Chapter 12: Observing

Author's Notes:

Thank you guys once again for all of the support last chapter! Jeez, the Foundation really doesn't treat humanoid SCPS well. Well, enjoy the chaper!

"Talking" or 'Talking'

















.....Testing [REDACTED]-B. In a test-taking place with SCP [REDACTED, overseen by Doctor Bright, the subject has displayed more anomalous abilities. One of those abilities being some sort of telekinesis. Due to the previous tests trying to measure the subject's Hume Levels, it is unknown how powerful of a reality bender the subject is. The two D-Class personnel have suffered minor injuries, both are now in the medical bay. The subject also has an anomalous smartphone, contained in a storage locker [REDACTED]-A. Please go to file on subject's information for further details about it.


























Pissed. Pissed is what Zach was feeling right now. The reason he was so pissed is because of how the end of the last test went, it was terrible. They shot him with a sedation dart! Even after he surrendered and had his hands up, yet they still shot him! 'Stupid d*mn Foundation! Now I know why some of the humanoid SCPS hate it here, some even tried to commit suicide! I am so sick of this crap! But...I have to put up with it...if I want to help some SCPS.' Zach calmed down from his temper tantrum, and he thought for a moment. He thought about how he could make his reality-bending better, because if he wants to save people, then he's going to have to practice how to use his powers.

He doesn't remember the wiki mentioning much about reality benders except if they were actual SCPS. He pondered on how exactly to practice. 'That's it! If reality-bending requires my willpower and thinking power I'll just get better at that, through meditation!' Zach was now feeling very upbeat that he had a vague idea on how to strengthen his reality-bending, but he had to test if it works first.

He readjusted himself on the ground to sit in a comfortable position in the middle of the room. Once he was there he slowly closed his eyes and took slow deep breaths in...and...out. While Zach was meditating he failed to notice the camera watching him beforehand. And the people behind the camera were very what he could do.
















If Doctor Miller thought that the subject would get this much attention, then he would've tested it with more SCPS! And the only reason it's getting the O5s Interest is that it's a cell phone that they revere keeping in a very secure storage locker!

But...he should go check on what it's doing. He hasn't checked on the subject in a while. He walked down to the Level 4 Researcher observation room to see the SCP. He slid his card through the door and slid open smoothly with a small hiss at its stop. As soon as he walked in he saw two other figures sitting at the security cameras. One of those figures was wearing a brown cowboy hat, and the other had a red amulet around their neck.

This made Doctor Miller pause for a brief moment. He mentally groaned because of the two figures in front of him. 'Of course, it had to be Bright and Clef...just why them?' Doctor Miller sighed and walked towards the two researchers, his footsteps very evident that he was in the room with them.

The two researchers turned around to face him, smirks adorning both of their faces. "If it isn't Doctor Miller!" Doctor Bright said with an excited grin. "Hey there Miller." Clef quickly said after Bright. Doctor Miller returned their greetings and walked over to a different monitor to observe the new SCP.

"Hey, which SCP are you looking at? Oh? It's that one, gee it's really interesting huh?" Bright said as he looked at what Doctor Miller was observing. Clef, intrigued by what both of them were looking at, also walked over to the monitor. After he saw what Miller was looking at, a big smirk lined his face once again as he viewed the SCP.

Doctor Miller casually ignored them as he stared at the camera showing the SCP'S room. The subject seemed to be doing some sort of meditation from what he was seeing right now. Doctor Miller was confused on why it was meditating at a time like this. 'Maybe to lower stress because of the tests perhaps.' Doctor Miller said to himself

The next couple of minutes was spent just watching the camera in the SCP'S room just waiting for it to do something interesting, but alas it didn't. Doctor Miller gave a brief sigh as he was getting up from the chair in front of the monitors. He was about to leave the room until he heard Clef and Bright say something. "Now that looks like fun!" Bright exclaimed with a happy grin. "This SCP is getting interesting." Clef quipped as fast as Bright did.

Miller quickly turned around and looked at the monitor. What...the SCP...was...floating!? This was definitely a development that the O5s were watching. Doctor Miller rushed backed over to the monitors to take notes. Not only was the subject floating...but it was emitting some sort of white light as well. 'What is this? Is this more of it's abilities!?' Miller screamed in his mind.

Doctor Miller's hand was scribbling down notes at tremendous speed when he saw the new developments in the new SCP as of late. Now he was very interested in this certain SCP. He will have to have it tested more, but for now he will observe.






Closing Author's Notes

Sorry for the wait! I know that this chapter is short but I really wanted to get something out quick! But thank you for all of the new people who are viewing my story, and I hope you enjoyed and have a great rest of your day!