What Are You Up To?

Somewhere at the Land of Monsters, there are seven great towers. Six of them are surrounding a single larger tower at the center.

Within the larger tower was the Lost god Null. He was in a dark room, which was illuminated by five glowing blue spheres. The spheres reveal the players of Null's game, who were all just doing their own thing.

The Earthians were busy eating food and watching TV. Every time Null would check on them, they would be doing no sort of training.

Null The Lost god: What a lazy bunch, it's a mystery how they're all still alive... Maybe I shouldn't have given them that device. (Null thought)

Null focuses his attention on the Orthoans, who were busy training with their weapons, like they usually did.

Null The Lost god: Exactly what I like to see, a well disciplined team. (Null said with a smile, before turning his attention to the Tallians)

The Tallians where working on a large mechanical device. They had used their Favours to get several types of technology, and from what Null could see, it would seem that they were making a weapon. But weapons outside the ones given weren't allowed in the game, which Null was sure they knew.

Unable to figure out what they were building, Null focuses on the Merillians. The Merillians were all asleep, and after looking at the Perillians, they were asleep as well.

Null The Lost god: What a lazy race, and I thought the Earthians were bad. (Null said)

But suddenly his spheres begin to combine to form a larger red sphere. Then the face of the most gorgeous woman you've ever seen appeared. She had pointed ears like an elf, and had a gem on her forehead.

Mischief The True god: Nully! How is the training going?! (Mischief asked Null with a big smile)

Null The Lost god: It's going great! There are some capable people among these races, I'm pretty sure I can build a strong team before the tournament. (Null explained)

Mischief The True god: Take your time, Nully. No need to rush, remember you need to win this.

Null The Lost god: I know... So, how's my goddess doing? (Null asks with a smile)

Mischief The True god: Fine, fine. Becoming a True god isn't all it's cracked up to be. I don't know, maybe it's because you're not with me. (Mischief told him sadly)

Null The Lost god: I'll be with you soon, love. Once I become a True god that is.

Mischief The True god: I'll be waiting anxiously, love. Also please be careful, I'm sure you've heard the rumours, they know you're up to something.

Null The Lost god: It's probably that fool, Foresight. But don't worry, I'm being as careful as I can.

Mischief The True god: I miss you, Nully. Do your best so that we can be together soon. (Mischief said sweetly)

Null The Lost god: I will. (Null said with a smile)

The sphere divides back to five and regain their blue colour, reshowing the footage of the players in the process.

Null The Lost god: I guess it's time I plan for the next game. (Null said with a smile)


At another location, there is a child like figure on a grand chair. He looked like an ordinary boy, one would guess he was at least fourteen years of age. But with the two alien guards standing besides him, its obvious that he is a very important person.

Foresight The Absolute god: (Sighs) Null is trying to participate in the tournament. When you feel the time is right, I want you to go look for him and bring him back to the council for judgement... Hmm, it seems that it's all pointless, he's going to be released by the council anyway, guess there's no need for you to go... You know what? Go anyway, the consequences for you not bringing him in are much too dire... (Sighs) Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me? Is power really that important? Wait, don't answer that, I won't like what you say... Go and look for Null immediately, bring him back to the council to be judged for disobeying my orders... Can you do that for me, Omen. (Foresight asked the god who knelt in front of him)

Omen The True god: Of course I can, Lord Foresight. (Omen answered)

Next: Pet Project.