Monica's Truth

Monica has been stuck in the room ever since Eric and the others left. All she has done since then is eat, sleep, and wonder why she was left behind.

"Are they okay?"

"Why wasn't I allowed to go?"

"Is Amy safe?"

All these questions are what bothered Monica ever other day, but today she's decided to watch some alien TV... She turned on the TV and flipped through channels until something caught her eye.

It was what seemed to be a news show, with an alien reporter talking about matters Monica knew nothing about. But it was still fun to watch.

"Hi my name is Roop Floopian, and this is Intergalactic Matters. First off we'll be talking about the Tournament of the gods...

Monica: Tournament of the gods? This could provide some information about Null. (Monica thought before paying full attention to the broadcast)

Roop Floopian: Many have already been summoned by the gods to get ready for the competition. But there are some rumours that the Lost god Null is recruiting as well. Although the Council has dispelled these rumors, many speculate that they are true. (The alien man explained)

Monica: This is it! This is why Null has us captive! But why does he want us to participate in this Tournament of the gods? No, not all of us. From what the others have told me, Null only wants a single race. But why put us in a game that could thin out the numbers of even the winning team? Why promise to save their planet if they can't go back to it?... It's clear that this god Null really is a villain, and he has some nefarious plans for the winners of his game. But with no solution to this problem, I should just keep it to myself. (Monica contemplated before finally arriving at the decision to keep this new information to herself)

The rest of the news from the Reporter alien was just useless to Monica, for she did not know what he was talking about anymore.

After shutting off the TV, Monica tried to rest in her corner of the dark room, but stops when she notices a flash of light, and immediately afterwards, she sees that her friends and daughter were back from their outing.

Monica: You're back! (Monica yells as she goes over to hug Amy)

Amy: I missed you so much, mommy. (Amy said as tears flowed from her eyes, revealing the amount of joy she had at that moment)

Monica: I missed you too, sweety. (Monica said as she hugged Amy tighter)

Eric North: So you've been here the whole time? (Eric asks)

Monica: Yes I was, but I don't know why that is. (Monica answered)

Null The Lost god: I can answer that question! (Null said as he appeared above their heads, in his usual loud fashion)

Monica: He's here. (Monica thought with a hint of fear)

Duke: Then spill it, tell us why you left Monica behind? (Duke asks)

Null The Lost god: The answer is simple, because there is no place for her in my game. (Null explains)

Trevor: What do you mean by that? (Trevor asks)

Null The Lost god: The game is meant for five players from each team, even though you have an extra person, that does not mean they can participate. (Null explains)

Penelope North: Is there a way we could change the players in the game?! That could mean that Amy no longer has to take part in the game! (Penelope yells after realizing this)

Null The Lost god: Yes there is, but it would require you to use your last Favour. Do you still want to consider that option? (Null asks with a smile)

Everyone wanted to take some time to think about it, but Monica felt differently and spoke up.

Monica: Yes! If it means that Amy would be out of harm's way, then I'll do it! (Monica said boldly)

Null The Lost god: Strong words, but it is not your decision to make, it's his. (Null says before pointing at Trevor)

Null's words were true, since Monica wasn't really part of Null's game, she had no Favours. Only Trevor did at the moment, and no one knew if he was willing to share.

Trevor: I say let's do it, only a madman would allow a child to participate in a deadly game. If Monica was the one at our side, she would actually be useful, and help us in battle. (Trevor explains)

Trevor's words, although true, were also very hurtful to young Amy, she felt that she was a huge burden, that everyone was glad to get rid of. Thinking of this, Amy started to tear up.

Amy: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be useless. (Amy said with tears in her eyes)

Trevor: No! No! No! I didn't mean it like that! You're plenty useful to the team. (Trevor lied in an attempt to comfort Amy)

Duke: Smooth. (Duke says in a condescending tone, directed at Trevor)

Penelope North: You don't have to cry Amy, you weren't useless at all. Having you around gave me a sense of strength, and that's the absolute truth. (Penelope said with a smile)

Amy: So... I was useful to you? (Amy asks with tears still in her eyes)

Penelope North: Not useful, you were important. Not just to me, but to all of us. Isn't that right guys? (Penelope asks the guys)

Trevor: Of course! I've always felt that way! (Trevor answered quickly)

Duke: Really? Didn't seem that way. (Duke comments)

Trevor: Shut up. (Trevor said as he punches Duke's shoulder)

Duke: Ouch! So mean. (Duke says as he rubs his aching shoulder)

Eric North: Pay them no mind, Amy. I think you're great, no questioned asked. But you know that what we're doing is dangerous, and nobody wants to see you get hurt. (Eric explains carefully)

Amy: Okay! I promise to do my best! Just as mom has been doing while we were away. (Amy said confidently)

Monica wasn't really doing anything, and was hoping that Amy wouldn't get bored or lonely after being left alone. But at least she would be safe, and that's all that mattered to her mother.

Monica: I know you'll be able to do it, Amy. I believe in you. (Monica said as she pats Amy's head)

Trevor: Null, I want to use my Favour to make it so that Monica can participate in the games. (Trevor tells him)

Null The Lost god: It is done. (Null answered instantly, after doing absolutely nothing)

Duke: That's it? Aren't you going to wave your hands or something? (Duke asks, noticing that Null hadn't used his powers, which usually required his hands)

Null The Lost god: No need, next time I'll just take Monica instead of Amy. But I must remind you, weapons cannot be changed, so Monica will have Amy's weapon. And another thing, the games will only get more dangerous, eventually there will be more death. Good luck. (Null says before he disappeared)

Everyone understood what Null meant instantly, he wasn't even subtle about it. But there was only one person who wasn't afraid of death.

Monica: I'm already dead, so it doesn't matter. All that matters to me now is winning this game, so that Amy can go home to her father, and live a happy life. I will do whatever it takes to ensure this. (Monica thought determinately)

Next: Monica's Past