Chapter 15: Learning to shoot!

Author's Notes:

Alright chapter 15 is here! Thank you for all of the new people who have been viewing this story! Now please enjoy the story.

"Talking" or 'Talking'












The bullet flew straight through the man's head as if it were paper. She kept firing more shots at the incoming enemies that had no clue where her position currently was.


After another soldier dropped like a sack of potatoes, Iris slammed a new magazine into her Barrett M82 sniper rifle as she prepared to take another shot.

She looked through the scope and had her sights on another soldier, she would have shot him if it wasn't for the shooting on her six.

Iris originally came here with a couple of MTF agents to raid a local Chaos Insurgency base, the Foundation picked up radio chatter on their comms a couple of weeks ago, and with a little bit of planning and some a-hole higher-ups, here she was now.

"CRAP!" Iris yelled out, as she quickly slid down the other side of the hill, careful to avoid the other bullets that were being shot at her front.

She assumed that all of her squadmates were dead of MIA, considering that she hasn't seen them since the Insurgency started shooting at them.

'It was a trap!' Iris screamed to herself, knowing that the Insurgency had too many soldiers residing in that one base.

Now knowing that the machine gunner that was previously pelting bullets at her is behind the steep hill she was currently on, she found another place to position herself behind a thick tree as she defended her front.

"-105 do you copy!? Repeat 105 do you copy!?"

Radio chatter was emitting from Iris's Radio as she quickly took cover behind the tree she was positioned behind and responded with haste.

"Yes, I'm here! My whole team is dead, I request backup!"

Iris turned around back to her shooting position as she put another bullet in a CI member's head.

"Request approved SCP-105, sending support to your coordinates now."

A different voice on the radio spoke this time, Iris didn't care, she just wanted to get out of all of this alive.

Not even ten minutes later she sees Foundation helicopters landing near her location, she was saved.

Zach was sitting in his containment chamber, just pondering to himself. It had been a couple of days since that female MTF Agent had taken him for training so he could be on Alpha-9, he didn't know when he was going to go back to the place they were at last time, but he hoped it was soon, it was getting a little boring while in Foundation containment.

Zach was humming a small tune to himself as if to ease his state of mild boredom.

He immediately stopped once he heard the hydraulic metal door slide open behind him.

He snapped his head to his six and saw that it was the MTF Agent that was training him. They both stared at each other for a few seconds l before she put him in some pretty tight restraints, and led him to what he assumed was the same place they trained last time together.

Both of them didn't make a sound to each other as they were walking down the plain white corridors.

Not soon after they reached their destination, she took off his restraints and went in the shooting range with him.

It was the same shooting range as last time, not to Zach's surprise at the very least.

On the table near him, there was an assortment of different types of firearms.

Pistols, Assault weapons, Automatic weapons, Semi-automatic weapons, Shotguns, and other ones that Zach couldn't particularly name at the moment.

He was confused to why there were so many lethal weapons in the room, couldn't he just grab one and kill this MTF Agent?

He turned to give a look at the said Agent behind him, her, seemingly understanding the gaze that was pointed at her, she spoke up.

"They're Non-lethal weapons, they shoot strong BB's, not enough to kill someone. Did you really think the Foundation was sloppy? Especially with a reality-bender as yourself?"

Zach gave a quick irritated huff from his nostrils, he didn't want to cause any unwanted conflict, so he swiftly stopped himself from simmering in any anger.

"Whatever," Zach replied back. "So which one am I testing out first?"

The MTF Agent looked at her clipboard, she scribbled a couple of things on it before she turned back to Zach to answer his question.

"Well, we'll be starting from the bottom and gradually going up from there. Go ahead and grab a pistol of your choice and try to hit the target."

Zach picked up a Glock 17 and aimed it at a moving target.

His breathing slowed, and his muscles relaxed.


Zach hit one still target in the head, and the two moving ones in the chest.

He smirked, having pride in his improvements in shooting.

Zach looked back to the MTF Agent as she was scribbling back on her clipboard. "Alright...good, good. Okay, go ahead and choose an Assault Rifle of your choice."

The MTF Agent said with none of her attention focused on Zach.

He nodded, and placed down the pistol in the same place where he picked it up.

He looked over each individual AR he could choose from, and he eventually chose the Non-lethal AK-47.

This time Zach went over to the Automatic Weapons part of the shooting range.

In this specific section there were no still targets at all.

'D*mn, this might be a bit more challenging than I thought it would be. I mean what did I expect? They're training me to be on Alpha-9, so I should expect a lot more than what the Foundation is currently throwing at me.'

After Zach mentally assessed the situation, he was quick to shove down his cockiness before it got out of hand.

Zach was about to take aim and shoot at the moving targets before he heard the MTF Agent speak up behind him.

"Stop, you're in the wrong position, here let me help."

The Agent went to go help Zach ease into the correct position to shoot an Automatic Firearm, after all, the SCP would be useful when it was going to be on an MTF squad with proper training.

"Ok, first your feet should be about shoulder-width apart with the off-side leg and foot slightly forward. Legs should be bent a little and your shoulders vertically aligned with your toes and knees. This makes for a slightly weight-forward posture that helps with recoil. It's a fighting stance, much like you assume when shooting a pistol. And make sure to tuck your elbows tight to your body."

Zach nodded and got into the position the Agent told him to get in, she was readjusting his posture to make sure he had the best accuracy that he could.

Zach calmed his breathing, his hand was firmly on the grip on the gun, his finger slowly inching the trigger closer to doing its intended action.


The AK was pelting out bullets so fast, it was one bang on top of another, the d*mn thing was loud!

He let go of the trigger after he was getting tired of the strong BB's pelt against the cardboard.

For a Non-lethal BB gun, it was loud.

Zach placed down the AK back in its original place, he watched the MTF Agent scribble at her clipboard once again, she looked up at him and spoke.

"That should be enough for today, come on, put your hands behind your back, training's over, I'm taking you back to your cell."

Zach didn't hesitate to put his hands behind his back, as he and the MTF exited the room, and walked down the sterile hallways with the same silence as they walked in with...


Closing Author's Notes:

I know, I know, I took some time off from writing chapters. But now it's time to get back up to schedule with writing. I might even give you guys a Christmas never know. But thank you all for reading, and have a great day!