Farewell and A New Beginning

The day of departure has arrived. 

Many people were walking around the airport, holding their suitcases and travel bags. Some planned to leave and return early, some came from another place after leaving the airplane, and some planned to leave the country for a long time and return only for a bit. 

Ran Xueyi was the latter. She will leave for a while. Nobody knows when she will return but if things went as she had planned, she might return after two years. 

Because it was a sudden trip abroad, aside from Song Yu Han, Zhao Fei, Wu Qi, and Feng Huai, who was the last to know about her leaving, nobody else knew about this since it was a bit too sudden. 

Zhao Fei hugged Ran Xueyi and said, "Take care of yourself. I will prepare everything here so you can have a smooth return."