
AN: (Me then: thinks about ways to introduce/write romance[for later chaps]. Me after: watches short romance anime hoping for inspiration/ideas. Me now: Feels fucking single as hell and is mad depressed about it :( To the guys who're in a happy relationship: SHINE!!!(jk!)

"The rise of a Young uncrowned emperor!

A clash between Navy HQ admiral Kizaru and a young pirate from east blue ended with a heavy defeat for Kizaru! On the xxth of April 1514, Navy HQ admiral Borsalino, also known as Kizaru, was sent on a mission to retrieve 2 run away slaves after tries to establish communication failed.(BS but Morgan can't know what's not written in the report he stole and don't ask how he managed, he's just built different) According to secret sources, the Slaves were on an island, that's hard to reach for many which is why Kizaru entered the island alone after getting near the location by ship. After finding the slaves location, Kizaru unexpectedly ran into the 12 years young Jackson the Goliath after which a fight broke out. (I regret the nickname, I just thought it sounds nice back then and didn't think of the myth behind) During an intense duel between Jackson and Kizaru, which nearly destroyed the small city, the admiral lost and suffered lethal injuries, making it impossible for him to continue his work for possibly months. Another surprise is that the crew's members acted heroically and focused on saving as many civilians and even the slaves during the duel despite the danger. Although still young, Jackson won a duel against an admiral from Navy HQ, even almost killing him, this alone makes him strengthwise a candidate for being an emperor of the sea in the new world! Are we witnessing the rise of an, for now, uncrowned emperor?"


"Shut it! Just what is so funny about this?!"

Garp, after reading the article couldn't help it and broke out in a loud, joyous laugh, much to Sengoku's anger. Unlike the fleet admiral he found it most amusing that all the schemes and plans of those five bast-… of those five elders were screwed and fucked by a huge talking bird.


That is until Sengoku started hitting him for real. His face looked more like that of the devil instead of Buddha's. Grabbing Garp by his shirt, Sengoku shook him with all his power while shouting his lungs out.

"I asked what's so funny?! Don't you understand that this will give him the momentum we tried to prevent? If he wants now he will have no problem to gather and grow forces into a huge fleet even before entering the new world! We can hardly keep four of them in check, so what are we supposed to do if a fifth emperor appears?!"

"…Well… what's done is done, right? We can't change it. How about we eat some rice crackers and share good green tea? I'll eat the rice crackers and you share the tea obviously! Buahahahaha-Ouch!!"

Garp answered matter of factly while being forcefully shaken. Sengoku almost coughed blood. No, he could feel that due to blood pressure some veins broke and blood leaked.

He was forced to let go of Garp and sit on the couch on the opposite as he lamented ever befriending this idiot.

"I swear if not you then your family will be the death of me one day…"

Meanwhile the newspapers were still sent out across all the seas. The sudden appearance of a new powerhouse at such a high level caused an enormous uproar. In response the world government could only update Jackson's current bounty and attempt to spread rumors with the goal to make people question wether it was really a fair duel.


In Foosha village on Dawn Island. Loud singing and a lot of voices could be heard coming from Makino's Bar, despite it being somewhat late.

Woodslap, the Mayor of the village, noticed that it was a bit unusual, during his night walk. Walking into the bar, he saw it being not only completely full but being more than that.

All the seats on every single table were taken but despite that at least as many people as were sitting, were standing while laughing, singing and drinking. Not only men but also women, of different ages were happy singing and partying.

Makino who barely managed to bring snacks and alcohol worked with a beaming smile.

This unexpected party confused wood slap until he managed to see something pinned on the wall. A paper stating "Big achievement celebration! Everything 50% off", right above an newspaper article and something that looked like a bounty poster.

After barely managing to squeeze through the masses he started reading the article and looked at the bounty but instead of celebrating his expression grew more and more shocked by the second.


The next morning on an uninhabited island in the new world. Many men and women were laying on the soft ground within a forest's clearing.

Loud snoring noises could be heard since nearly all the people were asleep or have passed out. Next to them were empty bottles or parts of smashed barrels visible indicating that a big party was held here recently.



All this abruptly ended with a sudden lout shout, that teared dozens of people out of their peaceful slumber.

"Captain! Come out and look at this!"

The person shouting, didn't seem to care about the many groans and death stares he started to receive as he run through the hoarded of people in search of his captain. In his hands was a newspaper and something else that couldn't be clearly seen.

Not far from him, a group of 4 stood up and waved him over. Seeing who signaled for him to come he immediately walked over wanting to ask where the captain is but before he could ask, a fist landed on his head hard enough to make him lose his footing.

"Ouch!"(pirate grunt)

"You're way to loud! Tsk! Whatever it is can't it wait until my head stops killing me?"

"Lucky Roo! Sorry but I have to show this the captain. I'm sure he would want to read this."

"Newspaper? Let me see it."

Yasopp who stood behind lucky roo walked up and took the newspaper after helping the man up. As he read the article a surprised look appeared on his face.

Lucky Roo, who stood next to Yasopp also read the article with a wide grin.

"Hey there! Seems like you two already read it."

Someone suddenly called out to them just when they finished reading. Looking to the direction of the voice they saw Ben and Shank walking over, the later having a newspaper in his hands.

"That Little Monster Is growing stronger almost faster than captain despite his young age. Who would have taught that he'd beat Kizaru?"

Ben spoke in a loud voice, slowly gaining the attention of the others around them, who were still a bit hangover and/or drunk on sleep.

Shanks took the wanted poster and took another good look at it as he smiled almost as wide as lucky roo.

"Seems like he might call me to challenge me a lot earlier than expected. Hahahahah!"

Hearing their captains words and imagining a small young boy kicking Shank's ass amused the others as well and they soon started to laugh as well.

(AN: with this Shanks has done his part for the next 5-6 years XD [anime reference])



In Big Mom's sweet castle on whole cake island a tall and slender man with pale skin and blue lips entered the sweet castles main hall, calling out for his mother while carrying some papers.

It was Perospero himself, who came to deliver news to Big Mom, Charlotte Linlin!

"Why are you shouting Perospero?"

The answer he got was a question in an annoyed tone, reminding him that in here only Big Mom can shout freely. Still he reported what he came here for to report.

"Mama look. This Are big News! Kizaru got defeated and will be out of commission for quite some time."


The surprising news, intrigued Big Mom as she told Persopero to read the article to her.

"MamaMama! That is quite interesting! With one admiral less, the navy won't dare to risk a head on confrontation with us any longer."

"True but mama, what about the kid?" (Perospero)

"If he is already able to do this than his potential must be extremely high. Enough for even me to take him seriously."

To Perospero's surprise Big Mom suddenly calmed down and spoke in a contemplative way.

"Are you thinking of going for his soul while he is young?"

"Mamamama! Not a bad idea! But that would be a big waste no? I must say he might make a good Son-in-law. If he behaves I might have him marry smoothie."


"You want to take him in as family?! And as smoothie's husband even?!"

"Mamamama! It's not decided yet but it's worth a thought. He might be the powerhouse who will tip the current power balance to my favor. MAMAMAMA!"



On Onigishima, Kaido, one of the yonko, was currently reading newspaper while getting drunk.

He read about Kizaru's defeat and found it amusing. He was happy about it as he continued to read, when he suddenly out of nowhere became angry and started shouting.

"Bastard!! Uncrowned emperor?! How dare you call a brat if such age an emperor?! Are you looking down on us!?"

He was shouting at No one in particular since he was currently alone on the roof of Onigishima. The other members new about Kaido's mood swing and unpredictability when he is drunk so they all kept their distance when he had alcohol in hand.

"Wuhahahaha! Why can't it be fighting someone who could kill me?! Wuhaha!"

Proven by the fact that he suddenly out of nowhere started crying for who knows what reason.


"Oi Pops! Take a look at this!"


On the Moby Dick, the Whitebeard pirate's ship, 1st division commander Marco went to find Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, after reading a certain article in the newspaper.

His enthusiasm grappled the curiosity of the others around as they all came around the two of them, wanting to hear what this was about.

"Gurarararararara! That Light brat sure got done in nicely."

Whitebeard exclaimed as he gave the newspaper to the others around. Only the bounty poster he kept. What draw him in wasn't the big bounty for a kid but the expression The boy was making. Somehow Whitebeared felt that it looked somewhat familiar.

"Portgas D. Jackson."

Reading the name out loud a calm smile appeared on his face, but his current thoughts remain unknown. He took a last look at the wanted poster before throwing it at the rest.


Wanted Poster

Dead or Alive

Portgas D. Jackson

Bounty: cliffhanger

(AN: A chapter after pulling an all-nighter so I ask for your understanding for mistakes you might have found. The bounty reveal will happen during an Ace POV before it finally gets back to MC in next chapter. This is a small set-up for what's to come after Jackson's little adventure above the clouds. If you don't enjoy reading these kind of 'side-story's than I apologize but I got to ask for your patience. Hope you enjoy the chapter and wish you all a nice weekend. Next chap might have to wait till next weekend I'm sorry for that.)