You are his son?! You were on his ship?!

After a short while, the others stopped their useless discussion and finally noticed Crocus as well. Suddenly ignoring the mountain-sized whale, who is just chilling in the sea, like it's something totally normal, they shifted their curiosity to the lighthouse keeper.

"Hey guys... is that a flower?"

"No, it's not. It's a man wearing colorful petals but don't ask me why he wears them around his head."

"Why is that old man staring so intently at us?"

"He isn't staring at 'us' to be precise, he is staring at our captain for some reason."

Augur answered Bepo's question and caused the others to look questioningly at me.


"Do you perhaps know that old man, Jackson?"

"I'm meeting him for the first time as well."

Technically that wasn't a lie, since I haven't met him before and even if that wasn't an answer to Kuina's question, if she understands it as the answer on her own, then I can hardly be faulted for not being completely honest.

We went near the lighthouse to anchor the ship. Jumping on land I was the first one to great Crocus, who watched us with a surprised expression all the time.

"Greetings old man."


I didn't get a greeting from him but being so close it wasn't hard to notice that he was staring at the sword on my back and not me. It finally made sense to me, why he had such a strange expression since he saw me. He must have recognized ACE (sword).

The others who came down from the ship also noticed that he was staring at the sword but they couldn't figure out why.

"What is your name?"

He finally spoke but his tone sound like him confirming his assassination target. It was a bit strange that he asked for my name so suddenly. A reason for that would normally be to confirm whether someone is the person you think he or she is...

'It couldn't be that he guessed something just from just seeing me with the sword could it?'

"Hey old man, don't you know that it is considered good manners to first introduce yourself before asking others for their names?"

Our sometimes grumpy ship doctor answered before I could. Guess that's one downside to thinking to long during a conversation. The others came and stood around me, facing Crocus. This seem to finally have brought him out of his trance like state.

His glare suddenly intensified even further causing a dangerous tension between him and the others.



*intense glaring*

"...Guess you're right."

"That's it?! All your glaring just to say I am right?!"

*intense glaring*

"What? Got a problem with what I said?!"

Guess Law isn't compatible with Crocus. To be fair I know about his strange gimmicks from the show while he is experiencing them himself for the first time.

"I am Crocus. I am the keeper of the Twin Capes lighthouse. I am 62 years old, turning 63 on the 4th of June. Gemini and I have blood type AB-"

"...Who the hell asked all of that?!"

"Calm down Law. He is just introducing himself."

'Nice Kuina! You were clearly thought to respect the eldery.'

"Or maybe he is talking so much to exhaust and confuse us, so his hidden comrades can ambush and brutally stab us to death more easily."

"..." (everyone, Jackson included)

'Was Robin like this even before the time-skip in the show? I mean she wasn't an optimist but this...'

"I have introduced myself now please answer my questions, young boy with the 3 swords. Who are you and why and how do you have that sword on your back?"

Crocus ignored Robin's comment, probably the best thing to do after hearing that. His question interrupted my inner monologue making me focus on him.

"My name is Jackson. The sword... you could say I found it."

"You found it? Just like that?"

His question put the others around me on edge.

"What else would you call it? I saw it and since it was without an owner I took it."

It was clearly seen on his face, that he wasn't satisfied with my answer but instead of digging further he invited us into his home. Shachi was about to say something, probably in response to his invitation. I accepted the invitation before he could say anything, much to the surprise of the others.

I mean they are not wrong for being careful since he clearly showed that he recognized the sword. They heard the details about this sword a few days ago while we were on sea, so being careful when it came to it isn't wrong.

His house was well maintained although it got cramped since it was a bit too small for 9 guests. There were books and newspapers on bookshelves and the living space was fused with the kitchen, right next to it.

During a cup of tea, which he prepared, Crocus couldn't keep it in any longer and finally asked what he wanted to ask the most.

"Jackson, what is your family name."

Everyone looked at me for a bit before glaring at Crocus with a dangerous glint in their eyes. I mean my parent's identity should be kept a secret but isn't this reaction a bit too much? I know Crocus is someone who could be trusted but the others don't know that yet. Still no reason to go around and tell people 'I am Gol D. Jackson'.

"If you must know, my name is Portgas D. Jackson."


He suddenly looked at me with wide open eyes and a surprised face.

"...By any chance, is your mother's name Rouge?"


This time it was my turn to be surprised. He caught me off guard with this question since I didn't expect him to know about mother. In my surprise I blurted out the question I had in my mind.

"You know about mom?!"

"Wait! So you really are 'his' son?!!"


The others suddenly sprung up and drew their weapons. Almost instantly Crocus found himself surrounded by my crew mates.

Bepo took a stance in front of him while Shachi and Penguin aimed their sword and spear each at his back. Law and Kuina had their swords on his throat from left and right while Augur took aim at Crocus his finger on the trigger and ready to pull at a moment's notice. Robin had her hands crossed ready to use her devil fruit while Sabo touched the ground to prepare in case he needs to use his devil fruit.

"Old man, just who are you? You better answer honestly and completely since we wouldn't want this information to spread."

I didn't react instantly since this reaction surprised me too. I honestly don't believe they could pull through with this... the younger ones at least. Robin and Augur might be able to do it. Not wanting to test it out I told them to put away their weapons so we could continue speaking in a civilized manner.

"Captain, I am against letting go so easily. I have seen how people would sell others out for benefits once they think they are safe. He might sell this information to either the navy or someone from the world government."

"*sigh*Sorry for that Crocus, it's not a small matter for them either. Imagine this leaking and having an admiral come after us... it's not a pleasant thought so be understanding. Will you put away your weapons already?!"

They finally put down their weapons.

"It's okay I guess. You all don't have to be so on edge since I have a good reason for knowing about your parents."

"Yeah, since you know who my mother was, it must have been either father or someone he trusted, who told you. What was your relation with him?"

I acted oblivious fro obvious reasons.

"I was one of his crew mates back in the days. To be precise I was the late pirate king's ship doctor."


"EHHHHH?!!! You were on his ship?!" (everyone)