
Drowning in despair

The water I stood on started trembling as if there was a storm.

'' Viné! Stop this!'' I shouted.

When it came to magic Viné was an expert in two elements, water, and earth. Fighting him with my current level would be the same as committing suicide.

''What's wrong, master? Perhaps... you're afraid?'' Viné said with an evil smile.

At this point it was obvious that this wasn't the Viné I once knew, someone stuck his nose here.

''Today you will find your end.'' He said raising his hand.

I was about to die and the only thing that went through my mind was a single question.

Why? Why was all of this happening to me? Did I destroy something precious? Am I still hated by every being after all the efforts I've put into creating a better world? The light in my eyes was slowly dying as days passed and events like this happened, I am living in a cycle that only leads to me getting hurt and dying more on the inside.

Even though I was sure that my servant wasn't the real one the person behind all this really couldn't stand me and what I am doing, he may have a good reason to hate me with all his might and I don't even know that reason nor the person so I can negotiate with whoever was behind all this, I must take action.

''Take this!'' He shouted while throwing some of the rocks that were around him.

Just dodging all of his attacks would be useless since he can make more rocks with his mana. Also, I would remain without stamina while trying to wait for him to run out of mana.



''How many points for investing are left?''

'You have twenty-five points since you didn't use any while doing the other waves.'

''Uhh...'' I said making a weird smile while dodging Viné's attack, I guess the interest in finding my long-lost friend really drove as far as defeating monsters out of pure madness.

''Please invest 10 of them into stamina, and the other ones...''


''I want you to unlock one of the skills from my last life.''

''Which one of them?''


''As you wish.''

''Now my stamina stat should be 225.''I muttered.

''Huh? You started talking to yourself lately?'' He asked grinning.

''I guess you could say so.'' I stated.

''Well, now I have one more reason to kill you, eliminating you while you are still half-sane.'' He said laughing.

''Says who?'' I asked glaring at him.

''Haha... You are getting on my nerves now, Fudo.'' He said creating more rocks since he ran out of them.

''What a foolish being.'' I said getting out my sword.

''What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy already?'' He said.

''It's not that.''I muttered.

''Then? What's your excuse?''He said bursting out laughing.

''I was just asking myself something.''

''Can you give me more details?'' Said Viné.

''Yes, I was asking myself when did I give permission to a fool like you to call out my name?'' I said widening my eyes and smirking like a devil, establishing fear in him was the best way to accomplish my goal.

He then started enchanting again, this time a strong attack had to be released. I started running in circles so he can't aim at me.

''Are you running away?'' He asked shouting.

''What makes you think that?'' I replied.

''The fact that you are not letting me aim at you.''

''That's a very foolish way to think. Do you know why that is?''

''So you are now acting cocky huh, tch!'' He said and then spat.

''You disgust me.'' I said in a cold tone.

''Then I shall get you away from that feeling by inflicting physical pain on you.'' He muttered.

He launched the attack that was prepared. It wasn't something normal as the previous spells, it was on a much larger scale.

I had blasted a fireball into the water beneath me in a way so that it would launch me somewhere the attack wouldn't reach.

I was now flying and approaching a cave wall, the outcome would be a painful one and that is for sure.

''Haha, you dodged it? That's too bad!'' He said and laughed yet again, I couldn't stand that laugh of his.

As I approached the wall soon enough I ''arrived'' and my head was hit on the wall because of the angle I shot the fireball at.

Blood was now dripping from my head and I was lying on the floor as if I was dead.

''Huh...'' Viné said walking towards the place I was lying badly injured.

''Oho... Perhaps my master has lost his powers?'' He said while approaching my body.

He leaned towards me to see if I was still breathing.

''Is it even possible that you would die so easily?'' Viné asked, it seems that this wasn't the end he expected, not even a bit.

He got even closer to me. Now he was close enough.

I opened my eyes and suddenly touched his forehead with mine. Since this was so sudden he didn't have any time to react.

''Clarity.'' I said in closing my eyes.