Pet Project

Null The Lost god: Welcome once again players, to the Land Of Monsters! (Null tells all the players of his game, as he hovered above them in his usual manner)

Monica Armstrong: Wow, pretty. (Monica said in awe of the lush vegetation of the alien forest they were in)

Duke: Pretty dangerous is more like it. (Duke said with a frown as he folded his arms)

Trevor: What messed up monster are you going to pit us against this time Null? (Trevor asks)

Null The Lost god: Hehe. I'm glad you asked. Because you'll be up against the most dangerous and formidable beast on this planet, and I'm not sure that all of you will survive... (Null said with a twisted smile)

Trevor: **Gulps** (Trevor gulped in fear)

Null The lost god: You'll be facing that monster after this game. Which I like to call, The Pet Project! (Null yelled excitedly)

Lai (Leader of the Orthoans): Pet project? What will you have us do in this game? (Lai asks)

Null The Lost god: I want you to choose an animal companion, which is native to your planet. This pet will be the one who will participate in the game in your stead. If your pet manages to win the game, your team will get a very special reward. (Null explains)

Blem (Leader of the Tallians): Is it more Favours. Because we are desperately in need of those. (Blem thought)

Null The Lost god: The reward for clearing this game will be an exemption from the next one. The extremely dangerous one. (Null clarified with a smile)

Tarr (Leader of the Merillians): So you're saying that if we win this, we won't have to fight your monster in the next round?

Null The Lost god: That's exactly what I saying.

Tarr (Leader Of The Merillains): Then we the Merillians will win! (Tarr said confidently)

Seai (Leader of the Perillians): Don't bet on it, Tarr! Because the Perillians will be the ones to win! (Seai declared)

Needlessly to say the Merillains and Perillains hate each other, despite being from the same race. The only difference between them are the Merillains are male, and the Perillian are female.

Null The Lost god: I like the energy, but this is not a battle amongst yourselves. Choose your companions wisely, or you will regret it... You have ten minutes to decide. (Null said before he snapped his fingers, teleporting them all back to their Towers, which they all saw as a dark rooms)

At the Orthoan's room. The Orthoans plan on which animal they'll chose for the Pet Project.

Lai: There's no doubt that Null wants our animals will fight each other, so we must choose the fiercest creature on our planet.

Brax (Orthoan Male): That would be the Orthoan Tiger, but I doubt we can tame such a beast. Their far too dangerous.

Lai (Leader Of the Orthoans): No, we're going with the Tiger. I battled one before, back when I trained myself in the dreaded forest. They are indeed ferocious, but I can make it submit to my will. (Lai said with a confident look on her face)

Zem (Orthoan Male): That's our General for you, truly fearless. Guess we're going with the Tiger. (Zem said with a smile)

Knott (Orthoan Male): I wonder what the other races will choose.

Nott (Orthoan Male): It doesn't matter, the Orthoan Tiger will crush them all. (Nott said with a smirk)

Meanwhile at the Tallian's dark room, which had a large mechanical device at it's centre. The Tallians discuss what they will chose for the game.

Clad (Tallian Male): What are we going to do? We didn't have any organic animals on our planet, they were replaced ages ago.

Blem (Leader Of The Tallian): Even better, flesh and blood are a weakness. And the animals we had are better, stronger, and smarter compared to normal creatures. We'll win this game, I know it. (Blem said with a confident smile)

Murie (Tallian Female): Subject 266 will be a perfect choice. (Murie said)

Saber (Tallian Male): Indeed, with that subject there's no way we'll lose. (Saber said with a smirk)

Clad (Tallian Male) I'm glad we have a good chance at winning, because I don't want to be up against whatever Null has ready for the next game.

Blem: It doesn't matter what it is. We're not going to fight it, because we will win. (Blem states)

Meanwhile at the Earthians dark room, they all gather to choose what animal they will go with.

Trevor: So, what animal are we gonna choose? (Trevor asks)

Next: Selecting An Animal Companion.