The Richman (Book 2)- Emergency

Aldric sat dumbfounded at his desk. Even though there was a lot of work in front of him waiting to be completed by him, but his mind was not in its place. He thought about the fate of his wife and the baby in her womb.

Aldric seemed to be twirling the ring on his ring finger, then heaved a deep breath. He looked at his vibrating cell phone on the table. Aldric read the name that appeared on the phone screen. "Dr. Nicole Craig". Reading that name, Aldric's expression turned to panic in an instant. He grabbed his cell phone and took the call.

"Good morning Mr. Bloom." Greet Doctor Craig friendly.

Aldric replied, "Good morning doctor." The answer.

Dr. Craig is the best doctor who is famous for his personal touch to every patient, even like a private patient who gets the doctor's full attention. She often contacts her patients to confirm their condition. But because this morning she tried to contact Adrianna several times and got no answer, she finally contacted Aldric, the husband.

"Sorry to bother you." Doctor Craig said pleasantly.

"Doesn't matter," replied Aldric.

Doctor Craig didn't seem to want to waste any more time, "I tried calling your wife several times this morning, but got no answer. Is she okay?" Asked Dr. Craig.

Hearing that question Aldric's brow furrowed, "When I left her this morning she seemed in good condition. Although our baby sometimes made her wince in pain." Aldric said sadly.

Doctor Craig agreed, "Yes, it is. This is the third trimester, your wife's pregnancy is about 38 weeks, and it's time for your baby to be carried out." She said. "He had an organ maturation injection last week, we will do a thorough observation before setting a schedule for the C-section." The doctor said.

Aldric froze hearing the doctor's explanation, "That fast doc?" he asked.

The doctor then replied "Yes, your baby is ready to face the outside world, Mr. Bloom." said Doctor Craig. "You'd better take your wife to the hospital this afternoon to do a thorough examination before scheduling the c-section." The friendly doctor gave advice.

"Okay, doc." answer. Aldric fast. "I'll be home soon and take my wife to the hospital," he added.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Bloom." Close the doctor.

Aldric replied, "Thanks for being so helpful doc. I don't know what I would do without your help." Aldric replied.

"You're welcome, Mr. Bloom. Glad to help. I really hope all goes well." Doctor Craig ended the call.

"Thank you, doctor," Aldric replied. The call between them ended and Aldric immediately grabbed his coat then walked quickly out of the room. Right now, nothing is more important to him than the safety of his wife and the baby in her womb.

When he got home, he immediately went to his bedroom, that's where his wife was. She couldn't walk around the house, even if to get out of bed, she needed someone else's help.

Aldric saw the door was open, while inside, Sarah seemed to be holding Adrianna's hand while she winced in pain.

"Sarah ..." Aldric immediately went into the room and Sarah immediately stood up from her seat.

"How are you, honey?" Aldric asked Adrianna as he sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand. She couldn't answer, just kept on wincing in pain.

"Sarah, how long has she been in pain?" Aldric asked panicly.

"A few minutes ago, sir," She answered.

"Why not call me?" He asked half of an angry.

"Madam forbids me, she wants to wait for some time until the pain goes away," Sarah replied nervously.

"Ask Fredric to get the car ready soon, I'm taking my wife to the hospital," Aldric ordered quickly. Sarah immediately ran out of the room. After telling Fredric, she also immediately took all the labor preparation tools that had been packed in a bag.

"Honey hold on." Aldric kissed Adrianna's forehead and the woman couldn't answer but wept silently while she continued to look in pain as she turned her stomach. Aldric immediately carried Adrianna in his arms and took her to the car.

Fredric drove while Sarah sat beside him with the baby gear, in the back seat Aldric sat on Adriana's head while his legs buckled and he continued to moan softly in pain.

Fortunately, upon arrival at the hospital, Doctor Nichole Craig was on standby. As soon as their car entered the emergency unit area, the team of doctors immediately took her with a bed and pushed Adrianna inside the emergency room.

"Please sign the emergency action." Doctor Craig said to Aldric and they pushed Adrianna straight into the examination room.

First they perform an ultrasound examination also checks for any opening in the birth canal. In addition, the examination for Adrianna's condition was also carried out carefully but quickly.

"Prepare the operating room, now." Doctor Nichole ordered, and they immediately took Adrianna to the operating room. While Aldric could only wait outside the operating room. Adrianna had to fight inside the operating room itself, to fight for her life and her baby. Meanwhile Aldric sat pale in the waiting chair. With a trembling hand, he took out his cell phone and tried to call his mother. The only one he could rely on right now was his mother.

Jolene received her son's call, "Aldric."

"Mom." Aldric answered in a rush and panicked.

"Why do you seems heard so panic, what's happened, dear?" She asked quickly.

"Adrianna is in the operating room, she's going give birth by the C-section." replied Aldric quickly.

"Oh Lord." Jollene looked surprised. "Why so suddenly?" she asked.

"I can't explain it on the phone. Can you come to the hospital right now?" Ask Aldric.

"Of course dear. I'll be going to the hospital soon. Everything will be fine. My grandson will be born safely and so will his mother." Jolene tried to calm her son down, meanwhile Aldric's eyes were already welling with tears.

"Thanks mom." he answered in a trembling voice.

"Hold on dear, mommy will be there soon." Jolene immediately took her car keys and drove herself to the hospital. After all, Aldric is her favorite son, she will do everything for her son, especially for the first grandson who will be born from her daughter-in-law's womb.

After hanging up the call with his mother, Aldric considered calling Richard. but he thought, he'd better hold off until Adrianna comes out of the operating room.

He didn't want to make Richard anxious, the poor old man had to endure many difficult things later in his life. Aldric didn't want to panic him by telling him that his daughter was not doing well and that an emergency C-section was being performed. Aldric thought it might be best to tell Richard when his son was born and Adrianna's condition stabilized.