Time for a LIGHT exercise

In the outskirt of town Sky High

'Me and my luck… what are the odds for meeting Kizaru on a freaking sky island?'

The others walked in and saw him sitting there in a corner. Sabo and Robin immediately went on full alert after seeing him. Robin because she knows that he is the newly promoted admiral and Sabo because he used observation haki on him.

The others are still clueless about who we are facing right now since he isn't wearing the navy coat at the moment.

"Onii-san! I brought more guests!"

Not noticing the strange atmosphere, the little girl proudly told her brother, who then came and picked her up before retreating a bit.

After a slight pause, during which we stared at each other Kizaru spoke first.

"Ohhh my… this is a bit unexpected."

His lazy and laid back tone resounded in the room. He looked at me and then at the others. Judging by his gaze he seemed to recognize Robin. What a pain in the ass.

"Sigh… this is fucked up. What is a navy admiral from HQ doing here?"

Trying to imitate his lazy tone I asked but didn't really expect an answer. It was just to let the others know who our opponent is and it worked as they went on full alert and immediately readied their weapons.

"My my… you are well informed… but do you think I would tell you that a run away slave is suspected to be here?"




"Ohhh! To think you would use such tricks… how scary."

His lazy and sarcastic tone lightly ticked me off but he unexpectedly answered my question. Is he just being stupid or don't we look like a threat to him?

"…No, that was just you being stupid."

"How rude… but it doesn't really matter… since I can't let any of you go anyways."

'So he isn't taking us seriously.'

"Is this guy really an admiral?"

Law asked sounding dumbfounded by Kizaru's attitude.

"Does it matter? Let's shoot him and be over with it"

Augur pointed his new sniper rifle at Kizaru ready to shoot but I raised my hand and stopped him.

"let me handle him, you guys aren't ready just yet."

"Everyone you can't underestimate him! An admiral is on a completely other level!"

"Calm down Robin. Even if he is an admiral I won't let him lay a finger on any of you."

"Ohh… how touching…but-"

In an instant Kizaru Suddenly appeared in front of me, one leg raised high ready to kick with his devil fruit powers.

"But can you really stop me?"

As soon as he finished talking he kicked out, generating extremely destructive wind pressure similar to shockwaves.

When his kick landed the ground cracked and the walls broke. The others where pushed back by the shockwave that emerged from our confrontation.

Once the dust and debris that were swept up settled down again, we became visible for the others. Kizaru looking down at me, while I was holding his right yellow glowing leg firmly in my left black hand.

"Ohh my… what a scary little monster I encountered."

'Scary monster? I feel like that should be my line.'

Even though I made stopping his attack look easy, the truth his that a throbbing pain is spreading in my whole arm up to my shoulders despite my haki.

"Should we take this someplace more… private?"

Fighting here won't bring me any advantages since hiding behind civilians isn't my style, even though I doubt he would care about that. Still we would cause huge damage to our surroundings.

"…Why bother with it?"

He jumped and transferred most of his weight onto the leg I was holding while his other leg started glowing brightly. Lightly spinning in mid air he kicked at my head with his left leg.

This time I received the attack by swinging out with my sword. The following shock wave blasted the poor building we were in, apart.

I sensed that the little girl and her brother were protected by Beppo, Shachi and Penguin while the others took cover for themselves.

Because I lost my grip on his leg from the attack Kizaru freed himself and stood in front of me, the only difference the air around him.

"You look like you're done with playing games. Should we take this somewhere else now since civilians are still in the area?"

"Like I said why bother? The only ones of interest to me are the young siblings over there and now Nico Robin as well."

"The cute little girl and her kind brother? Are they the slaves you mentioned? Come on, do you even have a heart you bastard?"

This time I was the one who initiated the attack. With one of the swords I took from Shiki in my right hand, I jumped at him appearing almost instantly in front of Kizaru. The sword turned black and red lightning started dancing around the blade.

When my sword started heading for his neck he suddenly disappeared but I knew he would do that. Just as my future sight has shown me he appeared behind me readying his sword made out of light but I was prepared.

Using geppo and turning my body midair before Kizaru got the chance to attack, I swung my sword and was this close to cut his head off. Sadly he managed to evade in the last second and my attack only bisected a cloud floating in the distance.

But the first blood was still drawn as a light cut appeared across the bridge of his nose.

With me following him by using future sight, geppo and soru our Kizaru couldn't disengage and was forced to block my attacks slowly falling in a disadvantageous position until I had to stop my future sight.

I sadly can't spam it indefinitely and Kizaru, as if knowing when I stopped using it, instantly reversed the situation.

When blocking a kick to my side he would shoot a laser at my other shoulder, when dodging a laser he would suddenly appear in the direction I dodged and kick at me. When I attack him he would block by countering with his own attack and use the momentum and strength of the shockwave to distance himself from me and use me for aim practice until I could use future sight again.

We were currently having a stand off in the air and starring at each other after a few rounds of back and forth bouts.

Both have a few cuts and bruises here and there but overall I'd say we are evenly matched.

The ground below us was crushed, charred and cut and I could sense people flee from their homes, if they were left standing.

I do feel sorry about it but Kizaru didn't give me any leeway to worry about the poor citizen. I only sensed how my the others went around and helped evacuate the civilians in the area.

This only made me angrier so I readied my sword again. Covering it with advanced armament and conqueror's haki my body tensed up and shot out rushing at Kizaru.

Using geppo and soru to their limits caused the sound barrier to be broken and generated shockwaves wherever I passed by. Kizaru had readied his Light saber and swung downwards with both hands to counter my sidewards slash.

As the swords met another shockwave spread out. It felt as if the space around me got heavy enough to crush me. The air fled in all directions and time seemed to come to stand still for a second.

The ground beneath us was split apart once more but this time a huge chasm was created in the cloudy ground and it kept growing until it reached hundreds of meters in length.

"I fucking told you let's take this somewhere else! Our pointless fight destroyed almost the whole town!"

"…Ohh…and I told you not to bother me with that. They are not under the world government's protection so all I have to care about are the siblings and also Nico Robin."

"You lazy piece of shit! You aren't worth the words you pretend to carry on your back! Why did you even become a marine?!"

Kizaru's words managed to enrage me since I was feeling extremely guilty but he on the other hand didn't bother and only focused on doing the least possible amount of work.

'Is it so hard being even a tiny bit considerate towards these people?'

We disengaged again. I set my mind to seriously try and kill him if he decides to continue this fight, meaning I'll try out my other new technique.

Back then after defeating Shiki, the black getsuga tenshou wasn't the only breakthrough I achieved. Sadly in this fight it wasn't fast enough to hit Kizaru and only did huge damage to the town so I didn't use it a second time.

After reaching 60% with my cheat I figured that my old man was something like a perfect Allrounder with a sword. Haki, speed, strength etc. Not a jack of all trades master of none but a master of all.

But I? I figured out how I can become a rhetorical grand master of one attribute by taking a bit from another.

To be continued…

(AN: Hey everyone! Currently trying my best to write an epic fight scene but I feel it is a bit challenging in 1st POV but practice will help me improve so bear with it for a bit. Next chapter the fight will continue but in 3rd POV or from an outsiders POV preferably Robin's POV. Also the destroyed town and the people… I'm not proud of it but I felt that one would have to be brain damaged to follow a pirate to some unknown place to fight after he repeatedly proved to be able to block your attacks. Also there is a chance that the people of interest would use the chance to flee and making Jackson hold back against an admiral for strangers, now that he has his own people to protect… anyways I as always hope you enjoy reading!)