The Wise Duke

Duke: You see. I told you fire would work. (Duke says with a satisfied smile as he watches the dangerous plants burn)

Lai (Orthoan Female): I must say I'm impressed... How did you know? (Lai asks curiously)

Clad (Tallian Male): The Earthians have an astonishing device know as a "TV", they most likely used a Favour to acquire it. (Clad explains excitedly)

Duke: Yes we did, it was my Favour in fact. (Duke says proudly)

Lai (Orthoan Female): You must be very intelligent to think of getting such a useful device, even the gadgets of the Tallians were unable to identity this threat. (Lai explains)

Clad (Tallian Male): Our gadgets work just fine, but it has it's limitations. (Clad clarifies)

Lai (Orthoan Female) Whatever, it's getting dark, so we'll wait here till daylight. (Lai says)

Orthoan Male: We're waiting here! (One of Lai's men announces)

Everyone gets settled in at separate spots, splitting up according to their respective teams.

Trevor: I wonder what's waiting for us at the top of this mountain? (Trevor asks his group)

Duke: Who cares, whatever it is we can rely on those guys to handle it. (Duke says confidently)

Eric North: You made a lot of friends today, Duke. But we can't rely on them.

Duke: And why not? (Duke asks)

Penelope North: Because this is a competition, only one team can win. So we can't trust anyone, who knows who'll try to get rid of us first. (Penelope says as she looks at the other teams, and some look back)

Duke: Guess you're right about that... Then maybe we should make some alliances. (Duke suggests as he rub his hands maniacally)

Trevor: What are you talking about now?

Duke: I did make a lot of friends today, friends that may help us out if we find ourselves in a pickle. (Duke explains)

Trevor: Are you sure about that? (Trevor asks skeptically)

Duke: Of course I am. Didn't you see how that Lai girl was looking at me. I think she likes me. (Duke says with a smile)

Trevor: I wouldn't go there, Duke. That's a tough cookie. (Trevor warns)

Duke: You're probably right about that, still you can't stop a guy from hoping. (Duke says happily)

Eric North: What a day we've had. (Eric tells Penelope)

Penelope North: And tomorrow may be just as challenging. Maybe even more. (Penelope says as Amy sleeps on her lap)

Eric North: I hope Monica really is back at the room... Amy still needs her.

Penelope North: She will, let's have hope... For her. (Penelope says as she strokes Amy's hair)

Eric North: (Thinks to himself) We agreed not to have children, yet I've seen how much she enjoys Amy's company... I'm such a fool for not realising that Penelope wanted a child, if we'd had children, perhaps we would still be happy together... I must salvage our marriage, no matter what. (Eric thinks as he watches Penelope)

Meanwhile with the Tallian team.

Blem (Tallian Leader): You seem close to that Earthian, Clad. Any particular reason? (Blem asks sternly)

Clad (Tallian Male): He saved my life, and he's quite knowledgeable. (Clad nervously answers)

Blem (Tallian Leader): He's a fool. The only thing he did was use his Favour wisely... I must admit that I'm a little impressed with his "TV" device, it's better than our equipment, which we even upgraded with our Favours.

Clad (Tallian Male) That bastard Null only gave us one upgrade per Favour, but still did such sloppy work! (Clad says angrily)

Blem (Tallian Leader): Thankfully we saved two Favours. You never know when they'll come in handy, especially as how dangerous this place is

Murie (Tallian Female): No matter the danger, we will prevail. (The Tallian woman says confidently)

Blem (Tallian Leader): Yes we will. (Blem says with a sinister smile)

Next: What Nest's Above.