The Richman (Book 2) - Aldric POV

I've been pacing in front of the operating room for almost an hour. I didn't think the process would take this long. I tried calling Ben and Leah to tell my father-in-law, Richard, finally. I couldn't stand if something happened to Adrianna, he had a right to know first as her father.

As soon as he got the news from Ben, Richard immediately went to the hospital, he even left the fundraising event that day to check on his daughter's condition.

There is my mother, Ben and Leah, Richard and also me. We waited anxiously, and after about an hour, I saw Doctor Nichole come out of the operating room. I and Richard immediately approached her, "Mr. Bloom, congratulation, we can save your son." She said with a great smile. When I felt happiness welling up in my chest, Richard immediately hugged me "Congratulations."

"Thank you." I get very emotional when it comes to my son. But, Adrianna, why didn't the doctor tell you about Adrianna's condition? What happened? Instantly I felt my throat was so dry, I couldn't bear to ask my wife's condition.

"What about my wife?" I asked doubtfully.

Doctor Nichole was silent for a while, "We've done our best sir ..." Doctor Nichole seemed reluctant to continue his sentence.

My face suddenly turned pale and my blood seemed to recede from my body, my heart stopped beating for a moment. Adrianna's pregnancy which has been a scourge for me now really makes me unable to breathe, even when I know my son was born safely. But I certainly can't let my wife lose her life to give birth to my son.

"Your wife lost a lot of blood, she will be transferred to the ICU for postoperative intensive care." Doctor Nichole smiled blandly, then left us. My mother hugged me again. My heartbroken into the pieces. While Richard seems couldn't stand his feeling. I know that his heart was also broken like mine. He walked to the bench and sat there, he closed his face with both hands. While Ben came and sat beside him, he hugged his father.

"I can't bear the loss anymore. I'm so devastated by the loss of your mother. I don't want to lose my daughter too." Richard sobbed in Ben's arms.

I let go of my mother's arms and walked over to him, I took his hand, "I'm sorry." I said, and he turn to me, "It's not your fault, Son." he answered and we hugged each other in tears.

Richard Anthony was a dashing man, he had a big heart and he looked invincible. But when it comes to the person he loves, he's just as fragile as I am.

"Adrianna will recover," Ben said those words in the middle of our tears. "She is my sister, I know her very well. How stubborn she is, of course, you must not forget that. She will fight for her life. Trust her." Ben said encouraging us. I remember very well that my wife was a stubborn woman. And for the first time, I hope she insists on living with his annoying nature.

I saw Adrianna being pushed out of the operating room but we couldn't get close because she was taken through a special patient door and immediately placed in the ICU. A sterile room that neither of us was allowed to enter and take a close look at. We saw Adrianna lying there with various pieces of equipment attached to her body to support her life. Even so, at least we have hope that Adrianna is still alive and will struggle to recover.

Everyone waited in front of the room, until finally Ben and Leah left us to go home, and so did my mother. While I sat with Richard, my father-in-law. It's the only time we've really been as close emotionally as we are now.

"You know, Adrianna was born from her mother's womb without me by her side," Richard said and it made me gasp in surprise.

I furrowed my brows and turned to her, "Why weren't you near your wife at the time, sir?" I asked hesitantly.

Richard sighed deeply, "Someone in the past of our lives kidnapped Christabell and dumped her in Puerto Rico. A place I almost didn't expect." he answered.

I was even more shocked, "Puerto Rico?" I asked.

"Yes." Nod Richard. "I almost lost my wife and my first daughter. I was in a phase where I didn't want to live anymore at that time." He said with teary eyes.

"Then how did you find them?" I asked.

Richard sighed deeply, it seems this story is too heavy to tell. "It's a long story. But I know that Christabell will always protect her daughter, present or not, I'm sure Christabell is standing there to look after her daughter now," said Richard.

I rubbed Richard's shoulder, it felt like I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I know he loves his wife, my mother-in-law, very much. That woman is so easy to be loved by anyone. She is gentle and loving, also beautiful and kind. I could feel how heartbroken this old man was, as I felt right now, when I saw my wife standing between life and death.

A few moments later each of us began to control ourselves. We sat quietly looking into the glass room where Christabell lay. I pray in my heart that Adrianna will wake up and recover soon. I'm also sure that Richard will do the same.

"Ben is right. Adrianna is stubborn. And I know exactly where she got that trait from." said Richard. "Her mother is just as stubborn as my daughter, especially when it comes to her children," he added.

I nodded, "She does look a lot like her mother." I agreed with him.

"Even though she looks weak and helpless, Christabell is a strong woman," said Richard again. He looked at me deeply, "Believe me, my wife did not forget to pass that trait on to her daughter. She also passed that brave trait on to my daughter." Richard said encouraging me.

"I know." I agreed.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Can you wait here and call me if something happened to her?" He asked me.

"I promise to give my last breath to wait for her to wake up. I won't go anywhere." I answered. "I'll call you when she wakes up." I convinced him.

He smiled, "Thank you." he said before left me alone.