Chapter 13

Everyone shook hands with each other, and Joyce leaned behind the big man in front and continued to doze off, thinking damn, once started taking nap, he couldn't stop anymore...he wanted to sleep wherever he was. .

After a while, the second archbishop coughed and said, "In order, one by one, come to the top."

The first person entered the compartment after the side hall and did not come out again. It seemed that after a long time, the archbishop said: "Next, pal, don't be nervous. In front of the Holy Light, our souls are equal. Everyone can Feel free to chat, sit down and take a break if you are tired, just remember the order."

So the candidates started talking to each other and getting to know each other, and Joyce climbed onto the bench and leaned against the back of the chair to doze.

"It's your turn, Mr. Shaqs." Someone pushed Joyce, and Joyce dozed off, rubbed his eyes, and finally regained his energy, and walked towards the cardinal.

The archbishop opened the curtain and Joyce entered the compartment and found that it was a confession chamber.

The sun was shining from the skylight, Joyce was sitting on a chair with a wooden hollow window in front of him. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the holy light was judging his soul. From head to toe, the strong light made him feel his body was exposed to the light thoroughout.

"In your life, have you ever made any mistakes and feel the need to repent?" A voice came from behind the hollow window.

Joyce laughed and recognized the voice, but didn't know whether to call Uther's name, but Uther seemed to clairvoyant what he was thinking, and said, "Let's just have a chat. You should sleep first last night. Can."

Joyce thought for a while and said, "There is nothing to confess... the only thing... that shakes me up is my brother."

"Because of Magic Bead?" Uther said.

Joyce thought for a moment, and then said: "Yes, I didn't stop it in time."

Uther said in a calm voice: "What else?"

Joyce said: "My brother loves me very much. He has great expectations for me. There has been no bishop in the Shaq Kingdom for many years. He hopes that all countries will value the Country of the mountains, this small country... "

"You hope to get a place in the joint meeting." Uther said lightly: "Understandable."

Joyce sighed and said, "I will work hard."

Uther said: "You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. The next question is why you come to participate in the priest assessment, I think you have already answered the first question."

"The third question." Uther asked again: "What is the nature of the light?"

Joyce: "..."

He wanted to answer that the essence of the Holy Light is love, brightness, kindness, and redemption, but these days, the books he got in the seventh room of the library were obviously not written like this. He didn't know that he should believe what the holy scripture said, or rather believe the records in ancient books.

In theory, to become a priest, one must have an unshakable belief in the holy light, but the writing of ancient books is still before the holy scriptures. It was the beginning of chaos and the ancient wisdom that was passed down before the world had established order.

He thought for a while and replied: "Holy light is an energy of order."

Uther said: "That's not what the holy scripture says, are you sure?"

Joyce replied: "This is my own understanding. The real effect it produces varies from person to person. When it needs to establish order, it is carried by the true God and descended into this world. My guardian knight made me understand. The essence of the Holy Light, on the path of chaos, guides me in the direction of progress."

Uther gave a grunt, then said: "How do you judge the Holy See?"

"My people can't accept the church." Joyce said: "So I need to take the Holy Light and return to my hometown for the preaching task."

"I guess the Holy See, in the eyes of the Shaqs, is a representative of exorbitant taxes and a den of thieves that hide dirt and grime," Uther said casually.

Joyce bursted laugh and said, "It is true, but I believe it will get better."

Uther said: "Sometimes I feel that the tax collected by the Holy See is a bit too heavy. Besides, some people don't understand the relationship between priests and guardian knights. When I went to certain places in the past, local people asked me if it was a priest and his guardian knights. Like Five or six guardian knights always lie on a big bed, like a lewd night elf race, which the think a whole clan of men, women and children, all together..."

Joyce almost burst into laughter and asked, "Is the night elves really like this?"

"Huh?" Uther turned through some paper behind the confession window and said: "Night elf bodies can release secrete natural male hormones. Men are especially handsome. Saliva and body fluids are all good things that make people feel hot all over the body... You are quite clever, and you haven't lied."

Joyce said: "There is no need to lie, my soul is naked in front of the light."

Uther said, "Go out from the door on the left side. Good luck."

Joyce stood up and said, "Thank you, and may the light bless you."

"The Holy Light is with you," Uther said.

Joyce noticed that Uther had changed his greetings. It seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't remember what it meant. He left the confession room and was fully awake. Recalling the conversation with Uther, he immediately burst out in a cold sweat. , How dare he say anything like that, Is that his real idea? However, sitting in front of Uther, there was no way to lie, as if something had penetrated his heart.

Joyce walked down the corridor preoccupiedly. The candidate in front had already gone, but the one in the back hadn't come yet, and now he was the only one left.

A tall man was waiting in front of him. He was middle-aged, with ginger hair, a beard on the chin, and an obvious scar on his face. Not as handsome as Alex, but very charming as a mature man.

"Hello, Prince Joyce." The man said, "Let me introduce myself. I am Ibran, the commander of the Knights of the Temple."

Joyce's heart was shocked, and immediately developed strange feelings for him, whether it was admiration, familiarity, or kindness, this kind of complicated feeling is hard to tell. He is the leader of all guardian knights on this continent, the first in front of the pope's seat, and the strongest knight on the continent.

"Hello, may the Holy Light protect you," Joyce hurriedly saluted.

"The Holy Light is with you." Ibran's voice is steady, thick, and full of self-discipline. His tone is just like his appearance, which makes people feel reliable and safe.

"When you were in your infancy, I knew you would stand here one day." Ibran said, "It's nice to see you choose this path, but it's too early to say, please follow me ."

Joyce nodded, and Ibran led him to a holy temple.

"How is the pope?" Joyce said.

Ibran said: "Very well, he also asked me to say hello to you. This is your second-to-last test. I think you will meet him smoothly."

Joyce nodded, restrained the tension in his heart, and stood in the middle of the hall. Feathers fluttered in the sky, and every feather was shining with holy white light. Ibran consciously stepped back and stood aside.

"Can you see me?" a female voice said softly in his ear.

Joyce looked up in amazement and saw a hazy silhouette in mid-air.

"If you can see it." The female voice said, "Please describe what I am like."

The outline gradually became clear, and a figure of a goddess appeared. Joyce felt the power very familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen it. The area where he and the idol are located is enveloped by a layer of protection.

"Don't be nervous." The female voice said with a smile, "Joyce?"

"Yeah... I saw it." Joyce said, "You are like... a mother with a bunch of flowers in her hand and you are wearing a long dress..."

"Now?" The female voice asked again: "Describe me."

The brilliance of the goddess increased, and several pairs of wings spread out behind it. Joyce was dumbfounded and said, "Wings..."

"How many pairs of wings do I have?" the female voice asked.

"Six pairs, plus a single wing..." Joyce described: "You put on the armor, your appearance... You look very beautiful, why do I feel we met before?"

"Have we met?" The goddess opened her eyes and smiled gently: "When? Where?"

Joyce really couldn't remember, the goddess encouraged: "Think more carefully?"

"You are..." Joyce recognized the true body of the goddess from the wings and smiled: "You are the...whale!"

The goddess laughed, and Ibran coughed and said, "Joyce!"

"It doesn't matter." The incarnation of the goddess is the Saintess of Light, and the real body is the huge whale of light in the Northern Rift that meets all the paladins. Joyce said, "Are you the true god?"

"No." The Saintess of Light replied gently: "I was once one of the chariots of the true god. He came to your world many years ago and brought the holy light."

"Where is he now?" Joyce asked.

"You will know later." The Saintess of Light gathered all her wings and said, "The Holy Light is with you, Joyce."

The Saintess of Light disappeared in the air, and the surroundings were restored to their original state. Ibran came over with approval in his eyes and said, "Please follow me."

"Is this the pass?" Joyce asked.

Ibran nodded and said, "This is a test of your reaction to the Holy Light. You have successfully distinguished Her Highness."

Joyce said, "Did I just be rude?"

Ibrahn waved his hand and said, "Forget it, come."

They crossed the last corridor again. Ibran took him and stood on a magic circle. Joyce was a little surprised and asked, "Is there also in the Holy See?"

"Not many." Ibran said: "And it's not easy to use."

Speaking, Ibran took out a pendant, and the magic circle buzzed lightly, sending them to the center of another temple at the same time.

There is nothing in this temple. In the center of the temple, there is a white crystal column, which leads directly to the ceiling and sinks into the ceiling.

Ibran motioned Joyce to step forward and said, "Put your hand on the pillar, any hand is fine."

Joyce pressed the pillar with his right hand, feeling a strange wave of Stigmata, and couldn't help saying: "Alex?"

At this moment, he truly and strongly felt the presence of Alex, as if he was on the opposite side, but unable to talk.

Ibran said: "Your knight is in the East Wing City. Press the same test crystal. When the crystal starts to shine and is ready, try to pour the power of your holy light into the crystal and let The holy energy in the body resonate, the stronger the resonance is, the better, come on."

After Ibran finished speaking, he disappeared, presumably to pick up the next candidate.

Joyce's heart beats wildly, pressing the crystal, closing his eyes, although he can't speak, he feels Alex's power.

Three seconds later, the crystal lit up with a faint yellow light, and Joyce injected the divine energy into the crystal. At that moment, he felt the echo of the stigmata on Alex's body in the distant East Wing city, like in the dark night. The two stars lit up at the same time and flew towards each other in a rotating trajectory.