Chapter 21

"There is a bird," Joyce said.

The black-haired warrior replied, "Hmmm, there is a bird."

"It follows its father and mother, and flies toward the north."

"Passing through the mountains and the layers of white clouds, one day, it flew tired and stopped, but its parents did not realize that it was left behind, and flew away by themselves."

"It started to cry and yelled loudly, but there was no response heard. It had to stop in the woods where it was standing, looking for food, and waiting for the return of the family."

"Day after day, year after year..." Joyce said dreamily: "It meets another bird, lives with it, they lay a nest of eggs, and they sing the softly love song to each other day and night. But the good times didn't last long. One day, the hunter came to the woods and shot his lover."

"Later the kids came and took away his lover's eggs," Joyce said in a daze.

The black-haired warrior continued: "So there is another lonely one left in the world."

"Yes." Joyce whispered: "There is only one of them left. After this time, many, many years have passed, and its parents are gone. Its children have gone before they get out of their shells. The only one lover, also be took away."

"It started to get lost and flew into the sky, trying to find a place to stay." Joyce said: "It rushes into the storm, looking forward to the thunder and lighting, and when it is exhausted, it will fall to the ground."

"But the destiny did not send it to the god of death. It flew for three days and three nights..." Joyce said, "Finally, the sky cleared. The sun came out, and it saw a beautiful rainbow hanging on a prairie.."

"The rainbow is like the gate to the kingdom of heaven. It thought it had found its home, and it flew to the rainbow but found that it was just an illusory scenery. No matter how high it flies, it can't reach the place where the rainbow is. So it had to stop and be quiet. Looking at the horizon, on a prairie..."

"What happened later?" The black-haired soldier's voice trembled unnoticeably.

Joyce said: "Later the rainbow disappeared, the dusk fell, and the night came. It had forgotten the thought of begging for death. It lowered its head and pecked at its own feathers. It has been standing on the tree. It was sleepy. It fell asleep. , After a long night..."

Joyce spoke in a low voice, with a faint holy light around him.

"... The sun is still rising, and the bird is still thinking about the rainbow. It thinks the rainbow will appear again, so it lives on the prairie. Day after day, year after year, it starts a new life. It even forgot why it stayed on the grassland. The rainbow showed once healed the pain in his heart, but it was forgotten gradually."

"Until the years are about to take away its life, it is old and can no longer fly. In a stormy, thunderous night, it remembered the day when it came to the prairie..."

"After the rain stopped and the sky cleared, a rainbow appeared on the horizon." Joyce smiled: "So he closed his eyes happily and contentedly and left the world."

The black-haired knight whispered: "A very good story, who told you?"

"My brother," Joyce said.

The black-haired knight and Joyce looked at each other silently. Joyce said, "Please protect me. I don't know what your name is, who you are, and what kind of story you have..."

"...But in the world of darkness." Joyce looked into his eyes and pleaded: "I am afraid that I will not be able to go back alive and return to my relatives, lovers and friends. I beg you, please guard me, I will do my best to calm the pain that your past has caused you...until this long night passes...until the end of our lives..."

The black-haired warrior stared at his eyes in silence, and Joyce trembled: "I give you the holy stigmata, and may the true god bless us..."

The black-haired soldier murmured, "You are a priest."

"Yes." Joyce said seriously, "I just accepted the canonization ceremony."

The black-haired soldier said: "You can't save me."

"I don't think you believe that." Joyce felt his story, as if it had brought some hope to the black-haired warrior, and replied: "Your eyes have betrayed you."

The black-haired warrior was taken aback. Joyce looked at his eyes and found that he now had the will to survive. He was curled up in his arms. When the two looked at each other, the black-haired warrior's eyes became very gentle.

"I don't know if Stigmata can eliminate the plague on you..." Joyce said, "But I'm willing to give it a try. Even if you die tonight, I won't regret it."

"Is this the deal?" The black-haired soldier stared into Joyce's eyes and said solemnly: "Little priest, this deal is likely to make you also infected with the plague."

"No." Joyce smiled and said: "This is my gratitude to you. You saved me because of a promise, and I have nothing to pay for it."

Joyce unbuttoned himself and said, "I hope you don't feel it is forced... to do it with me."

The black-haired warrior stretched out his hand to help Joyce unbutton his shirt, and then remove his leather armor. His abdomen had a shocking wound, exuding unpleasant corpse air, but his chest and lower abdomen were very toned. Joyce learned his previous actions when making love with Alex, and kissed him on the neck.

"Here," the black-haired soldier said, and motioned for Joyce to kiss down again.

This sentence was tantamount to accepting Joyce's invitation. Joyce began to kiss his cherries gently. When his lips touched, the black-haired warrior's cherries hardened and he swallowed his saliva. Joyce could feel that he was also nervous, and reacted. Joyce's fingers pressed his collarbone and kissed his chest, then turned his head to the side and pressed it to his lower abdomen. He knelt in front of the black-haired warrior, unbuttoned his shirt, ran his fingers across his wound, then unbuttoned his knee pads and removed his panties.

The black-haired warrior was still wearing military boots, and his whole body was stripped naked. Joyce said, "Lie down."

The black-haired warrior lay on the ground, and Joyce straddled up, kissed his lips and then kissed his forehead, their bodies touching each other as if covered with grease under the firelight.

__________Check the Author's thought

"Joyce." The black-haired soldier whispered: "I am willing to fight for you..."

When Joyce heard him call out his name, his eyes widened in disbelief, but the black-haired warrior held his waist with one hand, sat up, pulled out a little, and pushed in deeper, Joyce. With a cry, the black-haired warrior's breath was wrapped around his neck.

"Why you know..."

"Give me the stigmata." The black-haired warrior said, and then pressed him to the ground. Joyce had a feeling of being penetrated, and his whole body convulsed. The black-haired warrior's movements were ruder than Alex, but It gave Joyce the pleasure of being captured, he hugged his waist tightly and couldn't help advancing.

"I...give you...stigmata."

"I dedicate my soul to you and believe in you." The black-haired soldier whispered: "Until the last moment of my life...even if it is tonight..."

Joyce stared at his face in a daze. He stretched out his hand to touch his cheek, but he clasped his fingers and pressed it to the ground.

The holy light surged back and forth in their bodies, like a warm tide, but in the body of the black-haired warrior, there is still a dark seed trembling.

"Leave you to me..." Joyce said tremblingly.

The black-haired warrior gasped loudly, his eyes were red, and Joyce kissed his lips. At this moment, his body began to heal, but a more intense moment of pain came, as if it tore Joyce's soul apart, and Cracked it. He had never seen such a feeling. The moment he concluded a contract with Alex, only happiness and joy were given to him.

The pain is only fleeting. As the black-haired warrior broke out and subsided, his wounds healed quickly, and the light flowed through his body veins. In an instant, the toxins melted like ice and snowflake under the light of the holy light, and then flowed towards him. Instead of the old tattoos on his arm, his arm formed a stigma like ice crystals, emitting light.

The light was so strong that it dispelled the surrounding mist, Joyce lay uncomfortably panting, and said, "This is...what's going on..."

The black-haired knight panted and pulled out, stroking Joyce's hair. Joyce turned his head and looked into his eyes.

"Joyce." The black-haired soldier said solemnly.

"Why... how do you know my name." Joyce stared at him blankly.

"Where is Alex?" the black-haired warrior frowned and asked, "Why he is not with you and protect you?!"

"You..." Joyce was very at a loss. He vaguely felt that the black-haired warrior seemed to know him, and replied: "I...I don't know... No, he had already left the city before the pope... the pope join the war. , He went to save his friend... a man named Hugh... who are you?"

"You are Joyce, and your brother is called Odin." The black-haired warrior said slowly: "Your brother told me that story too."

"Do you know my brother?" Joyce was still at a loss, but the black-haired warrior lowered his head and kissed his lips.

His lips were shaking, with a bloody smell, and Joyce couldn't help shaking, his heart was extremely nervous, but the black-haired warrior's lips gradually calmed him down. They were panting for each other, and when their lips parted, Joyce asked, "What's your name?"

"Hugh Corson." The black-haired warrior said, "Now I am your guardian knight, Joyce, I will give my life to protect you."

Joyce: "..."

Just as Hugh said his name, the stigmata on his arm flashed again. This time, the luminosity increased, and Joyce felt the stability of the contract. He couldn't help crying and hugged Hugh tightly.

"Alex thought you were dead..." Joyce whimpered.

"Come on." Hugh said, "We must leave here immediately."

"Wait." Joyce asked him to sit on the rock and check his body. Under the influence of the holy light, the repaired wound has been completely healed, and his face has returned to healthy color, except for the dirt on his naked body. He was almost completely healed, and his wood fell softly between his hips, and was about to raise his head again under Joyce's gaze.

"We can't..." Hugh tried to control himself and put the cloth on Joyce. Joyce also felt a pair of eyes, watching them in the dark.

"The Holy Light alarmed them." Hugh said, "They will come here soon! Quick! Follow me!"

Hugh put on his armor, picked up the broadsword on the ground, and took Joyce out of the cave. In the darkness, countless ghouls climbed down from the mountain and attacked from the woods.

"Be careful!" Joyce yelled.

"Trust me!" Hughdao: "Go back to the cave!"

Joyce grabbed his shoulder and turned his head to the side. Joyce kissed him on his lips. He quickly stepped back, and Hugh held the broadsword in his backhand and squeezed it towards the front. Joyce pressed his hand on his back. .

Hugh closed his eyes and said, "Give me the Holy Light, my priest."

"May you illuminate in the night and sweep away the darkness, my knight." Joyce put one hand on Hugh's back, closed his eyes, and murmured, "The Holy Light is with you."

Hugh opened his eyes and shouted angrily, his broad sword burst out with magnificent four-color light, and the flames rose up into the sky, turning into a half-moon-shaped flame ring, spreading toward the front! Immediately afterward, the flying ice crystals shot across the air, spreading violently, and the ghoul who rushed forward immediately screamed and fled!

The next moment, Hugh drew out the Broadsword, smashed the Broadsword to the ground with a loud roar, the rotating wind cut the ground into a valley of rifts, and then, the Broadsword's rays of light flowed, bursting out blazing holy light and darkness. There was a hoarse cry of fear, and the mist spread out around under the pressure of the lightsaber, revealing the burning woods in the night.

Joyce sighed, weakened, and lean on Hugh's back. Hugh took Joyce with one hand, hugged him by the waist, and slid sideways down the hillside. The woods burned in the rain, Hugh roared: " Go up!"

Before Joyce could react, the world was spinning in front of him. Hugh grabbed a frightened elk that ran out of the woods, threw Joyce on the back of the elk, and then turned over and leaped and sat in front of Joyce with a sword. Returning to his back, he shouted: "Hold me tight!"

Joyce hugged Hugh's shoulders tightly and yelled loudly. They rammed in the sea of ​​flames, through the trees, the elk rushed out of the woods, and in front of the dark cliffs, the elk stopped at quickly at the edge.

"Wow--" Joyce couldn't help yelling.

Hugh held Joyce in one hand, and the two turned into an arc and flew toward the dark abyss. When they fell diagonally, Joyce looked at Hugh's profile, and Hugh turned his head slightly, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional. Joyce left a kiss on his cheek, and the stigmata on his arm was shining brightly, shining through the night like a falling meteor.

Joyce: "..."

"Be prepared for impaction." Hugh's voice was calm and safe, and the two fell towards the plain. Just as they were about to hit the ground, Hugh pressed one hand against the grassland. At that moment, Joyce felt extremely powerful. The sacred energy surging, the loud noise, the wind swept away, slowed their impulse, and landed steadily!

The two had thrown off the ghouls all over the mountains, but the bison and elk still rushed down from the heights endlessly.

"Give me your hand!"

Joyce's wrist was hold up tightly and trying his best to follow Hugh's speed, Hugh shouted: "It's still too slow! Can you increase the speed!"

Joyce: "What!"

Hugh: "Do you know the priest's Holy Word?"

Joyce slapped his other hand on Hugh's arm, Hugh increased his speed again, and his running speed had reached the limit. Joyce was about to fly, and then Hugh jumped up in mid-air to stop Joyce. He hugged Joyce, jumped over a distance of nearly ten meters, and landed on the back of a bison.

The buffalo herd was earth-shattering, shook off all the chasers behind, thundered on the grassland, and rushed to the distance of the night.

The wind whizzed across, and the morning star was shining brightly above them.

――Volume One・Ends――