Team 1 - Swamps

"Alright people. Just received word from the agency, concerning a little tour of ours." The man known as Cap 1 mentioned quietly to the three individuals around him, all males.

"I believe you've been told something at the briefing, but this one, is most assuredly another rebel issue." Raising his voice, he proceeded say, "I mean, what are we scouts made for."

Cap 1 breathed heavily, and heaved a sigh keeping silently almost immediately. He took deep looks at the three guys in the room, as if trying to remember their faces. Then leaning back, he proceeded to sit on the chair behind him. That made complete, the circle of four chairs in the largely spaced room filled with dark coloured pillars and digital equipments.

Unsurprisingly, after a moment of silence, he was the one to break the silence and speak. This time, in more silent tone.

"Listen guys, I know. We've through a lot , we've been busy, had a very tight schedule, and more than often, remain on the field when it's time for a break. I know guys, I know. But I also know we're more than the types to get tired...easily." He paused and seeing the change in reaction in the faces of the three men around him, continued.

"So, it wouldn't be bad for me to ask.."One more time"." Slapping his laps, he proclaimed. "Alright guys, rally up, even the slightest hesitation could be disastrous. You know."

The other three in the room got up looking a little bit brighter than they were before. The Captain - Cap 1 got up too and went in for a handshake with each of the individuals present in the room. And as he was doing that, he muttered, "I'll get back to the agency as soon as I can. For the meantime, it's go time."

Taking the lead, he began to walk towards where the door was supposedly located, the other three following behind. As this moment, the nature of the room came into full view. The trio and Cal 1 were on a rather higher floor than the ground floor in the room. A couple of stairs down, the digital instruments were no longer present. Rather, the floor was distributed into several sector separated by pillars. A circular feature was also present in the middle of the room.

The trio led by Cap 1 made their way to the lower level and towards the supposed exit. Even though there was no typical door, the outline of a circular door was featured on the wall. Cap 1 placed his palm on a certain spot which turned shone blue almost immediately. With that, the circular outline separated into two hemispheres. Cap 1 made way for the trio to pass through, going through last. With his back facing the door outside of the room, and slowing moving exiting with the trio into an open hallway, the inscription on the door became visible.

Academic Division Of The Scout Squad A6IV--


Cap 1 and the rest of the scouts all fully geared up for the infiltration mission, were gathered forming a sphere in a section of the hovering aircraft. The floor which was at the center of the group, was being stared at from time to time as the captain of the mission uttered some few sentences. Moments later, all eyes on that spot, the middle began opening up, being dissected into several curved triangles. A gust of wind poured in from the hole opened up.

Cap 1 adjusted sone instruments on his body, and without further Ado, jumped off the aircraft through the hole. The others followed immediately, jumping from that height waiting, the aircraft remained still waiting for a particular instruction.

Falling down from the sky, still in the air, the captain was making serious analysis while falling at an enormous speed. His googles which were firmly secured across his head, began to form a transparent helmet around his head.

'System initializing..'

A system notification rang on Cap 1's ear. Tapping his chest, two thrust packs were activated propelling Jim upwards. With a huge amount of force and help from mini thrust equipments secured on his elbows, he turned him self upside down and increased his velocity. With the googles having formed a helmet, he was able to digitally analyse the height of fall and security sensors in place some metres up in the air.

'76 meters and counting..63..55..'

From such a height, the captain could only say "Baldy.. c'mon. I'm almost there."

As if on cue, the others appeared by his side continuing with increasing velocity.


Disabling sensors in 2 1..

All twenty scouts increased their velocity once hitting thirty metres. Near ground, they swiftly engaged their parachutes, bringing all to a safe landing.

Restoring sensors

Rather on 'ground', the group had landed in a swamp that lacked much water, though the same could not be said for dry trees. The scout team lead by Cap 1 took off their parachutes and the likes, left with their military apparel. Unsurprising, it blended in completely, with the dark green environment. The group walked together for a while and then stopped.



Cap 1 designated two groups to their areas of mission. Gamma to the west, and beta, to the east. The structure the mission was focused on, was still far, but Beta and gamma had separate missions.

"Beta, you are carrying with you a high powered equipment, called an access wall bypass. It has the capability to infiltrate the data store of every security detail data, including but not limited to passwords, locks, biometrics, surveillance feeds." The captain has stated to the beta squad, before the mission.

"The data house is called an access wall. And the current access wall belonging to the communications unit is located..."

Cap 1, and the others who has no current assignment remained on high alert in their position, waiting for the completion of the primary assignment.

"You sure divided your scouts properly." The Supreme Commander commended.

"Thank you sir."

"You know the problem with most organizations and agency, infact, most institutions on this earth?" Norton asked.

"Central stuff" A scouts belonging to one of the two teams waiting for the completion of the primary assignment carried out by Beta and gamma said.

However, it seemed the assistant supreme commander had only mentioned that for the discussion to be continued by the scouts.

"Man, you're spot on" another said.

"Yeah, I mean almost every single organization has a central system, central core, power or even power battery like a certain Corps we know."

"And once that is shut down, everything falls. What a shame. I'm glad the Academy doesn't have that."

"I don't think so. What about the Citadels, the Major sector and the Agency? Pftt, shut that down, and you put the Academy in one heck of a panic."

"See, even at that, there are measures to make sure those things does don't happen."

"We're taking about the central stuff nor measures. And speaking of measures, were just about to decommission the central communications control unit of the top class C rebel base. Am I right Cap?"

The captain who had not been involved in the discussion turned his head back to the group, some leaning on trees, others on the ground with mounted snipers rifles.

"Yeah. Besides, for those of you who have not complete idea of the nature of this mission, let me spill it. The mission was dissected targeting five central.. stuff."

His last words attracted a stifled laughter from the scouts, which he completely ignored.

"We're dealing with the Central communications control unit, communications for short. Once out of commission, it will prevent communications on ground level. As such, each base will be unable to contact the other. Of course, this won't be enough to take down the military headquarters completely, but it's a carefully crafted strategy, part of the puzzle piece that make the entire picture. Moreso, this strategy, will eliminate the involvement of civilians in this." With those words, he concluded.

"Nice break down"

"Beta squad. Scout 2144 reporting. I think I've found something." a voice sounded in the receivers.

The beta squad were currently in a location characterized by far lesser waters, no trees, and several large wooden structures coated with steel.

"What is it?"

"Seven structures..I see seven structures. Energy readings reveal not less than five in each."

The shock on Cap 1's face showed it all. Even the Supreme Commander was a little stupefied.

Thirty five rebel soldiers. That was not supposed to happen. "Where are you?"

"All five of us crouched on the ground awaiting further instructions."

"Remain crouched." Cap 1 replied. He was visibly concerned. Five scouts going up against thirty five rebel soldiers in their territory, wasn't part of the plan. And moreso, the mission required complete stealthiness. This was a covert operation.

"Hmm.." Cap 1 had no choice but to resolve to violence. But before that..

"How far are you from the Access wall?" he asked.

"The access wall is beyond. We're not so far. Four of these structures are directly in our way. The suit had blended in with the sensors frequency, and hence, we weren't detected. If we can somehow bypass these structures, we can plant the Access wall bypass."

The captain decided to hold the order for a while. He turned to look at the sky and entered communications with someone on an encrypted line.


For the completion of the entire mission, a total of hundred scouts were delegated for the main action. But behind the scenes in the figure head above, were tech guys handling a range of activities, from communications to area mapping, and everything in between, including, but not limited to handling scouts gear that needed third party work, monitoring security. Just like the scouts had a captain, the tech work was headed by a captain/guide. And this particular captain assigned to communications, was Ruby, an intelligent female.

"Cap 1 on the line."


"Yeah! I need assistance here" Cap 1 said.

"And what might that be?" Ruby replied. "I believe you have a situation with Beta squad."

"Yeah. We need another path to get to the access wall. "

There was silent for a moment before Ruby spoke up suddenly.

"I've reviewed the area, and there is another route to the access wall. But there are complications. I'm sending you a visual guide now."

"Received" replied Cap 1 as he stared at the holographic 3D map being projected from his hand gear.

"Once the squad begins moving, they have seven minutes to reach the access wall and return back to the position they started from, before security catches up with them. I'll run interference against the surveillance zones to prevent security alert."


"I'll be transmitting the information to the squad. R out"

Cap 1 proceeded to communicate with the beta squad concerning the change of plans.


Beta squad on receiving the information, sprang into action and began moving from where they were still slightly crouched. Making their way to the access wall through the new route, the clock was ticking.


In two minutes, the scouts had reached the access wall.

The access wall was a super-miniature version of the communications unit as a whole. The building housed several servers all recording, transmitting to the main system for storage and verification. A small number of rebels guarded the access wall.


Quickly and silently, the scouts got rid of the guards and hurriedly made their way to the main system.


A scout with the aid of some of the others attached the device to the ports of the system using string like cords which attached themselves automatically. Blue lines spread across the device once successfully fixed.

The device turned blue completely while glowing repeatedly.

"Access wall has been accessed. The device has cracked the code, accessed the wall and provided accurate replications." One of the scouts analysed.

The tech guide - Ruby, had with the access wall bypass information, connected the Academic devices to the devices present in the structures which were centralized surveillance zones set to monitor security.


Not knowing what happened, the Cap 1 could only commend the beta squad asking them return to their positions.


"In position."

As for gamma squad, he proceeded to say; "You are heading towards the opposite side as beta squad. There was information about the security present there since it's very swampy, and visibility is reduced. So, be careful of...



Next Chapter - Team 1 {2} - Mission Complete