Chapter 28 Part I

The next day Joyce had a dream. At dawn, he dreamed that he was covered by Alex's warm and scorching body. Alex's soul washed over his body like a heat wave, making him tremble. Until it was unbearable, but he didn't want Alex to leave.

After the dream faded, everything was quiet, and after a while, Joyce curled up in the bed and heard Alex's conversation with his guardian knights, as well as the early morning bird singing outside the tent. He woke up from the sound and heard the voices of other guardian knights, which made him feel that his world was extremely beautiful.

" Kryan Lake and headed to County Doron," Alex said. "We must assemble an army as soon as possible so that we have a chance of survival."

"Duke Sabir will not hand people over to us, Knight Commander." There was hesitation in Ze's voice: "Based on what I know about him."

"He will," Alex said. "We have Joyce. He represents the Holy See and has the power to issue draft orders to the various territories. What are the questions about future plans?"

Several people did not speak, Forrest asked: "Will humans follow us?"

Alex replied: "According to the law, they must join this battle. From a logical point of view, the mainland is already falling, and no one can be spared. This is a tug-of-war, and I believe that the magicians have begun to penetrate into the territories, and Joyce is our greatest reliance."

The rest nodded and left the tent. Joyce took a deep breath, his head was a little dizzy, his feet were still a little soft, and Alex asked, "How did you sleep?"

Joyce smiled and said, "Did you finish it the last time last night? I was so sleepy that I couldn't help falling asleep."

"You only remember that time?" Alex put away the map, got down on one knee, hugged Joyce, made him sit up, and dressed him.

After dawn, the scars on Alex's face became more obvious, with brown burn marks. He fixed his eyes on Joyce, the same eyes that Joyce also saw in Hugh's eyes. It was as if a pious knight was humbly looking at his god and begging for his love.

Joyce kissed Alex on the lips, and Alex closed his eyes and turned his head back to kiss.

"Only that one time, isn't it?" Joyce whispered when his lips parted, "Or do you want to do it again now, teacher?"

Alex laughed, his smile was very different from before, with a slightly different meaning on his injured cheek, like a happy beast enjoying his love.

"It seems that you don't remember anything." Alex said seriously: "I have to apologize to you, I shouldn't kept doing it when you're asleep..."

Joyce blushed, remembering his dream, and said, "Is there? I'm not at all . . . awake."

He felt a slight pain in his thighs, panted slightly, reached out to touch it, and felt the wet and greasy liquid, which was obviously a trace that Alex just left in his body not long ago.

"The hot water is outside the tent," Forrest said with a smile.

"Thank you," Alex replied politely, bowed out, and brought in a wooden bucket full of hot water. It was a dark and rotten wooden bucket, but it was washed very cleanly, Alex asked again: "How come there are wooden barrels?"

"I found it in the grass by the creek." Forrest's voice faded away, so Alex soaked the towel and held Joyce to wipe him. When the hot towel touched his body, Joyce sighed lightly, feeling as if his knights had left their own imprints on him, not only in his body but also in his soul.

Alex glanced at him, put on his clothes, and said, "Although the teacher still wants to cuddle you one more time, there is not much time left. Tt is best to find the next village for supplies before the sun goes down."

"I heard it all." Joyce took the initiative.

Alex nodded slightly, Joyce got dressed and got up, Alex prepared a shirt, shorts, wool cardigan and cotton trousers for him, Joyce put on his shoes and got up, Alex picked up his coat again and let him put it on, and said, "Wear Ze's coat to keep out the cold for now. Now you can go chat with them and get to know each other. I have to plan my route and we must leave after breakfast."

Joyce came out of the tent, the air in the morning was very fresh, and the sun shone softly. He felt that he had not seen the sun for a long time, and it was very pleasant to be illuminated.

Forrest was sitting on a rock with one knee in his arms, while Roger was preparing breakfast for them, cutting hard bread with a knife, with a pot of soup boiling in front of him, Ze turned his back to them, wearing a black vest with strong arms exposed to the air. He was the youngest except Joyce, but the assassin's training gave him a well-proportioned, muscular beauty.

"...I suspect that our noble highness can't even remember our names..." Ze said angrily.

"I remember." Joyce replied unhappily, "It's not good to speak ill of priests behind their backs, Duke Freed."

Ze glanced sideways at him, and both Forrest and Roger laughed.

"Don't call me Duke," Ze said coldly.

"Then please don't call me Your Highness." Joyce said politely, "Please call me Joey."

Joyce went over and sat down, briefly embarrassed, Forrest smiled ambiguously, winked at Roger, and raised his eyebrows.

Joyce: "??"

Joyce knew that before he came out, they must be talking about him, but he didn't know the specific content of the conversation. He coughed awkwardly. Just as he was about to start a topic, Roger's face was a little red, and he looked up at Joyce, and said, "I don't know what you like to eat. Do you... have anything you don't eat?"

Joyce replied, "I eat everything, not picky eaters."

He noticed that wild mushrooms and some wild vegetables were boiled in the big pot in front of him. And the smell of clams wafted from it, which made his stomach feel hungry, and said, "Can I eat now? I'm very hungry."

"It needs more cooking time." Roger said with a smile, "the ingredients haven't been put in yet."

Forrest put his shoulders on Joyce, turned his head, looked him in the eyes, and said, "Joyce, were you a prince before? I remember you had an older brother?"

"Well." Joyce said: "You won't like him too much, he always looks very dragged..."

"Damn night elf." Ze said displeased, "Can you not use your racial talent here? You made me burn up all night last night."

Joyce remembered that Forrest had left his liquid in his body first, and then Ze had done it with him again. After touching the night elf's body liquid, he would be aphrodisiac, and he almost burst out laughing.

Forrest said solemnly: "I'm a half-breed, and the talent for aphrodisiac is not so strong. If it's not direct contact, a cold shower can calm you down, or do you want to soak in the stream for a while now? Huh?"

Forrest stretched out his hand to grab Ze, but Ze jumped up immediately, avoided him, took a few steps back, and said to Joyce bluntly, "You are as tugging as your family."

"I didn't!" Joyce said angrily, "It's you who pulled it!"

Forrest and Roger laughed again, and Roger put the last ingredient of the vanilla in and said, "Okay, I'll go get Scott over here."

This was undoubtedly an extremely delicious breakfast. After the rest of his life, Joyce can finally eat a full meal with peace of mind. The hard bread and the piping hot and fragrant cheesy wild mushroom clam soup was simply the best in the world things, compared to the mutton he ate in Sosha and even the delicate dim sum from the Golden City.

Everyone sat down on the rock and shared their breakfast, only Ze sat in front of the tent not far from them, as if not very gregarious, Joyce looked up at him, he also glanced at Joyce.

"He's angry?" Joyce said helplessly.

Forrest said: "He is an assassin. He is used to keeping a distance from the team at all times in order to facilitate detection and counter-ambush."

"I think he just hates me." Joyce could not laugh or cry, feeling the obvious hostility from Zee.

"No, Joey," Alex said. "He loves you, I'm sure."

Ze heard their words and was about to refute them when Alex opened his mouth, but he had to keep silent and continue drinking his soup. Joyce discovered the delicate relationship between them, and Ze seemed to listen to Alex and never showed his displeasure.

When Joyce was thinking wildly, Alex said again: "Let's set off from the camp, and try to discard all the baggage. We must enter the southern continent before dark and find a village to live in."

Several people simply packed their things and got on their horses. Joyce was about to get on Alex's horse when Alex put on his helmet, but Alex pointed to Ze and said, "Freed, you are in charge of protecting Joey."

Ze's horse stopped and stared at Joyce coldly. Joyce had to walk over and grap the horse's back, but the horse was too high, and Ze didn't seem to reach out and give him a hand.

"Teacher!" Joyce said. "I want Forrest to take me, okay?"

Forrest turned the horse's head with a smile, but when he was about to come over, Ze sneered mercilessly: "Forrest is an archer, once you meet an enemy, you will get stuck behind him to draw his bow, and then when he draws the bow and arrow, your nose will be hit with a sudden elbow bump from him."

Joyce: "..."

Enough! Joyce said, "Can't you pull me on the horse?"

Ze said again: "Have you never learned to ride a horse?"

The rest guardian knights didn't speak, watching Ze and Joyce arguing, Forrest and Roger both held back their laughter, and even Alex couldn't stand it anymore and said, "I'll go first, and follow as soon as possible. "

"Hey!" Joyce said angrily.

Alex and Forrest, Roger rode away, and Joyce was about to get angry when Ze put two fingers to his lips, whistled, and the horse slowly knelt down.

"Ah!" Joyce was a little surprised that Ze could ride a horse like that! Ze glanced at him indifferently, Joyce had to straddle him, Ze whistled again, and the horse stood up.

"Drive!" Ze urged the horse to rein, and the war horse began to gallop, chasing the team away.

Joyce had no place to put his hands and finally had to hold Ze's waist. The spring breeze blew across the grassland, and the focus was green. The vast green space on the vast grassland was like a gentle carpet, stretching into the distance. The snow-covered peaks of thousands of years were like shining mirrors, blocking the boundary between the Northern Rift and the South Continent. Joyce looked up and saw a few black beasts hovering on the top of the mountain.

"The Northern Rift is over there," Joyce said. "We may pass through the rift of the Mirror of Eternity."

Ze kept controlling the horse and did not answer, Joyce then said, "Ze, look at the sky, what is that?"

"Nothing to worry about," Ze replied nonchalantly.

"Are you cold?" Joyce touched Ze's arm. Ze's upper body was only wearing a black cropped short sleeve, but his body temperature was still very warm, and there was still a lot of sagging on the back of Joyce's back. "Why are you sweating?"

Ze didn't answer.

Joyce said, "Can you not be like a hedgehog?!"

Ze was taken aback and said angrily, "Can't you just zip it for one minute!"

Joyce: "..."

Joyce continued to look at the blue sky, getting closer and closer, and more and more black monsters were circling above. He could vaguely see that those little black spots were flying over from the north, and he shook his head again and said, "I feel the dark breath."

"I feel it too, thank you for reminding me." Ze replied, "after the smell of rotten creature has rushed to the nose for a while."

"It's the Legion of the Undead!" Joyce stopped arguing with him, not far ahead, Alex, Roger, and Forrest stopped.

Ze stopped abruptly, Joyce clinging to him tightly, shouting from a distance: "Teacher!"

Alex glanced back, Ze had to ride his horse closer to them, but Alex raised his hand, motioning them not to get too close, and stopped ten steps away.

Roger took out a single-sided spectacle from the leather bag he was carrying, placed it in front of his left eyebrow, and looked up at the sky.

"Gargoyle." Roger said, "Flying from the northwest, they are circling, guiding the direction of the large army. Sixteen aerial reconnaissance, the army may have about 80,000 combat units."

Forrest said, "Shoot them down?"

"Too high." Alex said, "You can't hit them."

"Let me try," Forrest said. "Since last night, I've had a lot of confidence in myself."

Forrest controlled the warhorse to approach Joyce, his legs were sandwiched between the horse's belly, his right hand untied the longbow behind his back, and his left finger took out a feather arrow from the quiver at his waist.

"Joy, give me your strength," Forrest said with a smile.

Joyce closed his eyes, took out the Holy Codex from his satchel, poured holy energy into it, and the Holy Codex automatically turned without wind. At that moment, the stigmata on all the guardian knights lit up at the same time. Joyce meditated on the divine word and applied divine powder to Forrest.

Forrest closed his eyes, the holy energy in his body flowed and gathered in his palm, and the stigmata in the palm of his left hand suddenly leaped into a flame-like holy light.

Feather arrows twirled in his slender fingers, then turned dazzling white, Forrest ripped the bowstring, pointed to the sky, and the light arrow wound.

Everyone held their breath, and the moment Forrest opened his eyes, Joyce opened his eyes at the same time, releasing the eagle eye technique.

"Let's go!" Forrest's mouth curved into an elegant smile, and he loosened the bowstring.

The arrow cut through the blue sky, dragged a shining parabola, and flew towards the gargoyle hovering at the top of the mountain!

"Run!" Alex ordered.