The Orthoans Vs The Deathbird

Everyone flees from the razor sharp projectile feathers of the Deathbird, but are not fast enough to escape them.

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Stand your ground men! Defend yourselves! (Lai yells as she summons her weapon and turns around, deflecting the deadly feathers)

Lai's men do the same and successfully protect themselves from the feathers, but the others aren't as lucky.

Clad takes a feather to the back, Duke is cut across the leg, and a Merillian is almost impaled. But they all survive the attack.

Duke: My leg! (Duke yells as he limps to take shelter behind a rock)

Trevor: Calm down, it's just a cut. (Trevor tells him)

Duke: Easy for you to say! You're not hurt at all. (Duke says as he hold his leg in pain, even though the cut wasn't that bad)

Clad (Tallian Male): Stupid creature! I'll rip it's head off. (Clad says angrily, as Murie rips the feather out of his back)

Murie (Tallian Female): I would do the same, but we can't get close without being impaled. (Murie says as she inspects the feather with her bionic eye, before tossing it aside)

Blem (Tallian Leader): What's it made off? (Blem asks Murie)

Murie (Tallian Female): Something that can pierce our mechanical armour. We cannot let ourselves be hit by one of these. (Murie explained)

Saber (Tallian Male): Then what do we do? (Saber asks)

Blem (Tallian Leader): We let them do all the work. If they fail, then we may have to get serious. (Blem tells his team)

Meanwhile the Orthoans are confronting the Deathbird, trying to kill it before it's mother returns.

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Knox! Nott! You two stay behind! (Lai orders)

Knox And Nott: Yes ma'm! (Both men say before doing as they were told)

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Zem to my left! Brax to my right! Cover me! (Lai says before charging at the Deathbird)

The Deathbird tucked in it's wings, preparing to attack again. But Zem uses his cross bow like weapon to fire energy bolts at the bird, forcing it to shield itself instead.

Zem (Orthoan Male): I can't get through! It's wings are impenetrable! (Zem yells as he continues to fire his weapon, but to no avail)

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Don't worry I know what I'm doing! (Lai yelled as she threw her halberd weapon with all her might)

The weapon bounces off the wings of the Deathbird upon contact, even though it struck with incredible force. Lai is now without a weapon, seeing this the Deathbird pushes it's wings outward, resulting in razor sharp feathers to be fired once again.

Brax (Orthoan Male): Boss! (Brax yells as he runs toward Lai, deflecting the feathers with a powerful swing of his large hammer)

Brax is stabbed in the leg by one of the feathers, but successfully protected Lai.

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Good job. Leave the rest to me! (Lai says as she summons her weapon back into her hand, and tosses it at the Deathbird with her incredible strength)

The Deathbird tried to block the weapon, but it was too fast and stabbed the Deathbird in it's throat.

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Got him. Fire at will, Zem! (Lai orders)

Zem blasts the Deathbird over and over, now that it was too injured to defend itself properly.

Blem (Tallian Leader): Well would you look at that, she actually did it. (Blem says with a smile as he leaves his hidi spot, along with everyone else)

Lai (Orthoan Leader): It's nice to be reminded that you can only ever trust your own people. (Lai says to everyone as they approach her)

Blem (Tallian Leader): We would have helped, but not all us are a race of unstoppable warriors. (Blem tells her with a smile)

Lai (Orthoan Leader): Whatever. The least you could do now is retrieve the feathers from the Deathbird.

Clad (Tallian Male): But it's still alive. (Clad says as he points at the Deathbird, which was still being shot by Zem)

Lai turns back quickly and tosses her halberd again, this time penetrating the skull of the Deathbird, killing it instantly.

Lai (Orthoan Leader): There, it's dead. Now get the feathers so we can leave. (Lai tells Clad sternly)

Clad (Tallian Male): Alright. (Clad says as he goes over to the Deathbird to pluck it's feathers)

After plucking five normal feathers from the Deathbird. Null appears on top of the creature, with a big smile on his face.

Null The Lost god: Goodjob, all of you! Or should I say, some of you! (Laughs)... Now all that remains is to hand over the feathers, and you clear this round. (Null says before extending his hand to Clad, expecting the feathers he was holding)

Clad (Tallian Male): Here you go. (Clad says as he hands over the partially bloodied black feathers)

Eric North: Does that mean we're done? (Eric asks)

Null The Lost god: Yeah. (Null says as he waves his hand, making all of them vanish instantly)

After sending everyone away, Null rubs the feathers in his hands against the bloodiest parts of the Deathbird, covering them in blood even more.

Null The Lost god: (Sighs happily) Sometimes it's too easy. (Null says happily before vanishing into thin air)

A couple minutes later, a large shadow descends on the corpse of the Deathbird. It was it's gigantic mother, which was at least ten times larger than her baby.

Seeing her offspring dead in it's nest, the mother Deathbird roars to the sky, making the very ground shake in the process.

Next: Monica's Truth.