Chapter 4: Testing

Author's Note:

Phew! Thank you guys for all of the support. I kinda sorta made a plot for this chapter, but expect in later chapters for Zach to go to some dimensional SCPS. But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I will try to make this one 2k word or more, but enjoy the story!


In a dimly lit room lies a table, a table with 13 chairs, and each of those 13 chairs has one individual in it, and each individual is a member of the O5 council. The O5 Council. O5 Command. The Overseers. Overwatch.

These are the people who have ultimate control over the Foundation.

Each O5 member knows almost everything there is to know about the Foundation and its activities. Between them all, they know every single secret that the Foundation holds.

Most Foundation personnel spend their entire careers without seeing them. Members below Clearance Level 2 don't even know they exist. Most people outside the Foundation have never heard of them, or don't think they are real.

Most everyone is afraid of them. An O5 walks into a room, and everyone pisses their pants. That's what happens when you hold supreme power over one of the scariest organizations in world history.

They thought they were the ones who held all the information the Foundation currently holds. Until they learned about a certain individual. Subject [REDACTED] it was called, it had gotten into the secure Database of the SCP Foundation. It didn't take the interrogation yesterday seriously, and it might know more than it's letting off. It might even have anomalous properties, and even know many Groups of Intrest.

Quick Author's Note:

I will be using certain O5 council members' proposals and also ones from sunnyclockwork's art so credit to them. These are the ones I will be using.

O5-1: "The Founder".

Male. European descent. American origin. Verified post-human lifespan; 148 years of age. Varying appearance.

A holdover of the occult organizations preceding the Foundation, so he likely benefits from more preservation techniques than merelySCP-006, and he likely possess a large degree of anomalous protection. References have been made to him being"clad in rags and bones"; obvious occult significance.

One possible identity for the original Administrator.

Evidence strongly suggests that he was born Aaron Siegel in the late 1800s (possibly 1866). Certainly,one Aaron Siegel was a physicist studying at Cornell University in 1891, who disappears from the historical record after this year. This timeline doesn't match what we know of O5-1's activity, but given his position and the reality-restructuring events that have occurred, it's entirely possible.

Rumor has it that he'sGears'father. If true, this would make him the Black Queen's grandfather —my grandfather.

Two contradictory sightings stand out. Once in company of O5-2, appearing as an extremely old man. Once in what appears to be security footage of an underground bunker, appearing as a young teenager.

O5-2 a anomalous Monitor with a big eye in the middle of the screen.

By Sunnyclockwork


O5-3: "The Kid" or "The All-Seeing Eye".

Male (?). European descent (apparently). Unknown origin. Appears to be 17-19, despite being certainly much older. Always has long blond hair, glasses, patched jean jacket, and a single bone earring. Never seen in person; communicates via computer terminal.

Usually presents as male, sometimes as female, sometimes non-binary/other. Never explains this. An informant suggested to me that it's a computer error; I find it hard to believe it's not on purpose.

Original identity unknown. Various intelligence reports claim that he (?) is actually dead, and only exists in the computer matrices he created. Excessively friendly in personality. Usually. A relatively active O5 member at certain Sites.

Assorted rumors hold that O5-3 is the brother ofSCP-2772(perhaps likely), and may have helped invent the Internet in the 1960's (unknown).

"The Swallowed Tail" sourceconnects "The Kid" with an image of dubious provenance depicting a Korean child, but regards the image with scepticism. True appearance of O5-3 unknown.

O5-3 is reportedly the head of the Foundation's Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration, managing all of the Foundation's digital records. Capable of predicting future events, including extranormal ones. Is this just a matter of having all of the data, or are anomalous means being used?

O5-4: "The Ambassador".

Male. Australian (Koori) descent. Canadian origin. Mid-40s. No unusual appearance. Assigned female at birth.

Former Foundation field agent. Many recorded sightings; unlike all other members of O5 Command, commonly interacts with agents or representatives of outside anomalous groups of interest.

He also works with the Administrator in a more traditional ambassador role, privately meeting with heads of state and high-tier organizations such as the Global Occult Coalition/United Nations to negotiate such matters as Foundation access to countries. Has a sizable staff of diplomats working under him.

Allegedly capable of travelling vast distances in an impossibly short time- apparently by foot. Surprisingly open about personal details, but the details of this ability are kept under wraps. Clearly anomalous - possible use ofWays?

Pertinently: How does he keep finding me? And why doesn't he share that with the rest of the Foundation? Possibly bound to an esoteric/anomalous rule-set. Requires investigation.

Excerpt from intercepted communication:

A lot of fieldwork and being in the wrong place at the right time. Got to be a little bit of a diplomat, and ended up getting sent out to talk to various GOIs over the years. Got pretty good at it. Too good, really.

Another of those who ended up being promoted because he's so damned good at his job, but not entirely trusted, because he walks places people shouldn't go, and keeps secrets.

His loyalty isn't in doubt. Just the wisdom of his excursions.

"The Swallowed Tail" sourcealso depicts the Ambassador as the public face of the Foundation, but differs on all other details. Described as a Persian male, Iranian/Armenian ancestry, early-thirties, originally a French stage actor known as Jean Lemieux Betrand, born Jean Ebrahimi.

Allegedly "anomalously charismatic", but there's no evidence that he's anything more than a pretty face. Defers to O5-7 "Green". Loyalty to the Foundation is questionable - possible weak link?

O5-5 an anomalous black cat that can talk.

By Sunnyclockwork


O5-6: "Cowboy", or "The American".

Male. European descent. American origin. Mid-40s. Long hair kept in a ponytail. Nearly always dresses in white suits, with a white Stetson "Boss of the Plains" cowboy hat, and carries a white cane with the handle carved in the shape of a wolf's head. Unknown significance, if any.

Former top Foundation field agent; other details of prior identity unknown (probable wipe). Professional yet genial. Reputation for high competency. Plays something of a "jack of all trades" role within the Foundation, but focuses particularly on issues of Foundation security.

One of the O5s seen more often in public. Travels with two male bodyguards referred to as "Thompson" and "Black".

"The Swallowed Tail" sourceindicates that he was once known as Rufus King, a Union Brigadier General and the Minister to the Papal States before joining the Foundation. Now serves as "Special Council to the Joint Chiefs of Staff", liaison between the Foundation and the Pentagon. Commands the Foundation's Department of Applied Influence (Private Army), alleged to have founded Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand", and may have been involved in the creation of MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box".

Appears to be in his mid-fifties, but for his military record to be true he'd have to be the oldest Council Member, with some way of extending his lifespan even before joining the Foundation. This is either a blatant fabrication by someone who couldn't even get the dates right, or worth looking into further.

O5-7: "Teeth".

Agendered. East Asian descent. Chinese origin. Verified post-human lifespan. Appears to be mid-40s; almost certainly older. Androgynous appearance (in normal form). Always wears two ivory hair-sticks. Reports claim these were fashioned from human teeth/bone; obvious occult significance.

Unusually for an O5 Council member, it seems unclear whether O5-7 was originally fully human. They possess the ability to shift between a human form, and a variety of difficult-to-describe eldritch beings. They are supposedly involved in the containment of (and maybe collaboration with) certain "extraplanar" entities beyond Lovecraft's weirdest dreams.

This is an unusual set of reports. This O5-7 is supposedly both very human (hard to get more specifically human than all those culturally specific details), and yet supernatural to an extreme degree. The consistency in the reports has disturbing implications about the Foundation's hidden activities, even if this O5-7 is a cover for someone or something else.


O5-8: "Magnolia".

Female. European descent. Appears to be mid-50s; likely older. Deliberately not beautiful in appearance.

O5-8 is known for being brutal and harsh, though never arbitrarily; known for making hard decisions. Known to have played a deciding vote in the decision to nuke several significant Foundation Sites during a particularly deadly breach.

Her physical appearance is deliberate. Overseers certainly can alter their appearance if they wish. This seems to be due to an emotional state plagued by guilt. Considered vulnerable to assassination attempts due to rumors that she would welcome them.

Wears a ring of human sinew. Occult significance obvious.

O5-9: "The Outsider." / "The Ordinary."

Female. European/Pacific Islander descent. New Zealand origin. Appearance consistent with recorded age of 53. Carries a walking stick with jade inlays; item's purpose unclear, whether occult or practical.

O5-9 is one of the most unusual O5s, for an oddly mundane reason: she appears to have been inducted directly into the O5 Council from the public sector.

The reason for her recruitment is unknown, given her complete lack of previous Foundation experience. Formerly Donna Whetu Taylor, a noted geologist, she was inducted shortly after retracting a major publication and resigning in scandal. Stated reason for the retraction was scientific misconduct including fabrication of data, but the scandal was more likely a Foundation cover-up: the few available fragments of the retracted publication suggest that Taylor had discovered several geological and geophysical anomalies, and was developing a general theory of their function.

Strong advocate for research of anomalous phenomena, including those with SCP designations; possible ally of O5-2 ("The Gardener"). Apparently partially responsible for allowing the recent dramatic expansion of the Foundation's classified technical journals (a project apparently spearheaded by Regional Director Katherine McTiriss, if rumor is correct). Goals appear to include the development of a general explanatory theory for anomalous phenomena.

O5-9's unusual circumstances have led to a large number of contradictory reports. As far as I can tell, she replaced or superceded a prior O5-9 ("Misfortune").

It's said her appointment barely passed, with a Council vote of 7 to 6. At least three votes swung to her side at the last moment. Evidence of tension within Overwatch?

Of note: Many sources claim that O5-9 is personally close with O5-10 ("The Archivist"), but"The Swallowed Tail" sourceclaims extreme antagonism. It's doubtful this is a coincidence. The two are intertwined, one way or another. I wouldn't doubt that both claims are true, because both were involved in a certain incident which would be unwise for us to discuss in this forum. One might say I recommend drawing zero conclusions.

O5-10: "The Archivist".

Female. African/European descent. American origin. Appears to be mid-40s. Tends to wear grey striped suits.

O5-10 plays the role of archivist and record-keeper. She acts as custodian of the records of previous iterations of the planet and associated timelines.

These records show how many times Earth (or the timeline associated with Earth) has been severely damaged and "reset", and how many "resets" the Foundation has allowed, or stopped. Additionally, O5-10's records include the full number of K-Class events that the Foundation has ever been aware of (including some information passed from prior timelines). Most of the O5 Council does not have access to this information, and only O5-10 has access to all of it.

O5-10 inherited her role from a prior O5-10, and therefore has been an O5 Council member for several years. However, she has only recently become publicly active within the Foundation. She has "adopted" a number of newer researchers, and taken special interest inSCP-1985and similar SCP items related to major K-Class scenarios.

Reported to have trouble sleeping.

"The Swallowed Tail" sourceidentifies an O5-10 with a wildly different appearance, history, and personality, but otherwise fitting the same role. This variant report claims the Library considers her an abomination, but cannot stop her from coming and going. (I should warn the reader to be suspicious of any sources that claim to know the goals and mentality of the Library, including when it's one of us updating this dossier.) While this report shows unusual signs of disinformation, it can't be dismissed. What truth lies here? What truth is being hidden?

O5-11: "The Liar", or "Father of Lies".

Unknown descent. Unknown origin. Apparent age varies. Always attractive in appearance; tends to wear expensive clothing as any gender.

Gender appears to vary, either via anomalous means or due to multiple figures in the same position. Usually referred to as 'she', despite the nickname.

O5-11 is the Foundation's chief disinformation officer. She organizes cover ups, invents cover stories, and creates rumors to be spread both within the Foundation and without. This includes many erroneous reports about O5 Command (that is, assuming this report itself is not erroneous, which it may be). Not even her staff know what's true and what isn't; and in many cases, neither does she.

Very often referred to using different O5 numbers, including non-standard numbers such as O5-15. Naturally, there are also reports that O5-11 doesn't exist at all, and is a cover for an even deeper disinformation campaign.

Frankly, I find it rather likely that 11 isnotactually the correct number, and it's possible that this "O5-11" is actually a separate figure, like the Administrator. Presently impossible to tell.

After all, we're dealing with too many liars.


O5-12: "The Accountant".

Male. African descent. African origin. Appears to be mid-40s; almost certainly older. Large-bodied. Always dresses in extremely expensive tailored clothing. Wears dark wrap-around glasses: smoked glass framed in ivory. May or may not be to hide his eyes. Likely occult significance.

O5-12 plays the role of accountant for the Overseer Council. A mathematical genius; ensures all the Foundation's numbers add up. Has access to certain data that no other Foundation member does, for this purpose.

Precise, calm, practical. A strong believer in order. Every part of his daily route, and indeed every action he takes, right down to his drinking habit, is strictly scheduled.

"The Swallowed Tail" sourcepresents an alternate but still somewhat consistent picture of this O5-12. Some of the background is misinformation (likely including the photo — though I can't be sure, for obvious reasons), but trying to verify some of this information led down interesting paths. Should be considered.

O5-13: "Death".

Gender unknown. Descent unknown. Origin unknown. Age unknown. Appearance unknown.

One of the more outlandish reports on a possible O5-13; claims that Death itself was bound by the O5 Council in the early 19th century. Per these reports, the slot of O5-13 was created for Death in the first place. Euphemistically referred to as "The Other Overseer".

Death is both a member and a prisoner of the O5 Council; it can cast a vote as normal. However, it is imprisoned by the rest of the Council, and by a majority vote of the O5 Council, the Council can control it. Death apparently otherwise carries out its functions as normal.

SCP-006does not exist; the longevity of O5s actually stems from O5-13. By majority vote, they can order O5-13 to stay its hand from any Council member — or indeed anyone in the world, though using this power for non-Council members seems to temporarily weaken Death's chains, and is therefore rarely used.

When used, it is typically on a mass scale —SCP-2000and similar anomalous items also do not exist, and are used as cover for every time that Council has voted to utilized O5-13's power to return most of the world's population back to life.

These reports may, or may not, conflict with claims that the O5 Council's immortality comes fromthe imprisonment and mutilation of Death, or from residing in alocation shielded from the processes that cause mortality.

Unknown connection, if any, toSCP-2935.

"The Swallowed Tail" sourcealso identifies Death as having been bound to the Council by a bargain, in exchange for the life and Council seat of one of one Felix Carter, formerly (perhaps) the original -006exists but is insufficient for the Council's purposes, and long since exhausted. The body of Felix Carter is preserved in either the South Atlantic, or any number of other locations. This report contradicts the specifics of other reports claiming O5-13 to be "Death" — but we can confirm there is some form of anomaly in the South Atlantic that matches the description given in this report. Something is being hidden here.

Okay! That's all of the O5s! Enjoy the rest of the story!

"So, I belive we all know why we are here my fellow O5 council members." O5-1 The Founder stated. "We do." The rest of the Council replied. "How did a normal civilian get level 5 clearance, and hack into the Database none the less?" O5-13, Death asked. "We don't know yet but, we are about to send the Subject for testing to see if it has only anomalous properties." O5-5, Black Cat quickly replied. "We had personnel check his mobile smart phone, and it seems that we can't get any information from the subject, the phone must be anomalous as well and is being contained inside an anomalous storage container." O5-7, teeth said.

"Okay, all in favor of testing the subject to get all the information we can from it then terminate it?" The Foundation questioned. "Approved." The rest of the Overseers agreed.












To say Zach was bored, was a complete under statement. No, he was dying of boredom. I mean, he has been sitting in this containment cell for who knows how long. All he wants to do is just see some of his favorite SCPS and Scp personnel. All of a sudden Zach heard a voice over a speaker from the corner of his containment cell. "Subject [REDACTED, please be calm while guard escort you to testing." The intercom then cut off. Zach assumed only a small number of level 4 personnel and senior researchers know about his little "breach" in the Foundation's system. So he might get some odd stares from anyone below those clearance levels, but he doesn't mind.

When Zach saw the metal door slide open he saw two guards, they looked no different than the guards that are in SCP CB. "Get out of your cell now, Subject [REDACTED]!" One guard yelled. "Jeez man, you know you don't have to scream in my fac-" Zach quickly shuts up as he is now looking down the barrel of the other guards gun. "No talking Subject [REDACTED]." The other guard camly said. Zach gave a faint nod of approval before they finally take him out of his cell and down the corridor, handcuffed of course. Zach is very very excited at this moment, because he's actually going to meet an SCP! He wonders which one it may be, maybe 173, 049, 860, 682, oh the possibilities are just endless!

As they continued walking down corridor after corridor, each one seemingly longer than the last. They finally reached a metal door with the SCP symbol on it, meaning that it was a containment chamber for some SCP. Zach looked off to the left of the door and saw a poster on the wall that said "Item #:SCP-895

Object Class:Euclid." This...was not what he was expecting, but it is still an interesting SCP none the less, so he couldn't complain. "Subject [REDACTED, go into SCP-895's containment chamber and look at the CCTV monitor." One guard ordered. They pushed Zach into the room as he heard the metal door close behind him. In the room he could see a metal table with two rolling chairs under it, and two monitors mounted on the wall, the one on the right having a ON and OFF switch under it. It was then Zach noticed that a lot of the things he has seen in the Foundation universe so far has been a jumbled mess of some Foundation cannons and SCP games. That was... not surprising to say the least, since the SCP wiki has no definite cannon. But Zach had time to ponder later, now, was the time to see if he can survive SCP 895 with out dying. To the left of Zach was a doorway leading to a staircase that has the coffin at the bottom.

Zach took a look at the monitor and stared seeing... horrible, no, terrifying images, of gore, and images that made a shiver go up his spine. He looked at the monitor for a couple of minutes and... nothing happend to him. Zach expected this because if he is immune to all of this stuff in the real world, than why wouldn't he be in a Metaphysical one (Fictional world). After Zach dozed off looking at the screen for like 5 minutes, the two guards eventually came and took him out of the containment cell back to the maze of corridors.

This time when they stopped, Zach's eyes widened when he looked at the posters by the door. It read... Item #:SCP-1762

Object Class:SafeNeutralized





Zach... as soon as the guards put the remains of SCP 1762 inside the room with Zach for some reason, his eyes kept tearing up. Zach remembered the article very very vividly, he remembered every single interaction the box and the Dragons would have with the Foundation, the cold. logical, not fun at all SCP Foundation. Now Zach was full on scale crying, he couldn't hold back the tears any longer. Zach was filled with sorry for 1762 and anger for the Foundation, even though the SCP authors controlled this world's actions, the characters the authors wrote about still had some form of control over their lives. Zach was now starting to see the Foundation from a sad SCP'S perspective. Zach was very angry at the Foundation, it was them that were cold on logical that led to the fall of SCP 1762 and many other SCPS. In the midst of his sobs Zach remembered the ending of the article, when a piece of amethyst crystal fell out of box and the words being carved into it, "One last time."

'One last time' Zach thought through his melancholy. 'One last time, One last time for everything, One last time the Dragons came, One last time Fantasy existed, ONE. LAST. TIME.' As Zach sobbed louder, each cry of pain for the perishing of the Dragons and their world filled the room louder, every time. As the guards were rushing into the room to quickly take Zach back his cell, or perhaps psychological counseling for his mental breakdown. Before they could reach him, a blinding white light took over Zach's body and the remains of the box. All that was on Zach's mind at the moment was that he wanted to do something, no he needed to do something to save one of the many SCPS he came to know and love over the years. 'I... I have to save them, they and so many others I in this world suffered, and they still do so so much, I just need one last time to help them all.' When the white light quickly ceased to light the room any further and eventually faded out, all the two guards saw was the blinding light and the Subject no longer in the room, and the box... well the box was reformed into the previous instance of itsself with the words "HERE BE DRAGONS"


Author's Note:

Finally! Done with chapter 4, and man! This took longer than expected. But I really hope that you guys enjoyed the chapter, and thank you all so much for all the support I have already gotten in just a couple of days. But I hope all of you, ladies and gents have a great day!