Endless Support (1)

Ran Xueyi was in a good mood after giving Steffanie and Shi Lian what they deserved. Truth be told, if they hadn't provoked her like this and even tried to ruin her face by spilling chemical acid to her face, she might have only retaliated a little bit. But what they had done was merciless and inhumane. How could she not answer their action with an even more evil action? 

Now, Steffanie could live in a prison where all lawless people who had the same mindset and maybe, even worse, are now living. Would she still be able to live a spoiled princess life in prison?

"Are you okay?" Adelle rushed inside the room as soon as the police officers dragged Steffanie outside. 

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. How's the thing I asked you earlier?" Ran Xueyi went back to bed to sit there.