Land Of Monsters

The earth has been destroyed by an astroid. A being known as Null, promises to restore the planet if the survivors from Earth choose to play his game. Faced with no choice, the survivors must work together, to save their doomed world.

Eric North: My name is, Eric. This is my wife, Penelope. (Eric introduces)

Penelope North: Ex- wife. (Penelope clarifies)

Asian Man: Awkward. (The man says as he reads the room)

Black American Man: Anyway. My name is, Trevor. Nice to meet you all.

Little Girl: My name is, Amy. (The little girl says nervously)

Asian Man: My name is, Duke. I'm happy to be here, and to be alive as well. (Duke says with a smile)

Trevor: Now that we're all buddy buddy, why don't we talk about how super messed up our situation is! (Trevor tells them all)

Duke: I know right?! (Duke agrees)

Eric North: That Null guy said that we would be playing his game with other survivors from doomed worlds. Does that mean we'll be competing with Aliens?

Duke: Noooo. Aliens aren't real. (Duke says with nervous smile)

Trevor: If lost gods are real, then the existence of aliens is the least surprising thing I've seen today.

Penelope North: This is insane, suddenly the fate of Earth is in our hands. That's a lot of pressure. (Penelope comments)

Trevor: We don't have much of a choice. It's all on us. (Trevor tells her)

Amy: I'm scared. I wanna go home. (Amy says as she crouches down on the ground in fear)

Penelope North: I know it's scary being in a room with complete strangers. But don't worry, I'll protect you. (Penelope tells her kindly)

Amy: Really? (Amy asks)

Penelope North: Cross my heart. (Penelope promises with a smile as she hugs the young Amy)

Duke: What kind of psycho brings a child to play a deadly game? (Duke whispers to the others)

Eric North: It's obvious that this Null is not stable. (Eric states)

Null The Lost god: Ouch. That hurts, but I won't hold it against you.... The first game begins now, are you all ready? (Null asks as he floats in the air)

Null was in a normal size, but his presence was still overwhelming.

Eric North: Can we have a little more time?

Null The Lost god: No. (Null says as he snaps his fingers, teleporting them all away from the dark room)

Eric, Penelope, Duke, Trevor and Amy are teleported to a huge clearing in the middle of an alien forest, which had strange plants and trees.

As the five all look around, they see strange humanoid figures around them. Some had thick metal armor on their bodies, others had big heads and floated off the ground a little, some even looked like humans, but wore strange black clothing, and had markings on their foreheads.

Duke: Oh my gosh. These are Aliens! (Duke says in surprise as he's standing with alien beings)

Null The Lost god: Earthians, Orthoans, Merillians, Perillians, Tallians and Zarrians. Welcome! (Null says as he floats joyfully above them all)

Duke: Why are the names so weird?, We're humans! At least call us Earthlings if you want to mention our planet! (Duke tells Null loudly)

Orthoan Male: Speaking to a lost god so boldly. You must not fear death. (The Orthoan male tells Duke)

Note: Orthoans look like humans.

Duke: For an alien his English sure is fluent. (Duke whispers to Trevor)

Trevor: I bet you that he's the one who's making us understand each other. (Trevor says as he points at Null)

Duke: Of course he is. (Duke is unsurprised by this)

Null The Lost god: Now! This place is called the Land of Monsters! For this game you must kill as many monsters as you can. The smaller ones are worth five points, the larger ones are worth ten points, and the biggest ones are worth a whopping fifty points. It takes a hundred points to win this round, so do your best. (Null explains with a smile on his face)

Tallian Female: What are the rules to your game?

Null The Lost god: You must always do what I say. That's all. (Null tells them)

Orthoan Female: How are we going to kill the monsters?, Should we use our bare hands? (The Orthoan female asks boldly)

Null The Lost god: You will have weapons. But only one per person, so choose wisely. (Null says as he waves his hand, and six huge black boxes appear in front of the players, with the name of their planet written on each of the boxes)

Duke runs up to the box labelled earth and looks inside.

Duke: Guys our box is filled with guns, knives, and other cool shit! (Duke says as he rummages through the collection of weapons)

Trevor joins Duke to check out the weapons and soon finds his pick.

Trevor: If I can only take one weapon, then I'll be taking this. RPG baby! (Trevor says in excitement as he pulls out a light weight rocket launcher)

Penelope North: You guys seem way too calm about this. (Penelope comments)

Duke: What did you expect us to do. Freak out?! (Duke ask her)

Trevor: Look around, Penelope. We're playing a god's deadly game with aliens. If we don't get our heads straight, we die. And I don't want to die today. (Trevor tells Penelope)

Eric North: He's right, let's just search for a weapon we can handle.

Trevor: Oh I can handle this. (Trevor says as he held onto the RPG, confident in his choice)

Duke: I'm taking this. (Duke says as he takes out a military grade assault rifle)

Trevor: Nice. (Trevor tells Duke)

Eric looks into the box and finds guns, knives, grenades. But only one thing catches his eye, and he pulls it out.

Penelope North: You're taking a sword? Wouldn't a gun be a better choice in this situation?

Eric North: Yeah. But you know me, I never liked guns. That's why I chose this. (Eric says as he swings the sword around, but it falls out of his hands seconds later)

Penelope North: Maybe you should reconsider taking a gun. (Penelope tells him again)

Eric North: I never back down when I've made a decision. So I'm not quitting the sword, or you. (Eric tells her)

Penelope North: Do what you want. (Penelope says as she ignores his comment and goes to look for a weapon)

After searching for a few minutes, Penelope brings out a forty five caliber hand gun.

Penelope North: I guess I'll go with this. (Penelope says as she chooses her weapon)

Duke: Amy, don't you want something?

Amy: Those look scary! (Amy tells him with a scared look on her face)

Trevor: You need to pick something, Amy. We're about to do something dangerous. (Trevor tells her)

Penelope North: Don't tell her that!... Come on, Amy. I'll help you find something less scary. (Penelope tells Amy as he helps her search for a weapon)

Trevor: Hey, Eric. What's the deal with you and Penelope. Is she your wife, or Ex- wife? (Trevor asks Eric after the girls left)

Duke: Yeah I was wondering about that.

Eric North: Before this all happened, Penelope wanted to divorce me. But I wasn't giving in. (Eric explains sadly)

Duke: Why does she want to divorce you? You seem like a nice guy.

Eric North: (Chuckles) Thanks. I don't know why she wants a divorce, It all happened so suddenly, even though I thought our marriage was going great.

Trevor: The bright side of all this is that If we manage to survive and win this game, that will be all the marriage therapy you'll need. (Trevor tells him)

Duke: Nothing like saving the world to rekindle the flames in your marriage. (Duke comments)

Eric North: Thanks you guys. I'm glad to be stuck in this crazy situation with two cool dudes.

Trevor: Don't mention it. (Trevor tells him with a smile)

Penelope North: We're done. (Penelope says as she arrives with Amy, who was carrying a sheathed army knife)

Duke: Nice! You'll definitely kill something with that.

Penelope North: It's for protecting herself. Hopefully she won't have to kill anything. (Penelope tells Duke sternly)

Duke: Okay, I get it. (Duke tells her)

Null The Lost god: Now that you've all selected your weapons, there is something you must know about them. Your weapons will not run out of power or ammunition, they cannot be destroyed, and you can never lose or change them. Is that clear? (Null asks after his explanation)

Duke: There's something I don't get. Why do those alien guys get advanced weapons and armor like in some SciFi movie, why we just get the normal stuff?! (Duke asks)

Null The Lost god: Because those are the weapons that are famous on your planet. You can't have the weapons from other planets, because then you won't know how to use them dummy. If there are no more stupid questions, let's begin the first game! (Null says as he claps his hands)

A few seconds of silence go by and nothing happens, but soon insect like monsters begin to crawl out of the alien forest, and enter the clearing which they all were.

Eric North: Here they come! (Eric yells as the monsters charge at all of them)

Next: Survival.