Selecting An Animal Companion

Trevor: So, what animal are we gonna choose? (Trevor asks with a look of worry)

Duke: That's pretty obvious, isn't it? We're gonna get a Lion! (Duke said excitedly)

Trevor: Are you serious?! (Duke asks Duke, while looking at him like he was insane)

Duke: Nah you're right, a lion is a bad choice. Let's get a Tiger instead! Those are way more ferocious. (Duke said with a smile)

Eric North: Duke, we can't get a Tiger as a pet.

Duke: Why not? (Duke said sadly)

Trevor: Because it will kill us all! We can't have a Tiger as a pet! Just you suggesting that makes me worry about having you as a teammate.

Monica Armstrong: I kinda agree with, Trevor. A Tiger, or a Lion is just too dangerous. (Monica adds)

Duke: Now guys guys think about it. Null asked all of us to choose an animal from our planets as a companion. Which means that the others are going to be bringing some really creepy animals, that I doubt an average house cat can handle.

Penelope North: I see Duke's point, but we don't know what the animals will be doing. If it was a talent show type deal, I'll bet my money on our domesticated animals. But if it's a battle to the death, which is more likely, I think something as wild as a tiger would be our best bet.

Amy Armstrong: I wanna hippo! (Amy said with a smile)

Monica Armstrong: Not now sweety... I still think a tiger is too much. I mean we can't even control it, It could just turn around and attack us.

Duke: There's a simple solution to this problems... Yo Null! We need you! (Duke yelled)

Null suddenly appeared over them with a smile on his face as usual.

Null The Lost god: Do not worry, I know all about your dilemma! And I am here to help! (Null said confidently)

Eric North: So he does spy on us, creepy. (Eric said in disgust)

Null The Lost god: Harsh words but I'll ignore them for now... The creature that you summon will be under your control, but that does not make it any less of a beast. That's all I can say for now, call me again when you have chosen... You have five minutes. (Null said before disappearing)

Trevor: That settles it, we're not getting a tiger. (Trevor declared)

Eric North: Agreed. (Eric agrees)

Penelope North: Of course. (Penelope agrees)

Duke: Why not?! Null just said we'd be in control of it. (Duke disagreed with the decision)

Trevor: He also said that it wouldn't make it less of a beast. I don't know about all of you, but to me that sounded like a warning, meaning that even if we're in control, but it is still a wild and unpredictable animal.

Eric North: It's pretty obvious Duke.

Duke: Well, I guess you're right about that. A tiger would have been cool though. (Duke grumbled)

Monica Armstrong: Don't worry, Duke. We can still get a cool animal. (Monica tells Duke with a smile)

Duke: Oh yeah, like what? (Duke asks in sadness)

Eric North: How about a Dog? (Eric suggests)

Trevor: A Dog? (Trevor said, thinking it was a good idea)

Eric North: Yes... Dogs are man's best friend after all. A Protector, a companion, a pet in every sense of the word! So why don't we just get a dog?! (Eric said happily)

Trevor: A dog huh? That's the best idea I've heard all day, I'm shocked we didn't think of it sooner. I like dogs a lot, so let's get one and clear this game! (Trevor said with a smile)

Amy Armstrong: I like dogs too! (Amy cheered)

Monica Armstrong: It's decided then, we're getting a dog! (Monica said as she played with the excited Amy)

Duke: Yeah I don't like dogs, let's chose something else. (Duke said)

Trevor: There is nothing else! What's your problem anyway?! (Trevor yelled in anger)

Duke: My problem is that I don't like dogs! They're far too aggressive! (Duke yelled back)

Trevor: More aggressive than a tiger?!

Duke: Yes! (Duke replied)

Eric North: Duke what's this about? Are you allergic to dogs or something? (Eric asks)

Duke: No! It's not that I don't like dogs or I'm allergic to them. It's just that all dogs hate me for some reason. It's been that way ever since I was a kid, anytime I ran into a dog, it would always end with it attacking me. (Duke explained sadly)

Trevor: Well you don't have to worry about that. It will be under our control remember? So it's all good. Null! We've decided! (Trevor yelled as he looks up)

Duke: I've not. (Duke protested but it was too late, because Null then appeared)

Null The Lost god: Have you made your choice? (Null asks with a smile)

Trevor: Cut the act! You already know what we want... Get us a dog! (Trevor tells him)

Next: Captain.