Chapter 2: Searching for a place to live (Rewrite)

Opening Author's Notes:

Hey guys! This is my rewrite of chapter 2, please enjoy!

"Talking" or 'Talking'



- - - - - = Time jump. For when the current character gets knocked unconscious.

. . . . = Character swap. For when the narrative swaps from its current character to another.

(Thank you to ItsArcane for some of these writing tips)

Zach sniffled as he wiped away his tears. He couldn't believe it, it was 2033! He even felt it, it was as if his grasp on reality got worse.

Earlier when he was walking back to the alleyway, trying to keep himself calm, he tried something...well, more like he willed it.

He willed himself to have some type of shoes to walk in, and after no one was looking, it happened.

Now he was sitting in the alleyway confused, surprised, and sad all at the same time. The confusion for wondering how he ended up in the SCP universe, the surprise from figuring out he's a reality bender. And the sadness from wondering if he can ever see his family again.

Zach stopped crying now, at this moment he was thinking, his mind filled with endless questions but thinking nonetheless.

He calmed himself, he tried to think back to how any of this could've happened, all he could remember was after he finished reading an article on the SCP wiki, he turned off his computer and went to bed, and when he woke up, he woke up to a bustling city, not the comfortable confines of his bedroom.

He woke up in d*mn 2033, New York.

2033 New York in the SCP universe.

A universe that has monsters and creatures, with various abilities that can kill before you can blink. A universe that if you're abnormal, you'll have different secret organizations trying to contain, kill, or use you for the "greater good".

And now...Zach was in that very universe where he could be in much danger.

He didn't know how long he had until the Foundation, or any other organization found him. But he knew that the term "greater good" was a lie. He knows of all the crimes the Foundation has committed for the greater good of humanity, they aren't the only species out there that needs protecting.

It was getting later in the day now, about dusk from what Zach could see, he would take a short nap then try to figure everything out, the first thing to do after he woke up was to find somewhere empty or abandoned, somewhere no one would go. That is the place where he will be living from then on.

Because from all the articles he's read, emotions here could get you killed, so...even as much as he wants to cry about the thought of not seeing his family again, and the fear of the universe he's awoken in. He doesn't have time for those things. He has to bottle his emotions and has to have his sights set on something else.




Why was she drawn to New York of all places? It's not like she wanted to come here, it's just that she sensed a high concentration of reality alteration here, or...someone that could alter reality.

She didn't know which one it was, which confused her because she'd always been able to use her abilities to detect things, especially things corresponding with reality.

As Josephine, or what few others at the Foundation like to call her, the Green King, walked down the empty streets of New York, the feeling that drawn her here flared up.

She followed where her senses led her, and she was surprised, to say the least, that feeling....that constant shift, in reality, the feeling that something only reality benders of her level could feel that power.

The power she felt was coming from what looked like an adolescent African American male who seemed to be homeless. The alleyway he was laying in didn't seem that great either.

Josephine's face was filled with shock and confusion as she looked at the sleeping male.

'This is what was giving me that feeling?! A kid?'

Josephine was wondering whether she should second guess her senses or not for leading her to...this.

With a heavy sigh and waste of her time, Josephine was about to walk away...until she felt it.

It felt like reality was shifting, flax after flax as if it would become unwoven like a ball of yarn. So she acted.

She acted by actively pulling reality back together because she felt that it could collapse at any moment.

Buildings, streets, lamposts, the ground itself was being undone! That headache from 13 years ago came back worse than ever.

The strain on Josephine's body became worse and worse the more she tried to use her powers to fix whatever was happening.

It kept getting more unstable as more time went on, 'It's...not going to stop!' Josephine mentally screamed, as her body took so much strain that her whole body collapsed.

Reality got more and more unstable...then suddenly everything stopped.


That was all she could think of while staring at the boy in front of her. His powers were so unstable and powerful that it almost collapsed reality!

If his powers didn't stabilize themselves, she could've kissed the world as she knew it goodbye.

'...I'll be keeping a keen eye on you...whoever you are.'

And with that thought, Josephine snapped her fingers and vanished.


Zach woke up with a jolt, it felt as if the atmosphere just got colder. As if an overwhelming presence just left.

He quickly shook his head, reminding himself of what he planned to do when he woke up.

Even as his emotions were running rampant within him, he had to bottle them up and move.

He swiftly grabbed his smartphone laying next to him and he got up and trekked out of the alleyway. Stepping out of his temporary, now abandoned home Zach continued to step out of the alleyway in a relaxed manner as not to draw attention to himself.

As he walked down the sidewalk, he kept an eye out for some of the more scarce parts of New York that he could live in. He checked the GPS on his phone and scanned his surroundings as he walked further through the city.

Zach also made sure to keep an eye out for SCP'S that were specifically in New York, less he wants to get contained before he can even explore this universe.

He made sure to avoid the golden gate bridge, subways, and any other major landmarks and locations in New York. And he wanted to make sure that he didn't go anywhere near where SCP-052 was located.

Zach took a look at his phone again to see his location, it looked like he was getting further away from New York's Metropolitan area.

His emotions were getting more out of hand the further he walked. He didn't want to make a scene in front of all these people, and he knew from reading some articles that though reality-bending was a very versatile power, it can become very unstable if the one who has the power doesn't have their emotions in check.

As he did in the alleyway, Zach bottled up his emotions and made sure to bury them deep so that they wouldn't burst out at random.

Emotions were simply a crutch in this universe, a universe that most organizations here were morally grey.

Zach slowed his pace a little, to take more time to look at his phone for possible places to lay low and keep his existence from being known by many of the popular organizations in this universe.

He went back to his phone and made sure to close out of his GPS app before going to his web browser. Nothing had a problem loading, and his phone surely didn't seem to have any internet issues, otherwise, they would have shown when he was using his GPS.

Zach typed in the search bar "Abandoned hospitals and asylums in New York."

Not to his surprise, a bunch of results popped up. He specifically paid close attention to some of the places that were either disintegrating, not open to the public, or people were too scared to even go near them.

In the end, Zach decided on either the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center or the Renwick Smallpox Hospital.

He chose the Renwick Smallpox Hospital.

It was located on Roosevelt Island, it was a good seclusion area. But the island was of course used by the public daily for many purposes.

'This is going to be harder than I thought.'

Zach schemed in his mind about how he could get on Roosevelt Island without being suspicious or noticed by ant Groups of Intrest.

He could use his newly acquired reality-bending abilities, but he couldn't use it on a massive scale endless he wants to get the Foundation's attention, which he wants to AVOID.

So he thought, Zach was planning on what he could do to get the people off Roosevelt Island without drawing attention to himself WHILE trying to keep a low profile.

Even though he thought he could just teleport there, he doesn't know the full extent of his reality-bending abilities and how much damage they could do.

'How will I be able, to set myself up at the island for a while without drawing attention to myself? CK class reality restructuring scenario? No, any smart GOI would notice that instantly...a distraction?'

There. He had it.

That's what he was going to do, distract everyone for long enough so that he could practice on his reality-bending abilities, and figure out how to get back home.

Now then how will he cause chaos amongst the public?


Closing Author's Notes:

Hey guys and girls! I know I know, its been like a month since I did the rewrite for chapter 1, but you know how life is. Thank you guys for all of the support, and now the story is going in a direction to where Zach is going to explore more of the open fictional world of the SCP Foundation, thank you all for reading, and I'll see you next time!

And go to this website if you wanna learn more about Greenking.
