Chapter 24 Part II

Part II:

Qing saw tears in Joyce's eyes, and said in surprise: "What's the matter with you?"

Joyce shook his head, his eyes were red, and let Qing put his hair around, and Qing found a hairpin, took the hair on his forehead, and said, "Your hair is too short to braid. Let's do this way for now, it's pretty good-looking."

"Are all my belongings here?" Joyce asked.

"It's all here." Qing said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, he will return it to you later, don't worry, let's go."

Joyce stood up and followed Qing out of the tent. When he went out, there were many old people walking around in Sosha's tribe, and the woman looked at him in surprise. Although Joyce was not as tall as Alex or Hugh, he was 175 centimeters tall, half a head taller than the girls, and he was very handsome. He looks like a beautiful man from the royal family of the Middle-earth Kingdom, with fair skin and a well-featured face. With a sense of holiness, making people can't help but fall for him.

Many people cast admiring eyes at him, and the young girl asked Qing with a smile. Qing said a few words to them, meaning that people should not bully Joyce. Joyce's face was slightly red and followed Qing. Passing the small outside camp, he entered the Xilin's grand tent.

Xilin was drinking and eating lamb and was talking with his subordinates. When he saw Joyce coming in, he waved his hand, sent the person out, and said something to Joyce.

"His Royal Highness asked if you were fed," Qing relayed.

Joyce nodded and said, "Please help me and ask him what he wants to do and why caught me here."

Qing hesitated a bit, but Xilin motioned Joyce to sit first, and then said something to Qing, probably meaning that she has to translate directly, without concealing any information.

Qing translated the words gently, Xilin laughed, talking with his mouth, but staring at Joyce. A quick glance that night, he could not see Xilin's face clearly, only that he was a young man. Now Finally, they can officially meet each other.

Xilin is a standard exotic nomadic attire, without the manners of the Middle-earth continent, wearing a pair of loose trousers, bare feet, lazily stepping on a low table. His eyes are very deep, his eyebrows are also very thick, and his skin is sun-bronzed. His lips are streamlined and hard, and the nose has a little hook, which looks very sexy. Wearing an animal skin jacket, showing a beautiful chest and abdominal muscles, there is also a turquoise earring hanging to the ear.

According to Qing's description, Xilin has an unruly and wild personality, and should be the dream lover of many Sosha girls, but Joyce always has no soft feelings for him because of his first rude impression. Regardless of skill or appearance, Hugh and Alex are better than Xilin.

Xilin looked at Joyce, made a long speech, and casually cut a piece of lamb, put it on the plate, and passed it to his subordinates. The man brought it over, sprinkled the cheese powder on Joyce, and handed it to him.

"This is tender lamb." Qing replied, and took the wine Xilin poured, and brought it to Joyce, saying: "His Highness invites you to drink, please don't be restrained."

"What the hell does he want to do?" Joyce knew that Xilin's speech must be inwardly, and she hesitated for a while, and then explained: "His Royal Highness knows that you are a priest..."

Xilin looked at Joyce's face and saw that Joyce looks distant, and Qing also noticed that Joyce was not happy, and when she was hesitant to continue speaking down, Xilin gave another sentence. Qing had to continue: "He heard that priests walking on this land following to the will of the true gods. The qualified priest can bestow martial artists or knights... extraordinary abilities, so he wants you to improve his abilities."

Joyce said coldly: "I won't do this, so I was arrested to Sosha for this fantasy?"

There is no need to translate Qing, Xilin also heard what Joyce meant, and Qing stopped talking, Xilin waved his hand, indicating that he would not need to say, put away the knife for cutting lamb in his hand, picked up the wine glass, and got up lazily. , walking to Joyce.

"Tell him." Joyce suddenly said: "The act of bestowing the stigmata and the whole process must be initiated voluntarily by me in order to successfully conclude the contract. After the contract is signed, the knight must obey me unconditionally for life. Let your highness quit the crazy idea of this."

Xilin was stunned, and Qing quickly translated it. Xilin was silent for a moment, nodded and said something, Qing frowned slightly, and talked with him quickly, but Xilin seemed a little angry and asked her to translate directly.

Qing had to answer: "He said that as long as he can enhance his power and let him protect Sosha's people, he can accept this condition."

"I can't accept it." Joyce said, "I won't stay in Sosha and fight with him!"

Xilin saw that Joyce's face was reprimanding him, and instantly became angry. When he walked over, Joyce's face was as cold as ice, and he said solemnly, "If he is desperate for this power, he might as well try. Forcibly pressing me down, every knight has only one chance to obtain the stigmata in his life. If he fails, he will never be promoted. Maybe he will be burned to death by the holy light."

Xilin was taken aback first, Qing got up anxiously and stopped him, explained Joyce's words, Xilin was really out of anger, angrily rebuked Joyce, dropped the cup, made a loud noise, and got out of the tent.

Qing sighed and said to Joyce: "Please forgive our highness."

Joyce also got up to leave, but two guards came in outside, indicating that he could not leave yet and must stay in this tent. Joyce knew that his life was at stake, and he was not noisy and went back to sit at the low table. Next, he took a sip of goat's milk and ate the meal in silence.

Qing squatted down in front of him, took Joyce's hand, and asked, "Joe, is it dangerous outside now? I heard from the people who came back."

Joyce replied: "I don't know, but I think there are still many knights and bishops alive in the Golden City and the continent, and they will surely defeat the Legion of Undead."

Qing was silent for a moment and then said: "I hope you don't blame his Highness... King Sosha has placed a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and he has no choice but to do anything to defend his people."

"It doesn't matter," Joyce said.

Qing smiled, nodded and left. Joyce watched her leave. After a while, a guard came in and said something incomprehensible to him. Joyce guessed that he would live in this tent from now on. He can walk outside, but he can't go far.

The vast mountains, the desert, the wilderness, he can see from the fringe, all are ice and snow, across this mountain, is the thousands of miles of the ice land, at the end of the ice land is the Northern Rift, Joyce does not know the direction or hold a map, where can he go? At dusk, there was a blood-colored sunset on the horizon, the Triones appeared in the sky, and the handle of the spoon pointed to the far north.

Joyce sat down outside the tent. This place has a wide view. He can see the cattle and sheep lazily eating the grass on the meadow. He didn't know if Alex can find him here. And Hugh, he didn't know where he has gone. So far, he has completely disconnected from the two knights, as if isolated from the world.

But he believed that Hugh and Alex would be back.

As Joyce remembered it, he had walked for three full days, so even if he stole the horse and rushed to the southern continent, he would have to run for a long time, hoping that Alex could find him.

He sat motionless until the clear night sky turned like a gemstone of the ring wheel, covering the boundless prairie, the voice of Xilin came from behind, and Joyce knew that he wanted to go back, so he drilled into the tent.

He didn't know when Xilin's tent has been cleaned up once. Joyce was startled at first, but Xilin leaned on his low couch, playing with a knife given to him by Alex, and said a sentence casually. Joyce knew he meant to let him eat and live with him until he was willing to accept him.

But that was impossible, and Joyce didn't resist him, so he slept beside him.

Xilin said something casually, and reached out his hand to untie Joyce's robe. Joyce had been wrapped in this heavy robe without wearing anything inside. When Xilin put his hand on the robe, Joyce couldn't bear it. His body was trembling.

Joyce said solemnly: "His Royal Highness, please don't act like this."

Xilin heard the rejection in Joyce's words, just smiled casually, and lay down to sleep. Joyce was a little nervous that night, but in the middle of the night, he was already very sleepy, and he really didn't have the energy to watch out for Xilin, and fell asleep in a daze.

Surprisingly, compared to the nights before, he always dreamed continuely, but this time he slept peacefully. This brown-haired prince laid by his side, as if shielding the invasion and interference of the black mist, or perhaps they were already far away from the crisis. The dangers in the continent are far away from them.

In this way for several days, Xilin occasionally went out during the day, but spent more time in the tent, facing Joyce day and night. Three days later, Xilin came back from the outside and threw a copy of "The Holy Scripture " to Joyce. Joyce was immediately surprised and asked, "Where did you get it?"

Xilin grumbled something, and Joyce couldn't understand it. After receiving the scripture, he nodded to Xilin and said, "Thank you."

Xilin laughed, turned around, and sat outside, thinking about things outside the tent.

As long as Qing had time, she would come over to keep Joyce accompany and talk to him. Joyce noticed that Qing also wore a turquoise ring on her ear, which was exactly the same as Xilin's ring.

"You are..." Joyce wanted to ask if she was a sister of Xilin, but Qing has already said that she is a mid-terrain nationality, so naturally, it is impossible for them to be siblings, so the only possibility is...

"Lovers...?" Joyce asked.

Qing's face blushed slightly, and Joyce understood without speaking, but Qing quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, priest, His Highness just treats me as a younger sister."

Joyce consciously did not ask any more questions. In the past few days, he felt the stigmata in the distance trembling and calling, and Alex was already close here, maybe on the way north.

"What's recorded in this book?" Qing asked.

Joyce touched the Scripture and said: "It records all the Holy Light spells and the methods of casting them."

"Spell?" Qing said with a piece of cloth woven in his hands, "Are you also a magician?"

"No." Joyce shook his head and didn't know how to explain to Qing. Although there is only one book, the holy scriptures are all-encompassing. The divine words in the book are also the spells and cultivation methods for practicing all priests' spells.

"Like here." Joyce pointed to a line and showed it to Qing.

Qing smiled and said, "I don't know how to read, I can only understand listening and speaking."

Joyce closed the scriptures and explained: "Observe the world with your heart, wherever the light goes, actions follow your thoughts, move like a blast. This sentence is just a very simple scripture, but when it is applied by the priest's power. Once you understand its effects, it becomes a wind spell, which can greatly increase the guardian knight's speed and agility in a short period of time."

"It's amazing." Qing said: "Do you know all the spells?"

Joyce shook his head regretfully and said: "As a priest, my lifelong task is to study the scriptures and practice what I have learned. There is still a long way for me to go. I only know how to heal, use Holy Light to infuse, and use Holy Word to strengthen my knights' strength."

"The person who was given the stigmata by you." Qing asked again: "Will it become particularly powerful, just like the swordsman that night?"

Joyce said: "It depends on himself."

Qing nodded and stopped talking. Joyce asked again, "Do you also believe in true gods in your tribe?"

"No." Qing explained with a smile: "Do you want to preach? To be honest, His Royal Highness bought this book for you from the market in the south."

"Is there a market nearby?" Joyce asked with a tickle in his heart.

"The Luoyi people will open a market one day away from here." Qing explained: "Every month on the first, eleventh, and twenty-first days."

Joyce said: "Can you take me to see the market next time?"

Qing hesitated a bit. Joyce knew she was afraid to take him out without the princess's permission. She thought for a while and said, "Why don't you ask His Highness directly? I think he will let you. After all, he is in the clan every day. , There is nothing to do."

"Forget it," Joyce replied.

Qing looked encouraging, but Joyce was thinking about another thing: the Sosas tribe are located in the deep mountains, and Alex may have entered the grassland now. They can feel each other, but they can't clearly understand each other. Recognizing the location, maybe he is inquiring about the news at the market now.