Now that we've talked about two of Jack's children, we're going to circle back to the late twentieth century. We have some important people to talk about, and of course these are the various scientists who were involved in the Radical-9 Incident beside Jack in Universe Prime. Three of these people, Greg Daniels, Jay Rein, and David Cress all have their histories intertwined throughout the 1970s through the 1980s as each of these three gentlemen were fast friends throughout school.
They each shared a love for science, but Jay also shared a love for writing. In Universe Prime his writing talents faded quickly after he went to college to work freelance with his two friends and eventual roommates, but because of the shift from the universal focal point Jay actually has a falling out with David and Greg after high school. They go to separate colleges while David and Greg become roommates like they had before in Universe Prime.
This is where Jay's path branches off and his life begins to change. He keeps up his writing throughout the 1990s and finds a niche in science fiction and horror. He meets Karen Song while in college and the two become lovebirds, finding each other even after the shift to the new possibility. Jay proposes to Karen at their graduation celebration, the both of them happier than could be. After graduation the two move out toward New York—Karen's family lives out toward the city and Jay was looking to travel to new places. After a tearful goodbye from his parents the two are out on the road and on their way, laughing down the highway. They find a nice house in the quiet suburbs—Jay loved to admire the city from afar, but he does admit that the rush of the city doesn't suit him well. Thankfully, the mortgage on their new house isn't too bad—manageable, and Karen is more than happy to support him as a writer as he does her, a cop. Karen doesn't get hit with cancer in this new history—she's a carrier of the gene, but it never proved a problem like it once has. She had of course received the terrible news that her mother was afflicted with the terrible sickness, something that did not occur in Universe Prime. Jay and Karen marry while they're in New York and decide that they want to try to have a child. I'm going to save John for later on in our tale here, as he'll be more important once we talk about the children of the scientists as a whole.
First we must travel back to the roommates who had still kept their friendship alive, Greg Daniels and David Cress. These two are more close to their Universe Prime counterparts in the fact that they continue on in their pursuit of knowledge through science. They do end up working freelance like they did in Universe Prime.
Greg meets Lorraine Wilson during their senior year and marry within a year. Everything moved at the speed of lightning with the two of them. Passion ignited romance and knowledge fueled long nights studying together which led to reactions which would embarrass the sparks of fire cracking from the skies above. The two co-authored several research papers on various fields of study—their curiosity couldn't be satiated. Greg and David soon parted ways after their first four years of school, as the both of them were going to different campuses for higher education. Lorraine stayed with him in Denver while David moved out toward Aurora, Colorado. The stress of the Radical-9 experiment doesn't cause the exact sequences that would have Lorraine cheat on Greg as in Universe Prime, however two years after Greg finds another man in their home after coming back from a business trip. The two split and go on their own paths, choosing to focus more on their work than their failing marriage.
David and Elena do not meet until a few years after he has graduated from college. He meets Elena after stopping down in Castle Rock for a potential job offer—they settle down and have Andrew. Since the Radical-9 experiments haven't been performed, Jen is never adopted by Elena & David. The two parents have Andy and that is enough for them.
Mason in this history doesn't make it out of the army. In a way he is subject to a similar fate that Friedrich Adata does, except Mason is much too young to have served in World War II, obviously. He's killed in a recon mission in Panama. Each of the scientists have had their lives changed in this new possibility, but if there was anyone that had more changes to their life than the scientists it was their children.