The uncrowned emperor?

3rd Person POV

Around 2 hours after admiral Kizaru gave an informal oral report, regarding the happenings on the sky island, fleet admiral Sengoku was called to a meeting in the holy land mariejois.

The air around him was solemn, almost as solemn as his face during the walk to the central government building.

Sengoku entered the building and made his way to meet the five elders. Stopping in front of a huge door, he took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself to face the five.

After stepping into the room he could see them. The five men that held the world in their hands.

"Navy fleet admiralSengoku greets the five elders."

As it was expected from him, Sengoku greeted the 5 formally. Since this is an official meeting, he has to pay attention to little details like this.

"Sengoku. You arrived quickly. I assume you know why you were called?"

The bald elder with glasses, who's holding a katana spoke first but Sengoku remained silent. Of course he knew but in the off chance that this sudden meeting was because of something else, remaining silent would be the better option.

There is no need telling them what he thinks they might know if he could let them tell him what they actually know.

"You don't seem to be in the mood to speak today. Let's just cut to the case then. We heard Kizaru lost a fight against a pirate-"

The blond elder, who was speaking paused for a moment.

"…And it was against a child on top of that."

'*Sigh*Of course it's about that.'

Despite Sengoku's thoughts his face remained mostly expressionless.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

The bald elder with a mustache asked, sounding somewhat impatient.

"And what do you expect me to say? I believe you already know everything about Jackson the Goliath."

"Everything? That is a bit too much."

It was the longhaired elder with a beard who spoke.

"With all due respect but didn't you want to cut to the case? Did you really call me here to hear some reports? Haven't you already discussed everything between the 5 of you prior to my arrival? If so, then let me hear what you came up with."



Sengoku's Little speech made the elders leer at him in silence. Although he was most probably right with what he said, it was still rude of him since, at least that's how the elders saw it. The silence made the atmosphere in the big room turn strange until the bearded elder with a hat spoke.

"Since you already brought it up… This is what you will do…"

(AN: LOL imagine if I made a cliff here without telling you what they plan to do…

*Laughs in evil*)

Few hours later. The scheme was made and the orders were given. People started to move and carry out orders, all to prepare the field to the navy's advantage. Sengoku was in his office, going over reports from the branches in the new world when the door was suddenly opened.



In came Garp, casually eating his seemingly infinite amount of rice crackers. Sengoku was used to this rude behavior of his long term friend but after dealing with so much shit today even he couldn't prevent a sigh from escaping.

"…Is that how you greet your friends?"

Garp's relaxed tone, as he went and sat on the couch as soon as he entered, irritated Sengoku for some reason. It always did but for some reason today even more than usual. Looking at Garp he felt scammed for accepting the promotions back then.

"Look who's talking about proper greetings after barging in here like that! Don't you know I'm officially your sup-… Forget it."

"… You seem stressed. Do you know what helps in such situations?"

"If you say anything about green tea I'll hand your ass to the nobles for protection duty."


Hearing him say something like that with such a cold tone sent shivers down Garp's spine. If there was something he hated more than writing reports and logistical work it was being around those stuck up bastards.

"*cough*…What I wanted to say was about sharing but let's just change the topic then."

Sengoku gave his friend/bully one last mean glare before accepting his fate and continuing what he was doing. That is until Garp spoke up again asking him about the meeting with the elders.

"By the way what did the 5 oldies want from you?"

"Don't call them like that. And obviously it was a meeting regarding your adopted grandson."



"… … …so?"

"sigh…Listen. What good would it do if I-"

"Stop spouting bullshit,Sengoku."


Garp interrupted him. That was nothing unusual since he was simply being himself but his tone and demeanor differed greatly from what he's mostly like. Instead of eating rice crackers he had his arms crossed in front his chest, his brows furrowed and his tone told that he was serious right now.

A very rare moment for Garp, showing that he was interested in this case. Sengoku was surprised but didn't show it. He too put on a neutral face and told Garp about the meeting. In the first place it's not a secret since the high ranking marines will be involved anyways.

"They want to bury it." (Sengoku)

"The whole incident? Are they afraid that Jackson will gain momentum and reputation among pirates?"

"Mostly among pirates from the new world but not only among pirates. He is a monster beyond what's reasonable despite his age but the citizens across the world don't know that. All they will know is that a 12 years old boy from east blue won a Duell against a navy admiral and mortally wounded him."

Sengoku's cold Voice resounded in the office. He actually was in favor of stoping Jackson since he was already ridiculously strong even more so when taking into account he was still a kid.

"A burning slap to our faces. So assassins will be sent?" (Garp)

"Agents will be dispatched anyways since Nico Robin was with him."

"Is that all?"

Sengoku didn't answer immediately. He closed his eyes for a moment before he continued to answer Garp's question.

"No. they plan to increase his bounty by tenfold."

"Tenfold? Taking his power into account his danger level should warrant a much higher bounty. And how will they justify such a sudden increase if they plan to bury the incident?"

After asking what was on his mind, Garp also closed his eyes. He waited for Sengoku to continue while thinking about why the elders made such a move.

"First, with such a bounty it will become easier to track him. He is still only 12, but the bounty will attract many confident and overconfident bounty hunters. Neither the World Government nor the navy care much about them but promising bounty hunters are kept tabs on."

"So by letting them track Jackson for us, we won't have to send out so many ships and soldiers ourselves."

By letting others track Jackson they could use them and the obtained intel to figure out his future curse and place a trap for him or regularly keep tabs on him.

"They a bent on getting him before he can grow even more and if I'm being honest with you Garp, that's also my opinion."

Hearing Sengoku say that, sent more shivers down Garp's back. Ever since Jackson got his first bounty Garp was afraid of a certain scenario. Would he have to fight Jackson in the future? He already almost killed an admiral, which was even beyond Garp's expectations.

Sengoku noticed his strange mood thanks to the uneasy look in Garp's face. It was unusual for him as it was being so serious. Still Sengoku continued.

"As for the part about the justification for his bounty and other pirates wanting to follow him? Tomorrow's newspapers will take care of that. The official story will be that he and his crew managed to steal a secret weapon prototype from a secret research facility and managed to defend and escape from Kizaru with that weapon."

"… So pirates that could have potentially tried to join him will now probably try to backstab him to get the nonexistent secret weapon?"

"Right. It's highly possible that even shichibukai decide to hunt him. If a 12 years old boy from east blue managed to defend and escape Kizaru with that weapon, what could the shichibukai achieve if they got their hands on it?"

"The weapon doesn't exist and besides that they will stand no chance even if they find him. Wouldn't that be bad for your plan?"

"Thats why the elders plan to manipulate the situation and trick them to go after him with marines tagging along. By the time they realize that there is no weapon they will be in a fight to the death and won't have any choice but to stick with the vice admirals and others."

"So to sum it up the plan is to wear him down by tracking and hunting him with multiple groups and organizations before finishing him? A long time hunt?"


Before Sengoku could answer the door shot open and a young marine stormed in Sengoku's office.

"Fleet admiral!"

Before he could get angry or even ask what's going on, the young marine saluted and shouted for him.

"An urgent situation has arisen!"

Handing something to Sengoku before the later could make heads or tails of this situation he immediately stepped back and looked nervously and the fleet admiral.

Although Sengoku didn't understand the situation yet he still looked at what he was handed. It was a newspaper. A special evening edition.

Looking at the front page made him open his eyes wide in astonishment. Then he begun to read the article. With every passing second veins started to become visible on his forehead. His eyes now seemed to be covered by a strange black shadow as he clenched the newspaper, even shaking in anger.

'All the plans… All the planning and preparations… how…' (Sengoku)

"THIS FUCKING BIRDHEAD!! I'll kill you when I see you!"

In the end Sengoku, much to Garp's surprise couldn't keep it in any longer. Aggressively standing up and smashing his table to bits and dust he started to scream.

The newspaper, he threw were picked up by Garp. As he looked at the article on the front page and read through it, he understood why Sengoku reacted like this but still. He couldn't stop a slight smile appearing on his face.

There was a big picture of the mortally wounded and unconscious Kizaru in the intensive care station, right under the article's title:

"The rise of a Young uncrowned emperor!"


(AN: Hey everyone! Yeah it's not dropped. I just have to prepare for my exams, got six of them coming. Me being a lazy piece of shit who does the bare minimum right until before the tests doesn't help So I kinda gotta work myself to death. By the way around 1700 words without the AN. Now to the story. You know I don't want to make a harem but after watching demon slayer and seeing a certain dude with 3 wifes I got weird ideas. I don't want mc to be a fcking beauty collecting harem mc since I personally feel that it makes the romance and feeling less meaningful. But Oda made all the potential waifus tooooo purrrrfect! I know some of you will write it's my ff and I should write what I want but that's the problem. I'm not certain anymore what I want regarding the wifu part. Help!)