Megan was born in the late 1990s to Pamella Foster and Trevor Rand. She grew up with little to ask for as her father was a talented movie director. She grew accustomed to city life and began working at a local coffee shop for a few years before working her way up to become the store's manager. Glory and glamour didn't interest her, she was happy where she was and was good at her job. Her mother grew ill a few years later, a wave of a new and mysterious virus had struck her immune system and confined her to a hospital bed for the entirety of 2020.
The virus hides itself among other easily treatable diseases like the common cold. It disguises itself before it can be fully diagnosed causing the immune system to fight against itself, fail, and then shut down. Only a few hundred cases were confirmed fatal with the virus—it wasn't Radical-9 levels of atrocious, but the families that were affected were hit hard. Megan's mother was one of these fatalities.
Pamella Foster passed away in February of 2021 when she was only forty-seven years old. Megan was only twenty-two when her mother had passed, so it affected her life drastically. She showed up to work later and didn't have the same old pep that she greeted her coworkers with every morning. Some days were better than others, but they were mostly bad.
Her father left Colorado after hearing the news and moved back to California to be with his side of the family. He and Megan were never close, and she didn't miss him when he left. It wasn't that he was a bad father—far from it. He'd helped her grow up into the person that she was to that day and she couldn't say that she didn't love him...but there was always something that Like a ringing noise that you hear in the back of your mind that you've convinced yourself doesn't exist. That noise was the growing discord that hung in the background and nobody cared to acknowledge it. Nobody knew where it stemmed from, if the two of them were set in a room and asked to describe their problem with the other, they wouldn't be able to give a straight answer. All Megan knew was that it was her mother that kept them both together, and as the glue faded away, the pieces fell apart. After her father moved away, Megan had found her own sort of peace in coming to terms with her mother's death.
She signed up for therapy and began attending sessions every Thursday night after work. Soon, it transitioned to every other Thursday, and before long she didn't have to go at all. Her performance at work began to improve and she began to feel the joy she had originally felt previously. Her higher ups began to notice and she soon found herself moving up in the chain, becoming regional manager the day before her twenty-seventh birthday.
She finds a girl that she connects with while out celebrating her birthday at a bar. Her name is Sadie Hawkins and the two begin spending a lot of time together—eventually making their relationship official. It's around this time that Megan's father comes back into the picture. He's fallen on hard times and never picked himself back up the way that Megan had after Pamella's death. He began to drink more often and spent any available money he had on booze to make the pain go away for just a little while. Eventually, his relatives back in California grew sick of his dependence on them and gave him no other choice but to head back east to seek help from his daughter.
Megan hesitantly agrees to take him in and introduces him to Sadie. He welcomes her into the family and promises to clean himself up. He starts out okay as he begins attending AA meetings, but it isn't until a fight with Megan over his participation that he truly begins to take the help seriously. Megan, now nearing twenty-nine, is finding more success at work with the coffee shop's constant growth and expansion across Colorado. Sadie, an author, works from home but is sure to keep the house filled to the brim with novels of varying genres. She hides the engagement inside one of the books as a surprise and proposes to Megan on July 3rd, 2029. The two get married four months later, and Megan's father finds his own apartment on the other side of town—holding down a steady job as a contractor. It wasn't glamorous, but he didn't need it to be Megan and her father grow closer in this time, finally connecting for the first time since Pamella's death. Megan is of course only the first of the ex-Adata children to have their lives changed by the start of the new history. Sometimes different doesn't always mean better, but that what entails will be more clear after the changes that Sam and Jen go through.