
Penelope North: Monica!... Monica! Where are you?! (Penelope yells out)

Duke: Monica!... Hey guys, check this out! (Duke says as he bends down to pick something up)

Trevor: What is it?! Do you see her somewhere. (Trevor asks as he hurries over)

Duke: No. I was talking about this... It's that poisonous flower that we saw on TV. (Duke says as he hold up the flower)

Trevor: If it's so poisonous then why are you touching it?! (Trevor yells)

Duke: Don't you remember? Only the pedals are poisonous, not the stem. (Duke explains)

Trevor: Still drop it, what if you accidentally touch the petals?!

Duke: It's fine, that won't happen. (Duke says before removing an empty bag of chips from his pocket, and putting the poisonous side of the flower in it)

Trevor: Do what you want. Just keep that thing away from me. (Trevor says as he walks away)

Duke: Will do! (Duke says as he puts the bag in his back pocket)

Eric North: Guys this is going nowhere, come back! (Eric yells for the team to regroup)

The team regroups and consider their options.

Eric North: We've looked for Monica, but I don't even think she's here. For all we know she may be back at our room.

Trevor: True.... We've wasted too much time here. Those alien jerks didn't even wait for us.

Duke: We have to catch up to them, before we run into monsters.

Penelope North: Agreed.

Amy: What about my mommy? (Amy asks)

Penelope North: Listen Amy, your mom is safe. But we won't be if we stay here, we have to keep moving.(Penelope explains to her)

Amy: Are you sure my Mommy's okay? (Amy asks)

Penelope North: Yes I am. I've never been sure about anything else in my life. (Penelope tells Amy with a kind smile)

Eric North: Alright let's get going. It would be better if we run, so let's take turns carrying Amy.

Amy: I can run on my own. (Amy tells him)

Eric North: I know you can. But you can't run as fast as we can. So for now, we'll carry you. (Eric explains)

Amy: O- Okay. (Amy reluctantly agrees)

Penelope North: I'll go first. (Penelope says as he carries Amy on her back)

Eric North: Let's go! (Eric yells before he starts running, and everyone follows him)

The team manage to find some footprints left behind by the alien teams, which leads them on a path to follow. As they continue running, they spot a member of the Tallian team.

Tallian Male: They you are! I've been searching everywhere for you lot! (The alien man yells)

Eric North: Sorry for the trouble we caused you. We stayed behind because we were searching for something. (Eric explains)

Tallian Male: There is only death to be found around here... Come with me, I shall lead you to the others. (The Tallian says before he begins to leave)

Everyone follows the Tallian, happy that they got an escort. As their walking however, they see a large dog like creature on the ground.

Duke: What is that? (Duke asks)

Tallian Male: We stumbled upon it while we were passing. Luckily it was fairly weak. (The Tallian explains as he keeps moving)

Trevor: Weak? (Trevor mutters as he looks at the terrifying looking creature the Tallian called weak)

Duke: Wait! (Duke tells the Tallian)

Tallian Male: What is it? (The Tallian asks in annoyance)

Eric North: Duke what's going on? Why did you tell him to stop?! (Eric asks)

Duke: Sssh! Hey alien dude! Back away very slowly. (Duke warns)

Tallian Male: Why?... What's wrong? (The Tallian asks curiously)

Duke: In front of you, Is a very dangerous plant... Whatever you do, don't touch it. If fact don't even graze it! (Duke warns)

The Tallian looks at the ground and indeed sees a small green plant in front of his feet. He's nervous at first, but after checking the minicomputer on his mechanical arm, he becomes calm.

Tallian Male: My device tells me that I'm in no danger. (The Tallian says confidently)

Duke: Forget your device! I'm telling you that you are! (Duke yells)

Trevor: What's with you and plants man! The alien says it's harmless, and it's not poisonous one we saw earlier.

Duke: When you guys were all sleeping one night, I stayed up late and watched a weird alien documentary... That plant traps people! (Duke warns)

Tallian Male: I've had enough of this nonsense!... This is harmless! (The Tallian says as he stomps on the plant)

All of a sudden vines shoot out of the ground and bind the Tallian tightly. Then a tiny purple flower also shoots out of the ground, and let's out a deafeningly loud sound.

Eric North: What's happening?! (Eric yells as he shields his ears with his hands)

Duke: We're screwed, that's what!... They're coming! (Duke yells)

Penelope North: What's coming! (Penelope asks)

Duke: Predators! (Duke answers)

In a matter of seconds the area is surrounded by a pack of the dog like creatures. And they all look ready, to feast.

Next: What It Takes To Survive.