Chapter 23 Part I

In the middle of the night, the whole village gradually fell asleep, and the black mist rolled from an unknown distance and quietly enveloped the whole earth. The night was darker than the ink, and the sky hadn't seen stars for a long time. Joyce was holding a book, and Hugh remained silent by the stove, sitting aside and wiping his big sword.

"What are you looking at?" Hugh asked.

"Some ancient legends." Joyce replied: "You can go to sleep first."

Hugh pulled up the quilt and covered the two of them. Hugh asked, "Has the Pope sacrificed himself in the fall?"

Joyce replied: "No, he is still alive, He just used a holy power explosion."

"What is that?" Hugh frowned.

"The priest's only self-protection skill." Joyce added: "You know, the priest's body is very fragile. When the knights are too late for help, we can also release the holy energy in the body to construct a force field, temporarily seal the enemy in the field of holy force. Until you come back to rescue me."

Hugh understood, and said, "Just like the magic detonation of a mage, when they know there is no escape."

"The principle is similar." Joyce replied: "But the effect is different. I just saw the explanation of the explosion of holy power in an ancient book. The book said that only when the guardian knights arrived, can open the seal. ."

"How to open it?" Hugh asked.

"I don't know." Joyce said helplessly: "There is no specific way to release it, but I think Ibran will definitely figure out a way to do it, and Uther used the power of the Saintess of Light when he launched the holy power explosion. So I..."

Joyce thought for a while and said, "I am not too worried about Uther's situation. Worrying about him is no better than worrying about ourselves."

Hugh laughed again and said, "Don't worry, are you so insecure with Alex too?"

Joyce huddled in the quilt, looking at Hugh like a well-behaved child, and then stretched out his hand to signal to hug Hugh. This action silently answered all Hugh's questions, Hugh smiled and gently hugged him, making Joey rub his face back and forth.

The sound of rain kept, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in an endless black mist. Joyce closed his eyes and recalled the scenes along the way. They learned something about the Legion of the Undead from the news along the way, but many matters of the source just made Joyce more confused.

Who betrayed the Holy See? And where did the remaining guardian knights go? Bishop Wendell was told to be apostasy, but Joyce did not find anything wrong with him.

He gradually fell asleep in the sound of rain. In the long night, the earth was dark, and countless bone claws broke out of the earth.

Joyce emits a faint holy light around his body, becoming the only light source in the black mist.

A familiar figure stood in front of him with his back facing him.

Joyce: "!!!"

"Teacher--!" Joyce heard Alex's voice, and his scalp numb for an instant.

"Joey?" Alex murmured.


"Teacher! Teacher! I'm here--!" Joyce could hardly control his emotions, and the holy light soared in an instant, he rushed forward, but the black mist swarmed in and he lost his way.

"Joey!" Alex said immediately: "Calm down! Where are you?"

Joyce could see the figure in the black mist, and even can saw the stigmata on the side of Alex's neck, the light of the white ice crystal flashed.

"I'm..." Joyce returned to his senses, feeling that black mist had discovered where they were, gradually, trying to drown them completely. Joyce immediately said loudly: "I'm in Krian Village! I'm with Hugh!"

"Wait for us there!" Alex said in a calm voice: "We are very close, I will find you as soon as possible!"

Joyce said, "Where are you? Great, you are fine..."

Joyce stood barefoot on the desolate ground. Alex tried his best to control his excitement and said quickly: "To make a long story short, Joey, a Paladin in the Holy See has betrayed the Pope. He killed Bishop Wendell, beware of everything susceptible, it could be a spy."

"Who is it?" Joyce's back was immediately cold.

Alex said again: "I don't know! When I heard the news, the Golden City had fallen! How is Hugh's situation? These days, we have been looking for you. Did Hugh escort you all the way to the west?"

"He's okay!" Joyce said, "I got hurt..."

At this moment, a pair of blood-red eyes opened in the black mist, Joyce couldn't help yelling, opened his eyes, and woke up instantly.

At the same time, Hugh sat up abruptly, gasping for breath, black fire lingering in his eyes.

"Hugh!" Joyce was taken aback, and Hugh seemed to be dreaming too.

Hugh took a long breath with difficulty, sweating all over his naked upper body, panting in absent-mindedness, his eyebrows tucked, his facial features twisted.

"Are you okay, Hugh?" Joyce knelt on the bed hurriedly, looking at his eyes, and said, "Look at me, Hugh, look at me, it's me, I'm Joyce."

On Hugh's arm, the ice crystal stigma was surrounded by black fire. Joyce was shocked. He immediately pressed the stigma on Hugh's arm with his palm, feeling a scorching pain, that strong sense of dark power corrosion, and the pain they had when they signed the contract that night was exactly the same. He endured the pain, pressed tightly on the stigmata of Hugh, leaned forward, and kissed Hugh's lips.

The tide of the holy light gently dissipated the dark pulsation, and the dangerous aura emanating from Hugh's body calmed down, like a black panther gathering its arrogant hair, and gradually calmed down.

Joyce sighed in relief, moved away from Hugh's lips, touched his handsome but pale face, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I had a dream." Hugh didn't seem to know the changes in his body. He raised his eyes to see Joyce's worried look and asked, "What? did I scare you just now?"

Joyce restrained his mind and smiled: "No, what dream you had?"

Hugh replied: "I saw a pair of eyes, keep looking for me."

Joyce said: "I am here."

They hugged each other quietly, Hugh's skin was sweaty, he touched Joyce's head, held his hips, let him straddle on his waist, and kissed him affectionately.