
Null The Lost god: A dog you say? What's that? (Null asks in confusion)

Trevor: Don't play dumb! You obviously know what a dog is! You've gotten us guns, swords and other crazy sh*t, yet you act as if you haven't seen a dog before! (Trevor yelled in anger)

Duke: Calm down man. (Duke tells Trevor)

Null The Lost god: Yes, calm down. You don't want me to destroy you, right? (Null asks menacingly)

Eric North: There's no need for that, Null. Trevor just lost his cool. (Eric intervened)

Null The Lost god: See to it that he keeps that cool. (Null said as he came closer, staring daggers at Trevor)

Eric North: Null is always so calm, and he doesn't let our words get to him. But it's good to know that he has a breaking point. We have to watch how we speak to him. (Eric thought)

Null The Lost god: Sorry for threatening to destroy you, let me explain... After I brought you all here, I did some research on your planets, that information greatly increases the effectiveness of my power, which I use to do all the incredible things you've seen me do. (Null explains)

Eric North: What exactly is your power? If I may ask.

Null The Lost god: Greed. It allows me to attain anything I want or need, even if I don't know what it is. (Null explained with a smile)

Monica Armstrong: How does that work?

Null The Lost god: The clothing on Trevor's body, I want it! (Null said, and instantly all of Trevor's clothing vanished off his body)

Trevor: Oh my God! (Trevor yelled as he covered his privates)

Null The Lost god: It helps to know what you want, but what I need is mine. That is the power of Greed. (Null said as he dangled Trevor's clothes on his finger)

Trevor: Give them back! (Trevor yelled in embarrassment)

Monica: Please do! (Monica yells with her eyes closed, while also closing Amy's eyes with her hands)

Null The Lost god: Fine. I don't want these anymore. (Null said before the clothes returned to Trevor's body)

Trevor: Not cool man! Not cool! (Trevor said before going to stand in the corner)

Null The Lost god: Now, you said you wanted a dog monster right? (Null asked)

Penelope North: No! No! No! Just a regular dog please! (Penelope yells, preventing a misunderstanding)

Eric North: Not regular per se. Can you use your powers to get us a police dog, which is highly trained? (Eric asks, praying that the answer is yes)

Null The Lost god: Of course! You said you wanted a highly trained police dog right? Then leave it to me, I want a highly trained police dog. (Null said, and in a matter of seconds a dog appeared in their midst)

The dog was a strongly built German Sherperd with nice tanned coloured fur and a harness which police dogs usually wore.

On the dog's neck was a collar, with the name Captain written boldly on it.

Duke: Woah! Now that's a good looking dog. (Duke comments)

Trevor: Can't argue with that. (Trevor said after taking a peak from the corner)

Eric North: Captain. What a wonderful name. (Eric said with a smile as he pets the dog)

As Eric was petting the dog, everyone notices something strange about him. The dog always had a serious look on it's face, and never moved, not even as they were petting him.

Penelope North: Wow so serious, they say it's the quite ones that you have to watch out for. I bet that you're really strong. Isn't that right, Captain? (Penelope said as she rubbed behind his ears, but still there was no reaction, and the serious look remained on Captain's face)

Trevor: Creepy. (Trevor thought to himself from the corner)

Amy Armstrong: Doggy! (Amy yelled as she held Captain by the neck)

Monica Armstrong: Let's not bother him. (Monica said as she pulled Amy away from the strange Captain)

Everyone was touching and getting close to Captain, except for Duke and Trevor.

Trevor was still embarrassed over what Null did to him earlier, and didn't want to leave the corner, even though he also wanted to pet the strange dog.

Duke on the other hand was afraid of dogs, and didn't want to get close. He didn't hate dogs, but it seemed that dogs hated him, so he was quite unsure if that would be the case with this dog.

Eric North: Come and pet him, Duke. He's not aggressive at all. (Eric said with a reassuring smile)

Duke: Hmmm.... Alright, let's give this a try. (Duke said nervously, as he slowly moved closer to Captain, his hands shaking as he attempted to touch the dog)

Before Duke's fingers could touch Captain, he suddenly got aggressive and lets out a series of barks. Captain then descended on Duke, biting him on his arm.

Duke: Arggghh!!! Let go of me! (Duke yelled as tried to push the bulky dog off his body

Eric North: Captain stop! (Eric yelled as he rushes to help Duke)

But before Eric could do anything to stop Captain, he let Duke go and proceeded to sit facing Eric. With what looked like a smile on his face.

Null The Lost god: I believe the creature has chosen it's master. Now let us begin the next game. (Null said before snapping his fingers, teleporting them all to the location of the next game)

Next: Pet Vs Pet.