The Richman (Book 2) - Handsome Boy

The second day there were signs of Adrianna starting to wake up. Actually, since last night Adrianna has shown good signs of progress. But the doctor is still observing until this morning a thorough examination was carried out and the laboratory results were all good. Adrianna does not have sepsis and her condition is starting to improve. She even started trying to come to her senses. And Doctor Nicole was the first to tell Aldric the good news.

Aldric's heart seemed to have just bloomed with flowers because for the first time he could see his wife open her eyes even though she was still very weak. Her lips were chapped and her face was pale, but she forced herself to talk, "What about my son, is he safe?" The first question that came out of her was not about herself.

It made Aldric almost cry again, how could this stubborn woman not even think about herself who had just crossed the bridge between life and death. She still thinks about her son.

"Yes." Nod Aldric while continuing to kiss his wife's hand.

"Thank you for sacrificing yourself to give birth to my son," Aldric said with tears in his eyes. "I don't know what it would be like if you didn't . . . " Aldric couldn't finish his sentence.

"Do not say that," Adrianna whispered weakly. "I will fight for my son as well as for you." She added.

"Thanks, darling." Aldric kissed Adrianna's forehead and both of them burst into tears. There is a feeling that is hard to say when a new human being is born from two people who love each other and sacrifice very much to have a baby until the baby they hope for is actually present in their midst.

"Can I meet him?" Asked Adrian full of hope.

"Of course. I'll bring him to you." Aldric answered quickly, his face also beaming. He couldn't wait to introduce his handsome son to the mother who had fought to the last drop of blood to give birth to him.

"Wait a moment." Aldric rose from his seat and walked out of the room where Adrianna lay waiting. He walked excitedly towards the nursery.

One of the nurses greeted him when he entered the nursery.

"Good morning Mr. Bloom." The nurse is friendly.

"Can I bring my son? His mother is awake and wants to see him." Asked Aldric.

The nurse smiled, "Of course. Your handsome son is bathed and ready to meet his mother. It's better for your wife to breastfeed your son too," replied the nurse as she took George from the crib and gave it to his father.

"Ok." Aldric smiled when the nurse handed George to his arm. "Are you ready to meet your mom?" He staret at the pure eyes of baby George.

His is feeling much better now than yesterday, post-surgery, where his wife was declared critical and his son also had to stay in the NICU overnight. Like standing on the brink of an abyss, losing one or both of them would destroy Aldric.

He was even shaking and in tears staring into the incubator where the handsome baby was sleeping with the oxygen tube in his tiny nose. "Hold on champ," Aldric whispered.

"Your mother fought to risk her life for you, hold on for her," Aldric added that night with tears in his eyes.

But this morning he very proudly, happily, and excitedly held the handsome baby in his arms and wished him a good morning, "Good morning handsome. It's me your father." He greteed his son.

"It must have been really uncool for you to meet your dad but the guy was crying so much." Adric smiled, laughing to himself. "I can't lose your mother, nor can you. That's why I cried." Aldric said his feelings for the baby in his arms.

"Now let's meet your mother and show your good looks." Aldric smiled as he left the nursery and headed for the room where Adrianna was being cared for.

Aldric came into the room and brought the handsome baby on his arm. While Adrianna couldn't hold back her tears, she burst into tears again, but this time they were happy tears.

"My son." Adrianna took George in her arms. "He's so handsome." Praise Adrianna, she still can't believe that she has just delivered such a handsome baby into the world.

"Yes, he inherited his grandfather and father's good looks." Aldric replied. It is undeniable that there are similarities between George and Richard in some parts of his face.

"Yeah, I see he looks a bit like my dad." Adrianna nodded in agreement. "But he's definitely as handsome as his father." Adrianna looked at Aldric.

"And I hope he can be as strong as his mother." Aldric smiled back at his wife's gaze.

"The nurse suggested that you learn to breastfeed him." Aldric looked at Adrianna and the woman looked back at Aldric, "I'm so nervous." She answered.

"I'm here to help you. Trust me, George is a smart handsome boy, he can do it." Aldric replied as he helped Adrianna into a comfortable position to be able to breastfeed George for the first time.

Her feelings were mixed, between happiness and emotion, so Adrianna couldn't say anything but stare at her baby in amazement. George quickly adjusted and was able to find his first meal straight from his mother. Breastfeeding the baby directly will increase the bond between mother and child, and that's what Adrianna and her son want to achieve.

After a full feed, baby George fell asleep, and the nurse came to say that George could sleep in the same room as his mother tonight. Even the nurse said that the next morning after the examination, and her condition was declared recovered, Adrianna would be allowed to be discharged from the hospital with her baby.

Alric took George and put him on his lap, he whispered to Adrianna "Go to sleep, I know you are very tired." he whispered.

"I want to take care of my baby." Adrianna answered even though she looked helpless.

"I'll take care of him while you rest." Aldric replied.

Adrianna smiled, "I didn't expect you to change so much. You look like a hot daddy, now." Adrianna looked at her husband and smiled weakly.

"Things turned everything around in seconds. And I fell in love with this handsome baby the first time I heard his loud cry, especially when I felt that he was looking at me and wanted to say something to me." replied Aldric.

"He's your son." Adrianna smiled, before finally closing her eyes and falling asleep. After the C section and losing quite a lot of blood, Adrianna's condition has not recovered, she still needs a lot of rest and Aldric will always be there to take care of the baby, as long as his wife is in the healing phase.