Showing Kizaru who’s Boss

3rd Person POV

Above the mostly destroyed town, Jackson and Kizaru could be seen. Both looking disheveled, cuts and bruises visible all over their bodies.

From beneath them a rumbling sound could occasionally be heard every time the remains of a house would start to crumble or fall apart.

At some places, some blood stains could be seen but no one would know whose it was. To the citizen, todays happening were akin to a disaster suddenly coming over their homes.

The ground would shake, houses would break and shockwaves would cause destruction followed by storm like winds. Even the ground and the sky would be occasionally cut apart. A few times something bright could be seen just for a huge explosion to happen right afterwards.

They didn't know why or how this happened, only that it was caused by the two monsters fighting in the sky.

The only light in this disaster were the young foreigners running around helping to evacuate the citizens and occasionally block some shockwaves.

Sabo would sense whether people were buried or otherwise blocked from view and use his devil fruit powers to either free them when needed or help transport a higher count of people at the same time.

They would be brought to an open ground, being the furthest away from the battle site. There Law, together with Shachi and Penguin as his assistants, would be giving them first aid and treating the injured within the limits of the few tools and medications he had on him.

Unlike Sabo and Robin, Kuina, Augur and Beppo are moving as a group trying to evacuate as many people as possible just like Jackson told them to do.

Kuina would look at the fight from time to time, with a burning gaze. The fire in her eyes was even noticed by Beppo.

Meanwhile Robin would guide them to people nearby she found with her devil fruit powers, using eyes, ears and hands.

Back in the sky the fight continued. Jackson rushed at Kizaru and slashed at his neck. His blade black, surrounded by dancing lightning, as red as his eyes that glowed whenever he was using future sight.

Blocking his attacks head on would put Kizaru at an disadvantage within a few moves since his opponent could foresee his moves.

Therefore he needs to stall it out using his superior speed and counter attack when he gets the chance.

Kizaru shot three lasers at the rushing Jackson but none of them hit. Every shot missed causing a big explosion behind Jackson.

Jackson dodged in the direction he saw Kizaru rush off to. The later moved the same moment he shot the lasers since he didn't expect them to hit in the first place but still found himself a few meters in front of Jackson.

This happened a few times already and like the times before Kizaru prepared to receive his attack. He would usually block and let himself blown away.

Like this he would offput most of the damage and at the same time disengage using the momentum of Jackson's attack causing the later to chase.

That's how it went till now but Jackson didn't chase this time. Instead he stayed where he was, took a deep breath and breathed some kind of vapor out.

As he breathed out he suddenly shrunk by 1/3. his figure became thinner and his muscle and bone structure seemed to be getting adjusted for whatever purpose.

" Speed-mode!"

"…Ohh…seimei kikan? You changed something about your body structure but… what for?"

Kizaru spoke in his usual lazy tone but this time his facial expression didn't match his tone.

"…Come and see for yourself."

Jackson on the other hand answered sounding as cold as he was looking right now. Even Kizaru felt the change. Jackson didn't hold back even before, that much was obvious to Kizaru… he just didn't know what exactly changed.

But he didn't need to know. From now on he would have to only focus on surviving.


A loud sound, like a huge explosion, could be heard by everyone in the town. The sound barrier broke multiple times at once and even though Kizaru, with his observation haki, should still be able to react to this speed he suddenly found himself staring in glowing red eyes.

They appeared before him even before he heard the explosion like sound. Admiral Kizaru from navy HQ, who was famed for his speed couldn't react in time for when he moved, or rather tried to move out of the way of the attack noticed a cut appearing on his side.

Yet what was even more surprising is that when he came to a stop he found the same red glowing eyes appearing a few centimeters in front of his.

'!!! No way! He can't be faster than me!'

Unlike what Kizaru thought Jackson wasn't moving faster than him. Once Kizaru moved with his devil fruit power he would be unrivaled in terms of speed.

He moves so fast that even he himself can't keep up with it. Before he moves Kizaru needs to set a destination beforehand so in his case it was similar to blinking around.

But Jackson moved too fast for Kizaru to react. Kizaru isn't moving slower than Jackson, he is just reacting too slowly. He can't activate his powers fast enough.

Abandoning thoughts of dodging he prepared himself to receive and counter the attack but it still didn't go as he expected. He fell for Jackson's trap.

For the significant boost in speed and agility he sacrificed part of his strength and defense. So even if he attacked repeatedly and continuously breaking through Kizaru's defense and win with one decisive move would be too hard.

So he reversed the process and grew taller than he was before. His muscles bulged to an unnatural degree, even partly limiting his movements.

He sacrificed his speed and agility for strength and resilience.


In this form he would never be able to hit Kizaru but since the later didn't prepared to dodge, thinking it would be pointless, he reacted like Jackson hoped he would. A direct confrontation couldn't be avoided anymore.

His sword that was raised highly with both hands was enveloped by a dark light with red lightning dancing around it.

"Even when I fought with you on equal grounds you couldn't help but look down at me and now…"


Jackson swung his sword downwards. Kizaru swung his light sword upwards. Kizaru's hands were covered in haki, his face not showing the slightest hints of laziness or being laid back. At this moment his life was in danger.

The swords met and the collision unleashed an incomprehensible destruction. The destroyed parts of the city sunk as almost half of the sky island fell from the sky.

Above the clouds, winds swept through the area strong enough to put the fastest and most ferecious storms to Shame.

Light erupted from the center of this destruction blinding everyone stupid enough to look over.

Kizaru and Jackson clashing for the final time. Jackson's black sword cut through his light saber. It cut his left shoulder. It cut his chest. And it cut his right hip.

Kizaru's armament haki, his skin his muscles and even his bones were cut open as blood sprayed like a fountain. Even his organs got damaged and were nearly sliced in half. Surviving this is almost impossible and Kizaru felt how his life slowly started to seep out of him.

Jackson got ready to strike again, determined to see it to the end but all he saw was the afterimage of a long light beam shooting of into the far distance.

"…What's the difference between death and running in that state. But if you are willing to struggle than do so. Put your life in fate's hands."

These words which might seem unbefitting of a still 12 years old were the last spoken on this battlefield. Now only god(author) knows whether these two enemies will ever meet again.

(AN: Hey everyone! What do you think of this? Jackson might seem op at the moment for 'just' 60% but unlike roger he has rokushiki mastered, and seimei kikan, which played a big role in this fight. Also Kizaru is known to be relying to much on his devil fruit so I tried to think of a way to turn this against him but still beat him at his strong point, which is speed even though Jackson isn't really moving faster than him. Do leave a comment regardless of whether it's positive or negative since I'm open to criticism. I still hope you enjoyed reading!)