Chapter 19

After a short silence, Alex told Ibran what they had seen in the seventh room.

Finally, Alex said: "It seems that Bishop Wendell has something to say to the Pope. I don't know why he didn't meet him at the front door but walked the secret path."

Ibran raised his hand, his stigma was on his left arm, and he pressed the stigma with his right hand, and the light of the stigma came out between his fingers. After a while, Angros came in from outside and asked, "Follow your orders, Knight Commander."

"Who will accompany Uther for tonight ?" Ibran asked.

"It is Ray," Angros said.

"You go to find the whereabouts of Bishop Wendell." Ibran said solemnly: "A spy may have appeared in the Holy See."

"Yes." Angros saluted.

The knight's temple was very quiet, with thousands of candles floating high in the void, glowing with a horizontal yellow light.

"One of my mistakes made my brother's life in death." Ibran said in a deep voice facing the King of Heroes sculpture, "Scott, have you ever tasted this feeling?"

"In Rod Fort." Alex replied: "Because of one of my mistakes, my teammates also died."

Ibran said: "It's not the same. When you have a brother like this one day, you will also feel the guilt and pain like me."

"I know." Alex said, "The stigmata connects you and treats each other as siblings."

After they said these words, they were silent for a long time, and the King of Heroes stood in the middle of the hall with his sword full of majesty.

"May the glory be with you, knight commander," Alex said politely.

"Farewell," Ibran whispered.

Alex got up and left.

Joyce fell asleep in prayer, and in the pattern of rain, he had a dream. He dreamed of the underground of the Golden City, and he had a pair of eyes peeping at them. And Alex stood in front of those eyes.

"You are all deceived." A voice rang in his dream, but he couldn't hear it clearly, and Alex stood in front of those eyes without answering.

"Teacher!" Joyce cried anxiously, and Alex turned his head and looked at him.

"Teacher!" Joyce yelled, "Don't go there!"

Alex heard his voice, looked back at Joyce, and walked towards him, Joyce was relieved, closed his eyes, shaking, Alex kissed his forehead.

"What's the matter?" Alex asked.

Sweat oozes on Joyce's forehead, and he realizes that he has left the strange dream state, and asks, "Have you found Ibran?"

"He ordered people to be more cautious and preparing," Alex said.

Joyce nodded, let it go, curled up in Alex's arms, but Alex was still a little worried, and asked, "Have a nightmare?"

Joyce talked about his dreams intermittently, Alex looked solemn, thought about it, and then replied: "It's just too much thinking, it's okay."

Joyce calmed down completely under his comfort. He said, "I just think it's a bit dangerous."

He also couldn't tell what it was like. Alex got up, carried him to the bed, and explained: "Teacher has been thinking about this sometimes."

Joyce: "?"

"Every time I see the old knights." Alex said with a smile: "Just wondering, after decades, will you start to despise me."

"Of course not." Joyce laughed in tears.

He used to feel like the court knight commander next to Odin was indeed a bit unbearable for him. However, for some reason, even if Alex was wrinkled and getting older, Joyce could not be more sure that he will still love him.

"Even if you don't have a body anymore, you only have a soul left." Joyce said solemnly: "I will love you as well as a lich."

Alex quipped: "The lich is not good enough. Maybe I won't be able to experience that feeling in my life, but I think that when I get old, maybe I'm a funny and handsome old man."

"Of course." Joyce said, "Like Ibran, perhaps Ray, I now think that they have their own charms, and they are not all the same."

Alex put his finger against Joyce's chin and asked him to lift his head slightly and say, "How about your teacher?"

"You are so handsome that I admire madly." Joyce's eyes were like shining stars, staring at Alex.

Alex murmured, "You are so beautiful that your beauty is actually like poising me. If you grow up a little bit, you will be more handsome and stunning than your brother, Joey."

Joyce smiled embarrassedly, turned his head, and Alex moved his eyebrows, and said, "I really want to live every day like this. I only want to love you and stay with you every day."

Joyce asked, "Have you loved anyone before me?"

Alex thought for a while and said, "No."

Alex sat down next to Joyce. The two sat on the bed with their backs against the wall and shoulder to shoulder. Alex reached out and put his arms around him. Joyce asked again: "Are there any particularly good friends? Maybe when we travel we can go and visit them."

Alex replied: "My best friends are Odin and Hugh, or..."

At this moment, a loud noise interrupted their conversation, Alex immediately raised his head vigilantly, and Joyce asked, "What's the matter?"

It was early in the morning, and the entire Golden City was about to wake up, and another bell sounded, and Alex immediately took Joyce out.

"Emergency order." Alex said, "Don't leave me, Joyce."

Uther's emotionless voice echoed in the morning sun.

"I am the Pope. I have issued an emergency wartime order with the will of the gods. All non-combatants will immediately evacuate from the Golden City. The east gate has been opened for you. The alchemy master Hilma of Freeport has sent someone to escort you to Shangri-la."

"Where are we going?" Joyce asked.

Alex took him on his horse and headed to the East Tower. The knights had already begun to evacuate the people. Everyone was anxiously asking what was going on. Alex stopped in his horse and asked: "Where should the official priest and I report? "

"Look for Ibran or Ray!" the knight said loudly.

Outside the East City are all knights coming and going, and no one knows if they want to find someone to ask questions. Until Ray landed on a flying horse, the court was silent, and the knights pushed up their helmets and surrounded them one after another.

"The mercenary legion was ambushed by the undead legion at the foot of Windhowl Mountain outside the Golden City." Ray said, "Bishop Wendell apostasy. Some of the reinforcements of the Kingdom of Tucker were corroded by the lich and became undead. Coming here, the Pope wants you to leave immediately!"

"Where's the captain?" Alex said.

"Missing!" Ray said loudly: "We are looking for him too! Andros saw him fighting the Dark Knight! He fell off the mountain! The number of undead legions is too large, we can't save him!"

At that moment everyone blew the pot, and a loud noise came from a distance, and violent thunder pierced the sky.

Another big battle is coming. Joyce panted and looked at Alex. Alex said, "Let's go."

Alex asked Joyce to mount, and at that moment, Joyce could feel a pain in his heart.

"Teacher?" Joyce asked.

Alex took the reins, did not look up at Joyce, his eyes were red, and the stigmata connected them to each other. Joyce could feel Alex's hesitation and anger and then guessed his mood at the moment- ―Hugh is his friend.

"You want to go for the rescue, don't you?" Joyce asked.

"No." Alex said: "First I must ensure your safety."

Joyce said: "Go, I will stay with Uther, and if something goes wrong, I will call you back right away."

Alex was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking, another flying horse stopped by his side, but it was Andros.

"Scott, we need your assistance." Andros said: "You have concluded a contract with your priest. You will not be infected by the plague. I need you to bring a team to Windhowl Mountain to find the legion Captian."

Joyce sighed, and Andros said again: "Joyce, please accept the arrangements of the Holy See. Later, as long as the mission is completed, the Pope will arrange for you to go to Freeport."

Joyce replied: "I will stay in the Golden City."

"Very good." Ray said, "I'll give you ten minutes to prepare, the Sixth Army, the Second Army! Follow us to defend against the undead army!"

Joyce touched Alex's face. The two held each other quietly in the noisy world. Joyce knew that Alex must be worried about the whereabouts of his comrades.

"Don't worry too much, teacher." Joyce leaned on his chest, listening to his powerful heartbeat, and said, "I give you strength."

"Thank you," Alex whispered.

Half an hour ago, the sky was still clear, and the sky became black and lower. Dark clouds came from all directions and blocked the sky. The whole city of gold fell into a long night, and the electric dragon ran across the sky.

The knights mounted their horses and began to fight. Joyce chased Alex to the outside of the courtyard, followed him to the road, and finally watched him lead a team out of the city.

The second battle was very severe. The undead army came from all directions. This is already the dark tide level recorded in the history books. Joyce once read in the book that the dark tide will erupt once every seventy years. Scholars even call it a natural disaster for the undead.

The plague will spread among the undead coming from the Northern Rift. They will bring plague, death, and fear to every place, to every village and country. Scratched wounds will rot and even be spread the plague, and end up joining the Legion of undead, under the control of Lich.

Fortunately, the knights are protected by the holy light and will not be infected with diseases, hoping to find Hugh's location.

Joyce stood in the garden, always feeling that he should do something, but this time the pope's holy light did not come, and the fog began to form under the cloud cover. It was difficult for him to echo the stigmata on Alex's body. He had to find a place to sit down and try to feel Alex through dreams, stigmas, and prayers.

It was a vague voice, and as it got farther and farther, Joyce sat silently, and suddenly a thunder shook him.

A bolt of thunder and lightning struck the center of the Golden City, and all the priests got up, turned their heads, and looked at the sky.

"Is it finally here?" Uther said indifferently.

"Uther!" Joyce shouted.

Uther walked out of his room in a flying robe and stood barefoot on the terrace. Not far away was the lightning that kept falling to the ground. There was more and more lightning, and in the end, it poured out like torrential rain!

"The Pope..." a hoarse voice said: "You have occupied the Southern Continent for long enough. Now, it's time to let it go."

"So you seduced my guardian knight and made him fall?" Uther's voice was not loud, but listening to this exploding news made Joyce's scalp numb.

Three teleportation wizards slowly descended from the air, floating in the air. A black unicorn carried the hell knight through the thunder. The priests shouted one after another, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Uther's mouth.

"The blood of the King of Heroes flows here, and you are not allowed to blaspheme it." Uther trembling, raised his hand.

The paladins driving the Pegasus in the distance returned for help, but it was too late, and the teleportation circle made a loud noise and spread like a hurricane, blowing Uther's hair. Joyce hid behind the flowerbed, protecting his head.

The sound, light, and shadow all disappeared in a second. Only Uther's body was full of dazzling white light. One hand pointed towards the center of the teleportation circle. In the teleportation circle, a giant skull dragon crawled out from the huge space tunnel connection the North Rift Realm and Golden City, roaring at Uther!

The next moment, a great earthquake shook, bricks and stones flew up, Uther spread out his wings behind his back, revealing the original form of the saintess of light, and her whole body glowed with holy light.

"Damn it!" The hell knight hissed with exhaustion, "Close it..."

"True God, please give me holy light." Uther closed his eyes.

In an instant, the light on Uther spread over the sky, covering the whole city like a tsunami. Joyce was like a leaf in the sea, crying in pain, but in this vast torrent, all the sounds were muted and makes sense.

"Go back to your Northern Rift." Uther said, "Go back and tell the Lich, you are screwed."

In an instant, the thirteen wings of the Saintess of light and Uther's figure overlapped, and a light curtain capable of illuminating the world popped up, Uther turned into a dazzling sun, and all the holy light in Golden City was collected.

The disintegrating Golden City suddenly stopped all activities, Joyce's head seemed to have been hit hard, the holy light rolled, and the collapsed teleportation portal scattered from the sky, and Joyce's eyes went dark. He didn't know anything anymore.

The Golden City is like a huge iceberg, clear and timeless. Uther turned into a glowing holy spirit, spread his wings, and cast out the entire enchantment. The bone dragon, thousands of undead knights, and all priests and knights inside the Golden City were frozen in the holy light screen.
