Chapter 10

"Joey!" Odin chased after him, and Joyce rushed into the library, clutching the scriptures in one hand, sliding along, and kneeling at the end of the altar devotedly.

Joyce's body couldn't help trembling, sweating like rain, and trembling: "Almighty true God, may you give me the holy light, and bless me when I lead to the holy shore..."

Odin was inexplicable, watching Joyce wake up in the nightmare and praying, with no intention to interrupt for a while, went to the wine cabinet to pour the wine.

Joyce opened his eyes, ignoring everything around him, and once again saw the northern battlefield thousands of miles away.

Alex was lying on the ice with blood all over, panting, opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

"Get up... my knight..." Joyce's gentle voice came into his ears.

The ice surface was torn apart, all the guardian knights spread out the wings of light and flew into the sky, the seawater poured out of the ice surface, and Alex gradually sank into the deep sea.

"Joey..." Alex's voice sounded.

"I give you the holy light." At that moment, Joyce turned into the Holy Spirit, dived into the sea, gently hugged Alex, and then Alex flung his wings and rushed out of the sea!

Thousands of knights revolved in the sky, and the earth was full of undead. That scene was extremely spectacular. A flaming bird of light flapped its wings and flew, leading all the Paladins flying in the sky to rush to the ground, towards the Flesh and blood giant! In an instant, all the guardian knights rushed to the flesh and blood giant!

Like tens of thousands of blades of light, hit and penetrated the giant's body. With the light bursting out, the giant has torn apart and shouted that shocked the world. It fell down like a mountain, and the guardian knights flew to the whale that was parked on the dark sea. The lighted giant whale, whale spread its wings and flew out of the water, with the rune of the Temple of Light shining on its forehead, and picked up all the guardian knights.

It wasn't until Alex landed on the back of the whale that Joyce suddenly broke the connection and knelt on the ground, breathing heavily.

"I think you need a glass of soothing wine." Odin said lightly.

Joyce glanced sideways at him, and said exhaustedly, "Thank you."

It took almost half an hour before Joyce recovered. He was almost collapsed, lying on the sofa and panting. Odin was holding a wine glass in one hand and stroking his hair with the other, and said, "I haven't talked about the incident before, my dear brother, the practice of divine art has made you collapse? Where is your loyal dog?"

Joyce looked at Odin's ill-intentioned smile coldly, and said, "is that all the reason you come here?."

Odin didn't smile, and teased: "Does making a contract give a person special power? Do you mind using your sacred power to strengthen your brother?"

Joyce got up with a poker face and was about to leave the library, but Odin pulled out a letter and said, "Someone has sent a letter, don't you want to read it?"

Joyce immediately turned around and reached out to fetch it, but Odin backward it a little, not wanting to just give it to him.

Joyce looked at him bitterly, Odin couldn't help but smile, and threw the letter on the table. Joyce picked it up immediately and opened the letter—it was indeed from Alex.

Dear Joey:

We found the stronghold of the Legion of Undead, the army of the Holy See is crossing the sea, and there will be an arduous battle soon.

There are so many enemies, I can hardly face the fear in my heart, only you can give me strength.

Give me your strength, pray for me, and I will fight for you until the last moment of my life.

Yours forever: Alex.

Joyce took a deep breath, still couldn't help being afraid.

"I'm so afraid that you love him too much, Joe." Odin looked at Joyce and said, "I suddenly feel that it is not a good idea to let him be with you."

Joyce sat down on the sofa and said, "He is still alive. I am not afraid because I can feel him."

Odin smiled and said, "I once knew a bishop. One day, his knight died in battle."

Joyce said: "Can he feel it?"

Odin said: "According to what he said, his feelings are very strong."

Joyce glanced at Odin, and Odin added: "It's like he died himself, he said, the pain is indescribable, it's like cutting off your soul, and the scars are always bleeding. Day and night, will only rest until he die."

Joyce couldn't help crying just hearing Odin's description. He held back his sobs and said, "What happened later?"

"Later he rebelled against the church." Odin said: "He committed suicide. He couldn't bear the pain."

"The reason why the priest has a powerful holy light," Joyce said: " is also that they have to endure more suffering than ordinary people. If you all you want is tell me this story, then you can go, brother."

Odin laughed, Joyce was exhausted, but Alex was safe, which made him feel a little better.

Odin said again: "You haven't seen me for so long, don't you want to show some coquetry to me like a spoiled brother?"

Joyce got up, put the scripture back on the shelf, put the letter away, and said, "Didn't the last time make you smarter?"

Odin's face changed, and he sneered: "If Alex hadn't brought you over to make trouble, the Dragon 's magic orb would now be mine."

Joyce was angry and looked at Odin and said, "Do you know what the cost of using magic beads is! Your body will be corroded by powerful mana and become a living corpse!"

"Thank you for your concern." Odin said lightly: "But from the current situation, the Undead Army will soon invade the mainland and make a comeback. I hope our country can survive this war."

Joyce said lightly: "Don't be so pessimistic, brother, Alex has already defeated them. The Legion of Undead will not come again."

"The Holy See is corrupt." Odin stood up and said: "One day, Anita got a prophecy from the stars. Soon after, the flames of war will sweep the world. When the Holy See can't protect you, remember to go home obediently. Come here."

It's okay not to say this. As soon as he said it, Joyce immediately became angry, and turned to Odin and asked: "You and the court astrologer are in collusion, and how much are you hiding from your father?"

"He knows all of this." Odin shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "Or when you go home, come to him and ask him in person?"

Joyce looked at Odin, unable to judge the authenticity of this statement from his expression for a while, Odin said again: "You are going to be assessed to be the priest, when will you on the road?"

"Before The Grace Festival." Joyce replied: "There are more than four months left."

Odin put down his wine glass and asked casually: "Will you come home? Father and mother miss you very much."

Joyce thought for a while and said, "After the assessment, I'll take Alex home and have a tour."

Odin nodded, with deep meaning in his eyes, looked at his brother, and said, "You are welcome to go home anytime, and I wish you success in obtaining the title of priest."

Joyce bowed slightly, and Odin turned and left.

When Odin walked to the door, Joyce couldn't help asking again: "You just came to bring me the letter?"

"Of course not." Odin turned around and said, "Father asked me to confirm whether you can pass the assessment. It seems that there is no problem now, but... you know the letter."

Odin was about to turn around and accidentally stumbled on the steps. This funny behavior made Joyce laugh, but Odin was very annoyed and walked away quickly.

Joyce packed up his things, sat down to read, and suddenly thought of the letter. What else did Odin have not said? In the past, letters from the Holy See were sent directly here, but this time they were sent to the capital. Why?

He vaguely guessed a little bit of inside information. It should be a special messenger sent by the City of Gold. First, he visited his father, and then gave a letter from Alex by the way. What is the messenger? Maybe it was to come to Odin to settle accounts about the fragments of magic beads.

In this way, my father already knew everything, and maybe he punished his brother and asked him to come over and apologize to him. Joyce felt relieved when he thought about it, and it was indescribably funny.

Summer gradually passed. After that time, Joyce seldom dreamed of Alex again, but the power of the stigmata pulsed slightly, making him feel that Alex was missing. He must be fine, and one day he will take a nap. When Alex appeared in his dream.

He is wearing a training armor and is being trained by another silver armor knight. Joyce has seen the appearance of the standard armor. The person who taught Alex should also be one of the seven Paladins.

He even heard the other party mocking Alex.

"Finally ask your priest for help? The Holy Light can't help you."

Alex was beaten up and embarrassed, and said, "Come again."

The power of the stigmata faded. After waking up, Joyce couldn't help but laugh. He knew that Alex was fighting with a paladin and was beaten to find teeth. Unexpectedly, such a strong and reliable Alex would have times when he was downcast.

He is studying martial arts hard, and he can't let him down.

Joyce began to study harder and did not leave the library for several months until a visitor came outside on one day in November.

"Hello, Joyce." The visitor showed the pope's handwritten notes and a pendant: "I am Rapp, the temple liaison between the Shaq Kingdom and the Central Holy See. On the order of the Pope, I will take you to Silver Wing City to receive it. Priest assessment."

Joyce was very surprised and asked: "Isn't the assessment time set three days before the festival of grace?"

"Your guardian knight, Mr. Scott, has completed all the training arranged for him by the Knights of the Temple." Rapp said politely: "And got excellent results. The paladin commander spoke highly of him. The Pope hopes You leave as soon as possible."

Joyce laughed and said, "Teacher is so good!"

Rapp made a gesture of inviting. He has seen a lot of little priests like Joyce, and every one of them is excited and cheering, but in the end, few can successfully enter the Holy See.

"I'm going to pack things right away," Joyce said.

That day Joyce thought that he could finally meet Alex, and was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

However, there is still a long time to go. It takes a full 15 days from the Kingdom of Shaq to the location of the Holy See. After arriving, he still can't see Alex and need to accept a series of arrangements from the Holy See.

They traveled from the ​​trees to the transit point to the Central Continent. It took another three full days to reach the Smoky Canyon Station. Joyce rarely patrols his own country, unlike his brother Odin who likes to wander around the territory.

The journey was unimpeded, and Joyce was very quiet in front of the priest. Although he was full of curiosity about the upcoming assessment and full of expectations for foreign affairs, he did not ask anything.

They changed to the carriage leading to the central mainland at the Smoky Canyon Station and passed through the pass, which is known as the end of the mountains. After leaving the switch pass, they will leave the kingdom of Shaq after a short distance.

At the top of the pass, a line of kingdom guards spotted them, and someone immediately notified that Joyce showed the royal token, and the captain of the guard asked him to wait.

"My guards are just waiting outside the Smoky Pass." Rapp said.

"Are you also a priest?" Joyce asked.

"No." Rapp said, "I'm only engaged in clerical work. The knight responsible for escorting you to the middle of the mainland is specially sent by the temple for you."

Joyce nodded. When he passed the pass, a knight was wearing dark gold armor and was arming the pass. When he saw Joyce, he pushed his helmet up a little, showing a sunny smile. He has beautiful blond hair with a carefree look, his eyes are as deep as ancient sapphires, and his lips are warm.

"Brother!" Joyce was a little surprised that he was here: "What are you doing here?"

Odin's men led a horse and asked Joyce to mount. The two brothers walked side by side. Odin looked at Joyce and said with a smile: "You've grown up."

Joyce glanced at the Smoky Pass and found that the guards were much tighter, and said, "Are you fortifying here?"

"The Smoky Pass is the throat leading to the Central Continent." Odin said casually: "Father asked me to come over and see you off by the way."

Joyce felt something, but didn't say anything. Odin said, "When you went to the Golden, you might run into another comrade of mine, Hugh, please me say hello for me."

"Yeah." Joyce had also heard of the magic swordsman from Alex, knowing that they had served together, Odin, Alex, and Hugh were the stable triangle. Odin sent him out of the pass. After leaving the border, this was already the territory of the Kohan Kingdom. A knight riding a Pegasus was waiting and said, "Shall we go?"

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Joyce said hurriedly.

Odin asked Joyce again, give him a bag of gold coins, and put him on a black crystal ring, and whispered: "This ring may be able to help you."

"I'm leaving, brother." Joyce hugged him.

Odin kissed him on the cheek and said, "I wish you a smooth test, and Shaq's future rests on you."

Joyce nodded, turned his horse, and ran towards the knight.

After leaving the Shaq Kingdom, Joyce followed the Paladin Ray and entered the borders of Cohan. They had to pass through the entire Cohan and arrive at the Silver Wing City in the center of the continent. After they passed the examination of the temple, they could enter the Golden City, and get canonized by the Pope.