A New Goal to Take the World (2)

"What do you mean?" Zhao Fei was even more confused. 

"How many stars that have contended with me in the past were left? How many stars have retired and how many of the people that were once at the peak stayed in their spots? How long did they hold the first spot?" Ran Xueyi said these in one breath. 

Zhao Fei shook her head, "None... none of those you've worked with were able to take the first sport of Throne of Stars."

Throne of Stars was the official stars ranking. It was not only made for fans to vote but also a stringent and legit ranking voted by prominent figures in the entertainment industry. They counted how many works an actor has done in that year, the awards they got, the achievements they received, their acting talent and skills were also highly and intensely evaluated, and lastly, how popular an actor has been in that year.