Grand Line

(AN: Hey everyone! In this chapter I will write the names of the persons talking at the moment if I think it might not be clear from the conversation. Some of you asked me to do this for some time now but I feared it might break the immersion or become annoying. This is a test so to say and it's result depend on your feedback! Also I will continue to try and include some banter like it happens in One Piece. Don't know how it will go but do comment on it. Hope you enjoy reading my ff!)

April, 1514

At the entrance to the Grand Line, the so called reverse mountain, stood a lighthouse. The lighthouse keeper was an old man, currently laying on a lounger while reading the newspapers seemingly not bothered by the fact that a small mountain sized whale just surfaced next to the lighthouse.


He suddenly looked up from the newspapers and instead turned his attention to the reverse mountain.

"Did I mishear? I could have sworn I heard a scream just now."


"Did you hear it too, Laboon?"

The whale turned his gaze towards the reverse mountain as well, as if to answer the lighthouse keeper's question. It seemed like the whale heard the voices as well. It didn't take long for the voices, to be heard again.

"Wooohooooo!!" (Jackson and Sabo)

"Arrhhhhhhhhh!!" (Penguin, Shachi and Bepo)

Soon a ship could be seen sailing the current of the reverse mountain. It was yellow and resembled a sub marine but the most important thing to notice was the speed, it was sailing with. Of course the lighthouse keeper also noticed this.

'They are way too fast! At this rate they will crash into Laboon!'

"Laboon, quickly move out of the way they are sailing straight towards you!"


While making some sounds as if to answer the old man, Laboon didn't move from its position one bit.

"Laboon! Move now or-"

It was already too late for more warnings. The ship was already at the bottom of the reverse mountain and currently sailing towards Laboon with a speed not allowing any of the two parties to dodge out of the way.

"Damn it!"

Thinking that the ship would get smashed into pieces, he got ready to jump in and help those on board of the ship but to his surprise none of the things he expected to happen next occurred. The ship suddenly just started to float of out the water and came to a stop before crashing into the whale.



Seeing this, even the lighthouse keeper got surprised. Not because he never saw something so strange or bizarre, quite the contrary. It was because he saw something similar quite often during his days as a ship doctor. Something very similar.

Remembering the news about islands falling down from the sky he read some time ago, and seeing the floating ship in front of him, he soon made a conclusion.

'So his devil fruit already reincarnated and end up being eaten by a pirate once again. The navy and world government sure won't be happy about this.'

He looked at the jolly roger, checking whether he knew the crew or at least something about them but the jolly roger seemed unknown to him. Next he looked at the people standing on the deck. They seemed to be discussing something but what caught his focus was how young they looked to be.

'4 Kids, 3 teens and 2 young ones. How did they end up being a pirate crew?'

While he was looking at them, one of the crew members caught his attention. He recognized her after looking carefully.

'Isn't that Nico Robin from Ohara?'

He was certain about it. Deciding to look at the other members a bit more carefully as well, he tried to see whether there were other known people but none of them caught his attention until he focused on the tall boy with rose blonde hair... or rather until he looked carefully on the three swords he was carrying.


Recognizing the twin swords on his hips already surprised the old man, like nothing else today but once he took a close look at the big sword on his back made him almost lose it.

'HOW?! How does he have that sword?!'

Jackson POV:

We finally entered the Grand Line. The process went smoothly, as far as I am concerned. Some of us were still a bit scared even though its not our first time, sailing the reverse mountain. Well in their defense unlike the last times this time we had a small mountain suddenly appear in front of our ship.

Of course I knew that it wasn't a mountain but a whale, Laboon to be precise, but the others didn't know. At least not in the beginning. The huge eye at the side and the open mouth you can't see from the front, gave away the mountain's true identity pretty quickly.

"..." (Shachi)

"Let's just quietly leave, while it hasn't noticed us yet please." (Penguin)

"Ehh? Shouldn't we try to befriend it? Standing here all alone... maybe it wants some company too you know?" (Bepo)

"...Are you being serious right now?" (Law)

"Rather then befriending it, I'd rather test whether I am fated to try whale meat today. I heard it's supposed to be nutritious and tasty but I have never eaten it." (Augur)

"Sorry but I don't think any of us is skilled enough to prepare a meal with whale meat. Instead I'd like to test if I can beat him just with my fists!"

"Stop it right there!!! Don't you dare try something funny now!" (Penguin)

"You're being to loud! Let's just get away from here quickly." (Shachi)

*Sword getting taken from it's sheath*

"But I want to test how strong I have become with my training. If I manage to cut it deep enough for it to notice, than that would be a testimony to my improvement."

"..." (both)

"Kuina-chan, please don't get swept by the captain's pace. He is quite the special case after all." (Robin)

"Eh? I didn't know you think so highly of me Robin-chan!"

"... Please call me Nico-san from now on."

"So cold! But I refuse!"

"...I refuse your refusal."

"Oi that's the captain's line!"


"Why do I get the cold shoulder, when all I wanted is a cute pout?!"

"That's your own fault for teasing Robin-nee!" (Kuina)

"...Shouldn't you be on my side considering I am your captain and that we know each other for so much longer?"


"By the way, Jackson-nii, do you know that old man, who has been staring strangely at you for quite some time now?"



'Which old bastard dares to covet this fine-... Ohh! It's Crocus! I was half expecting him to be in Laboon, giving him some medicine like in the anime.'

While the others continued a strange discussion regarding Laboon, I waved at Crocus hoping to give a good first impression to the late pirate king's ship doctor. Who knows, perhaps something good will come out of establishing a good relationship with him.