What It Takes To Survive

Duke: Damn it!... Rifle! (Duke yells as he summons his rifle)

Gun! (Penelope says as she summons her handgun)

Sword! (Eric shouts as he summons his sword)

Rocket Launcher! (Trevor yells as he summons his RPG)

Eric North: What are these things, Duke? (Eric asks as he readies himself for a fight)

Duke: We're dealing with a symbiotic relationship type deal. The Mox plant traps victims with it's vines, and allows predators to feed on them. That way it gets nutrients from the blood and guts that's left behind. That sound we heard, was a dinner bell.

Trevor: Is there a way to stop these monsters? What do you know about them?! (Trevor asks desperately, as he stares at the pack of dog monster in fear)

Duke: I don't know what these things are, but I do know that they must be dangerous... We need to free that alien dude, only he can save us. (Duke explains)

Eric North: I'll cut him free with my sword! (Eric says as he runs towards the Tallian)

Upon seeing movement the monsters attack, coming at them like a pack of wolves.

Duke: Hurry up, Eric! (Duke yells as he opens fire on the beasts)

Just like the other monsters, bullets do nothing more than annoy the beasts. But it's still painful enough to keep them at bay.

Trevor: Let a big boy handle this! (Trevor yells as he blasts away the creatures with a shot from his rocket launcher)

Penelope North: I'll handle the ones that get close... Stay behind me, Amy! (Penelope says as she fires her handgun at the creatures)

Eric North: Don't worry, I'll get you out of this. (Eric says as he begins to slice off the vines with his sword, but they are a lot of them)

Tallian Male: Hurry up and free me! (The Tallian yells)

Eric North: Trust me, I know! (Eric says as he hurries up)

Just as Eric is about to free the Tallian from the vines, more shoot out of the ground and bind him again.

Eric North: Hey Duke, This isn't working out! (Eric yells)

Duke: You're gonna have to do it faster, buddy. Those vines can re- trap. (Duke explains as he continues shooting at the creatures)

Tallian Male: Just keep my good arm free, I'll handle the rest. (The Tallian says confidently)

Eric gets to work, cutting away the vines that were wrapped around the mechanical arm of the Tallian. Once the hand was free, the Tallian makes a sudden hand gesture and his arm transforms into a cannon.

Tallian Male: Stay back! (The Tallian warns as he points his cannon at the ground)

Eric backs away from the Tallian just as he fires the cannon at the ground, resulting in an explosion that incinerates the vines, freeing himself.

Tallian Male: Everyone stay back! They're Mine! (The Tallian says with one of his eyes glowing eerily)

Duke: We better listen to him, that guy looks crazy! (Duke warns as he gets down on the ground)

Everyone gets down on the ground as the Tallian begins firing his cannon, sending powerful blasts of energy that completely disintegrates anything they hit.

Trevor: His weapon makes mine seem like a toy. (Trevor complains as he remains on the ground, staying safe from the deadly blasts)

In a matter of minutes the Tallian has completely killed off the dog monsters, and transforms his cannon back into a hand.

Tallian Male: Is everyone okay? (The Tallian asks)

Eric North: More or less. (Eric says as he gets up from the ground and dusts himself off)

Penelope North: You could have been more careful... What if you had hurt one of us. (Penelope says angrily as she helps Amy up)

Tallian Male: But you're unhurt. So let's keep moving. (The Tallian says before he begins to leave)

Trevor: The bastard... One of those blasts nearly hit me. (Trevor complains silently)

Duke: We should be a little grateful, he took care of all those monsters. (Duke says as he goes to meet the Tallian)

The Tallian was ahead of everyone else, walking with anger in his steps.

Duke: Hey man!... Thanks for killing those things.

Tallian Male: I should be the one thanking you... Because of your quick thinking we survived that ordeal. I was so blinded by my superiority that I ignored your clear warning... For that I am sorry. (The Tallian apologises)

Duke: Don't mention it. (Duke says with a kind smile)

Tallian Male: How did you know about that plant? It's not even in my database.

Duke: Oh... I saw it on our TV (Duke tells him)

Tallian Male: Interesting... It appears that this is your "TV" is more advanced than my supercomputer... I'd like to see it one day.

Duke: I don't know about that... But Maybe someday.

Tallian Male: My name is Clad... What's yours?

Duke: Duke... Nice to meet you, Clad.

Clad (The Tallian): It's nice to meet you too, Duke. (The Tallian says nicely)

Soon enough everyone reunites with the other teams, and they're not too pleased by the actions of the Earthlings.

Lai (Orthoan Female): Under normal circumstances we would have left you all to die. But if even one of you survives and gets lost, we'll never clear this round... Consider yourselves lucky. (The leader of the Orthoans says coldly)

Clad (The Tallian): Please cut them some slack... They're a very capable team. (Clad vouches)

Duke: Yeah! (Duke adds)

Lai (Orthoan Female): Well then, they better make themselves useful... A start would be figuring out a way to get past the obstacle before us. (The female says as she points forward, revealing a large number of the trapping plant from before)

Duke: Oh, that would be bad on normal circumstances... But the wise Duke knows a way. (Duke says with a confident grin)

Next: The Wise Duke.