Lost god

Eric North: Please, Penelope. Why are you doing this? (Eric asks his wife)

Penelope North: It's too late, Eric. I don't want to be with you anymore. (Penelope replies him sadly)

Eric and Penelope have been married for five years. But now Penelope seeks to end their marriage, even though Eric doesn't want to.

Eric North: I don't want a divorce, Penelope. I've always been faithful, and our marriage hasn't had any problems in all our years together. So why do you want a divorce?

Penelope North: I know you'll never cheat on me. I know you're a good man. But this marriage hasn't been working for me this past few years, I feel like we're strangers forced to live under the same roof.

Eric North: Why didn't you tell me you felt that way? (Eric asks with sadness in his voice)

Penelope North: You're never home. You're always working, or travelling, or doing something else without me. (Penelope explains with tears in her eyes)

Eric North: I was doing my best to ensure you lived comfortably.

Penelope North: Well I lived mostly alone, and very unhappy. (Penelope retorts)

Eric's Lawyer (Counsellor Ramon): Since my client has been faithful, and as you said, a good husband. There is no proper grounds for a divorce.

Penelope North: But I want a divorce!

Counsellor Ramon: Sadly it doesn't work that way, Miss Penelope.

Penelope's Lawyer (Counsellor Juliet): If your client doesn't sign the papers, we will have to take this to family court.

Penelope North: Is that want you want, Eric. To take this to court?

Eric North: I'll do anything to try and save our marriage.

Penelope North: Then this meeting is over! (Penelope yells as she angrily leaves)

Eric follows Penelope out of the law firm, desperately trying to talk to her. But Penelope doesn't want to talk to him.

Eric North: Penelope wait! Let's talk about this! (Eric yells as he grabs Penelope's hand)

Penelope North: Let go of me! (Penelope yells as she turns around and slaps Eric)

Eric North: Come back home. (Eric pleads)

Penelope North: That is not my home. And you are not my husband.... I just don't love you anymore. (Penelope tells him with tears in her eyes)

Eric North: But I still do... Please give me a chance, to win your heart again. (Eric pleads)

Penelope North: I... don't deserve a chance. (Penelope tells him sadly)

Just then there is a sudden commotion as the sky slowly turns red. There is panic in the faces of everyone around Eric and Penelope as they look up at the sky. Eric and Penelope join the crowd to look up, seeing an enormous astroid heading straight towards the earth. This was an extinction level astroid, and as it strikes the earth, it kills every single person, covering the earth in fire and death. And thus marked the end of the human race.

But Eric suddenly wakes up in a dark room, he doesn't know how he got there, all he can remember is seeing an astroid, and then waking up in this mysterious place.

Eric North: Where am I?... Hello! (Eric yells out)

Man: Quiet down! I've got a terrible hangover! (An Asian man yelled as he laid on the ground behind Eric, still trying to sleep)

Eric looks behind him and sees that it's not only the two of them that was in the room, there were four other people, among them was his wife Penelope.

Eric North: Penelope are you alright?! (Eric yells as he run over to the unconscious Penelope)

Penelope North: (Groans) Eric?... Where are we? (Penelope asks in a daze)

Eric North: I have no idea. (Eric answers)

Suddenly a bright blue being appeared, illuminating the dark room with his presence. This being looked more or less like a human male, except he had four eyes, blue skin, and was as big as a giant. He levitated in the air with his legs crossed like he was meditating.

Floating Giant: Welcome Earthians! You have been given a great opportunity! (The giant spoke with a voice that was loud enough to wake up the other three people in the room)

Asian Man: What the hell?... Am I still drunk? (The man asks in a daze)

Black American Man: What are you?! Why have you brought me here?! (The man asks boldly)

Asian Man: You're not the only one in the room dude. (The man clarifies)

Little Girl: I'm scared. Are you going to hurt us? (The little blond girl asks in fear)

Floating Giant: Calm yourselves! All shall the explained! (The giant said with a deafening voice, as it floated around joyfully)

Eric North: You're too loud! (Eric yells as he covered his ears)

Floating Giant: Sorry about that. I forgot how delicate Earthians are. (The giant says in a normal manner)

Penelope North: We're humans, Earth is the name of our planet.

Floating Giant: (Chuckles) It's not yours anymore. It belongs to me now. (The giant says with a big grin)

Asian Man: What do you mean by that? (The man asks with a look of worry on his face)

Floating Giant: My name is Null. I am what you may refer to as a Lost god. (The giant explains)

Eric North: A Lost god?

Null The Lost god: Yes. I like to claim doomed worlds. It brings me absolute joy.

Black American Man: Earth isn't doomed.

Null The Lost god: Oh really? Have you forgotten that it was struck by an astroid? Or did you think it was some sort of dream? (Null asks)

Asian Man: So I am dreaming. I knew this wasn't real. (The man says as he tries to convince himself that all this wasn't real)

Null The Lost god: Is this real enough for you? (Null says as he waves his hands, showing all of them a terrifying vision of what the earth has become)

Earth was in ruins, the destruction and death was unlike anything they've ever seen before. The sight was enough to bring the little girl to tears.

Eric North: This can't be real. How are we all still alive then? (Eric asks in disbelief)

Null The Lost god: Because I saved you all. I took you out of the planet before it was hit. You owe me your lives. (Null says with glee)

Black American Man: What do you want from us?

Null The Lost god: I'm glad you asked.... I want you all to participate in a game, you will be competing against other survivors from doomed worlds.

Asian Man: What happens if we win this game?

Null The Lost god: If you win, I will restore your planet to what it once was.

Penelope North: And what of the people who died?

Null The Lost god: Naturally, they shall be restored as well. And as an added bonus, I will erase the memories of their horrible deaths. (Null says with a smile)

Black American Man: Do you really have that kind of power? (The man asks skeptically)

After hearing that, Null shrinks to the size of a normal man and walks up the the black man.

Null The Lost god: Yes I do. (Null says with a disturbing smile as he shows the man his hand, which six miniature floating planets appear on)

Eric thinks for a moment before answering

Eric North: We'll do it. (Eric tells Null)

Asian Man: Hey, wait a minute! Shouldn't we discuss this first?!

Eric North: There's nothing to discuss. If we don't play his game, he'll probably kill us

Asian Man: Is that true? (The man asks in fear)

Null The Lost god: I wouldn't kill you... I would just return you back to your doomed world, and watch you all die on it. It's pretty uninhabitable at the moment. (Null says with a laugh)

Black American Man: Well then, we'll definitely play your game. (The man speaks sharply)

Null The Lost god: A wise choice. Take a moment to get to know each other, the first game will begin soon... Goodbye. (Null says as he floats into the air and disappears)

Eric North: You heard what he said... Let's get to know each other. (Eric tells the others, with Penelope by his side)

Next: Land Of Monsters