Towards new adventures

(AN: Hey everyone! Guess what! A new chapter! I kinda surprised myself today, never thought I would write 5 chaps. Anyways I felt that the last cliff hanger was somewhat bland so I plan to practice a few cliff hangers on this writing adventure of mine. Hope you still enjoy reading!)

"Captain. I might not be part of your crew as long as others, but I definitely plan to continue. In fact I have been rarely as excited and curious about what fate might have planned for me as I am right now."

Augur was surprisingly the first one to answer.

"I too plan to stick with my decision of joining you. In the first place I joined because there is something I need to do. You promised to help me when I ask you for help so you won't get rid off me before that so easily."

"If Law is staying then I will be staying too!"

"We will also stay!" x2

Bepo, Shachi and Penguin followed Law's decision, voicing out their will to continue the journey with me.

"Wasn't it you who decided I would be joining your crew from the beginning? Have you suddenly changed your mind? Everybody has some secrets, that is no big deal for me especially in your case."

Robin also agreed. We may have known each other only for a month but in this one month she became something like the crew's Onee-san. At least for those younger than 20, minus Law.

Now only Kuina remained. She was looking at me, her eyes still opened wide and her fist clenched.

"You stupid idiot. Do you even have to ask? I have decided to follow you and become the strongest swordsman to cut down your enemies. So even if you were the son of Satan, I wouldn't change my mind."

Hearing all of them saying that they want to continue their journey with me made me incredibly relieved.

'Guess I have been anxious about it, without even realizing it.'

It was a good feeling, knowing that bonds you made with other people, no matter how short, were robust enough to resist whatever made you feel insecure.

"See? Jackson-nii, everybody is willing to follow you regardless of possible increased risks."

"Thanks everyone. As your Captain I promise you I will not let you and your trust in me down! Ever!"

"Good. Now how about we get out of here since we have yet to eat dinner?"

"... Sure. Sounds like a good play."

We were ready to leave the cave when suddenly a new voice called for me.

"Take me with you."


Startled by the voice I started to look around once more, bringing the other's attention on me.


"What's wrong?"

"I think I heard something just now."

"Again?" (everyone)

After not finding anything by looking around I tried to sense my surrounding with haki and this time I did find something I've had overlooked before. Looking up to the ceiling, there was something between the crystals. It was hard to spot because of the light but I still managed to recognize what it is.

'Ace. So this is where you were!'

Using geppo, I jumped up and grabbed the sword. It was huge... to big for the current me to make practical use of it but I still took it. I would grow to match it's size eventually and no harm is done by keeping it at my side till then.

The others just looked weirdly at me, as if to say, how did I know there was a sword hidden there. Since they didn't voiced their question out, I decided to shamelessly ignore their inquiring gazes.

In the inn, where we stayed I checked on my cheat's progress after absorbing another 5% for finding the sword.

'hopefully the next missions will be easier. I am actually quite curious to know, what will happen after I reach 100%. I highly doubt that will be all there is to it.'

[chosen character: Gol D. Roger]

[synchronization rate: 60%]

[synchronization speed: 5% every year]

[speed boost quest: win against a yonko without any casualties on your crew for additional 5%]


'... If I am being honest with myself, I got to admit that I didn't really expect anything else.'

The next day we wandered around town in a group, despite Law and Augur looking a bit grumpy. While at it we got everything we deemed useful for our next trip, like food ingredients, maps, a log pose and training weights.


'Swordsmen and swordswomen are very alike in that regard. They really do think only about THAT.'

We were ready to depart within the next few days. Our next destination: the twin cup, the entrance to the Grand Line. Sailing the Grand Line after having visited all the four blues had something fulfilling to itself.

I somehow feel excited for what is to come and judging by the other's expressions they seem to feel the same way. Most of them at least.

'Was it always so hard to see some more expressions on Law's face. Kinda feels like he only knows how to look sternly... guess I'll help him out a bit.'

"...What are you doing?"

"Don't mind me."

"That is impossible with you having your fingers in my face."

"I am just trying to help smile. I heard it's supposed to be healthy to smile once in a while."

"As a doctor I can professionally tell you that that's bullshit."

Our little banter earned us some laughter, and like this we got close to the Grand Line every day. Roughly two weeks later we were about to sail the reverse mountain again so Robin surprisingly suggested a party before we enter the Grand Line and start a new adventure with it.

The idea quickly got approved by everybody, without problems so the party soon started. Shachi and Penguin sang some songs while Bepo tried to dance. They aren't nowhere near professionals but it was still enjoyable and funny.

"Everybody! Listen here! I believe that everybody here has their reasons for being here and entering the Grand Line as part of my crew. So at this moment let's toast to our goals. let's share what we want to achieve on the Grand Line with everybody and drink to it!"

"Aye Aye" (everybody)

I know that this is something done in the original comic but I don't care. I found it touching back than so why not do the same, now that I have a crew of my own.

"Vice-captain! Why don't you start?"

"Sure! I set sail back then to be free from my family. You probably don't know, but I am a noble so I-"

"Wait what?! YOU ARE A NOBLE?!"

"Shut it Shachi, you can't just interrupt others! Please do continue Sabo."

"Thanks. As I said I wanted be free. Truly free from any restraints. But now my goal is to become someone who can lift oppression and restraints wherever I go!"

"I am next! My dream is to become the strongest swordsman and prove the world that my gender won't hinder me from doing what I want!"

"Guess I am next. I have a promise that I gave someone I deemed important. The story is quite long but my goal is to bring down Donquixote Doflamingo and free Dressrosa."

"Ehh, so it's my turn? OK. My goal is to become an even greater pirate then my big brother Zepo."

"Now it's our turn! Shachi and me have the same goal since we were little."

"We want to explore the world. So our goal is to visit every single Island on the Grand Line!"

"Now me. I want to fulfill my fate so I can start to take my future in my own hands like our captain seemingly has."

"Ohh you flatterer!"

"Robin, your turn!"

"Oh my. You probably already know my goal. I want to find all the Poneglyphs and learn everything about the void century and the distant past."

"Void century? What's that"

"Doesn't matter since we will find out as long as we stick together! Now everybody: TOAST!"

"Wait! Everybody wait! Jackson-nii you didn't tell us what your goal is!"

"Oh! Almost forgot. I have recently decided what to do. I will find the one piece."

"So you want to become the next pirate king? Understandable. You could make this a legacy thing in which your child becomes the pirate king after you."

"Sounds nice but you are wrong. Finding the One Piece isn't because I want to be pirate king. My goal is to surpass even my late father. I will become the king of the kings!"

"What's the king of the kings?"

"My curious Penguin, just Tag along and follow me and you will see it for yourself!"

"If you say so. Now everybody: TOAST!"

"Toast!" (everyone)

And like this our Party ended. The next day we sailed up the reverse mountain and the twin cups and officially entered the Grand Line, the most dangerous sea in the world.