I wasn't able to see anything from his memories since I died.
It seems that I'm not dealing with just a regular enemy, it must be someone who is good at pulling strings and tricking people.
While looking through Viné's memories my mind suddenly went blank and I remembered something from a long time ago, a non-ordinary being, not even between gods. Was this someone the one who erased the memories of my servant and locked him in this dungeon leaving him wandering through life without any sense? The thought of this possibility being true stressed me since I had to rebuild my army in order to counter so many enemies.
''Anyway... I guess I have to finish my job for now.'' I said and sighed.
I should at least give Viné's memories of me back so I can start executing my plan and reacquire my long-lost friend.
Once I was done doing my thing he woke up.
''M-Master?!'' He said opening his eyes wide.
''Yes, it's me.'' I said smiling with my eyes closed.
Viné was visibly stunned that he saw me, perhaps he knew I got killed and he didn't lose his memories around the same time I died.
''How did you come back to life?'' Viné asked.
''Fumiko-chan resurrected me.'' I said lifting up my sword from the ground so I can put it back in its sheath.
''That's good news, but...'' He replied looking at the ground.
''You know...'' Viné said.
He took a deep breath and continued talking.
''What in the world is happening?''
I bit my lip because this situation angered me and more than that my loved ones were affected by all of this.
I started wondering if I should really involve him in all of this, sad thoughts started storming my mind. Maybe it wasn't right to have him take part in all of this after what happened to him
''More than that, what are we even doing here?'' He asked confused.
''Let's say someone is playing with fire.'' I said smiling.
''Playing... with fire? Who?''
At this point, I realized that I was really speaking with Viné, this guy wasn't the deductive type of person and he needed more explanation than a normal person would need.
''Someone killed me and it is possible that this someone also played with your memories and locked you in a dungeon, more than that I don't know myself.'' I said cracking my fingers.
''Who is that someone?'' He asked giving me a serious look.
''The fallen angel, Lucifer.'' I answered.
What was the problem here was that I wasn't really sure if Lucifer also did all of this to Viné. There may be more enemies than just one and they may be very capable as well since they did all of this.
Viné sighed and looked into the ground and thought for a minute to himself, at least that what it seemed like to me. It hurts my heart to see those around me troubled and not being able to find peace.
''So I guess that was his revenge, hm?'' He asked himself crossing his hands.
''Yes, that is probably his way of coming back at me.'' I said touching my neck and looking at the lake with a blank expression.
''Haah...'' He sighed.
Viné was slowly walking to my side and when he arrived he touched my shoulder.
''So, what are you planning?''
''Huh?'' I said widening my eyes, Viné proved again to me how loyal he was and that he is a person who would go into the depths of hell with me and never hold back.
''Hehe, master, perhaps you forgot that I am your most loyal servant.'' He said laughing, this time it wasn't that evil laugh that I heard during the fight, it was his usual silly laugh.
''Yes, yes I am sorry.'' I said getting my hand out so we can shake hands.
''Just be sure to not forget it.'' He said with a huge smile.
He shook my hand and looked into my eyes and then bowed to me.
''I am waiting for the orders my master has to appoint me to.'' Viné said happily, it seems that it really is his pleasure to be working for me.
*Doorknob noise*
''Fudo? Is that you?'' Asked Fumiko from the kitchen.
''Yes, I'm home.'' I said closing the door.
''You arrived just in time!'' She said coming to me full of joy.
''Is that so?'' I asked.
''Yes, I made dinner.'' Fumiko whispered in my ear and then giggled.
''You're also just in time, I am starving.'' I said taking off my shoes.
''Very well.'' She said.
I went into my room and changed.
''So, what are we having for dinner?'' I asked coming out of my room.
''Salmon with rice.'' She replied.
''Huh? That's my favorite since I was born as a human.'' I said surprised.
''Why do you think I did it?'' Fumiko asked making a bright smile, the smile that would always relieve my heart of pain and suffering.
''You took a peek in my memories when you reawakened me, huh?'' I said entering the kitchen.
''Well, I couldn't keep myself from doing it.'' She said.
''Understandable.'' I said while getting a glass of water.
''Ok, let's have dinner.'' Fumiko said taking a seat at the table.
We ate dinner. While I was eating I caught Fumiko looking at me while eating as if she was looking forward to that the most.
''Thank you for the meal, it was incredible.'' I said energetically.
''It's my pleasure.'' She said putting her dish in the dishwasher.
After that, I cleaned around the kitchen and Fumiko suddenly came and hugged me from behind.
''I have good news for you.'' She said.
''May I ask what are the news.'' I asked.
''We are going to enroll in the magic academy.'' Fumiko said.
''What for?'' I asked.
''I'll tell you when the time is right.'' She replied.
She turned me over and kissed me. It was a long night.