Final Confrontation: Ran Xueyi and Steffanie (2)

"No need to sit down. I won't take long anyway." Steffanie refused, trying to take a grasp on her remaining pride. 

Ran Xueyi was indifferent to her words. "Sit down."

Steffanie stared at her, at a loss for words. The other person's tone was very authoritative and compelling. 

Ran Xueyi was unfazed by this and closed the book on her lap. She said, "Even a dog knows when to take orders from the person who owns them. In this case, you're lower than a dog, to my eyes. Steffanie, I think it is wise for you to take my advice and sit down."

It was the same thing she heard last time. What did Ran Xueyi tell her? A friendly advice, was it? Then, Steffanie ignored that and did something far worse than she could have ever done. Now, she was in this situation.