it to its full extent, that is a great way of improving the user's intelligence.
I didn't bother to invest the point I just earned by leveling up since it was a far better idea to keep it until one of the main stats would need to be increased.
'Your request has been completed.' Was written on the notification section of the system.
I closed my eyes and opened them again, now, I was able to see through all that murk. This upgrade could help me hide better in the dark while being aware of everything, it was a win situation.
Those tramping sounds were more intense than they ever were, I started running in that direction. As I was running bats some thin voices that were screaming appeared out of nowhere I stopped for a moment and looked straight forward, a bunch of bats started passing me and it wasn't something normal, something must've scared them and the enemy must've been approaching me.
I started running even faster. Some giants were running through this direction and they were targeting me, that's for sure.
One of the giants jumped forward and was trying to catch me with his hands but I dodged it and slashed his head, his skin was extremely thin and the blade of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi cut his head flawlessly.
There was only another giant remaining, thankfully, dealing with five or ten would've been a pain in the ass.
He started running away from me, after seeing such an event he was probably scared to the core, fear was running through his veins. I ran as fast as I could and since my speed was pretty decent catching up to him wouldn't have been a difficult task.
''PLease spare me!'' He begged.
Seeing giants talk wasn't something normal so I thought I could make some use of him,
''Only if you help me'' I said getting a better grip on my sword.
He looked tired and fear was noticeable in his eyes.
''Tell me where Viné is, now.'' I ordered him, he was in no position to reject my conditions.
He pointed the way and said that I should be able to find him if I follow that direction. I spared him.
I killed everyone that stood in my way and I finished all the parts of the dungeon, the next objective was to find Viné.
As I walked through the dungeon keeping my hand on the sheath so reaching for my sword would be efficient the system showed me a notification.
[A great magic power is in the area]
''Can you tell me more about it?'' I asked.
''After the wall to the user's right great magic power is sensed.''
''Thank you.'' I asked while turning to my left.
I blasted the wall using fire magic. I entered the way I created and a gigantic lake was there.
Viné was walking on the water and he was surrounded by flying rocks, it was nothing out of common, that was his type of magic. He turned his head in an instant and glared at me.
I got close to the lake and after reaching it I started walking on it, that was the place where the fight will happen.
''Did you miss me?'' I asked smiling, he was still glaring at me.
He started casting a spell and the water under me wasn't peaceful anymore.