The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch!

3Pers. POV

Somewhere on the first half of Grand Line.

For once the weather and the sea are calm but on the Grand Line, where storms and disaster could appear literally out of nowhere at any time this calm didn't mean anything. A medium sized ship could be seen speeding across the deep blue sea in the distance.

On the main mast of said ship was a flag. A black flag with a skull symbol on it as most of the ships in this sea have. But this one has the cute round ears of a bear together with a brown beard.

Down on the ship... well, the situation there is chaotic. Every member of the crew is running to somewhere, carrying things or manning certain positions on the ship.

Everyone except one man. A huge man, around 213 cm (ca. 7 feet), big with burly build, long brown hair falling to his shoulders in a wavy manner and a full and long brown beard, was shouting commands and insults in same amounts, at the pirates, who are acting as if their lives are at risk.

Considering the panic on their faces and in their actions, together with the fear in their eyes, then lives being at stake sounds more than just believable.

"Goddamn! Why are we so unlucky?!"

Even the big burly man was visibly shaken, which unnerved the other people around him even more.

"Someone fucking report to me their position and movement right now!"

"Aye Captain! They turned direction and are heading towards us. I-I think they are catching up to us!"


'They' are another ship and it's crew, who are chasing the bear-pirates. The second ship headed in their directions the moment the bear-pirates were discovered and as the man reported, it's getting closer.

"Of all things to suddenly run into a warlord of the sea... Everyone listen! Position the ship! Go prepare the cannon balls and man the cannons. Aim for the snakes! We must sink them before they can get any closer!"

The situation looks bleak for the bear-pirates but the burly man, captain grizzly, quickly made a choice, with survival in mind. As a seasoned veteran with a bounty of 39.000.000B he knew that those who hesitate and overthink when facing danger, are the kind of people to die early on.

Although it couldn't be considered as quite early, even if he died here but grizzly wishes to survive.


As the red ship, drawn by two huge sea snakes in the front, reached a certain distance from their target, canon shots were fired and explosions went off on the earlier calm sea. Naturally the pursuers, the Kuja-pirates, returned the fire and a sea battle started. But unexpectedly it lasted much shorter than the two parties expected.

"What is that?"

"Captain look! There is something coming down!"

"Hime-sama! A ship is descending from the sky!"

Pirates on both sites reported to their captains as soon as they noticed a ship descending. The yellow ship that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and landed in between the two parties forced them to a temporary break to asses the situation anew.

"Damn you Sabo! couldn't you have moved us to a position with no ongoing sea battle?!"

"Hm? Calm down Kuina. Of course I could have done that but where would be the fun in that?"

The voices of a young girl and a young boy resounded loudly.

"So this is the blue sea. To think there really would be so much water..." (Enel)

"Well of course there is but that's beside the point right now. Captain, shouldn't we get out while ignoring these troublemakers?" (Law)

"Eh? see... that is somehow..." (Jackson)

While the newly arrived were chatting amidst the gazes of the two crews, a sudden sound could be heard next to the bear-pirate's captain. The captain looked at the source only to find his right hand man, vice-captain black b, on the ground.

It was obvious that something was wrong as he was drenched in an unnatural amount of sweat. His breathing became quite loud and his body was shuddering uncontrollably as if he was extremely cold. Looking into his eyes, one could see, they are opened strangely wide and his pupils were shaking.

"Black-B! What's wrong?!"

"C-C-Captain... We go-got to get out of here now."

Black-B answered in a voice that came out as nothing more than a whisper but he still heard what he said. The captain understood that it must be because of the new party that joined so he asked, in a similar quiet voice. Seeing the two leaders acting like that made all the other crew members stop in their tracks.

"Who are they?"

"The-The new super rookie. The one who beat Kizaru."

While answering, Black-B took out a wanted poster. Hearing the answer and seeing the poster caused the others to almost panic. The guy who arrived was the new great pirate who defeated a freaking admiral! Captain grizzly almost fell like Black-B. With shaking hands he signaled the other members of the crew: GET US THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. NOW! And with no delay at all they obeyed.


Jackson POV

'Damn you Sabo! Fun my ass!'

How is it fun to suddenly appear before one of the warlords?! Okay I'll admit that it would be fun if it were anyone else but Boa Hancock! Why? Because I fear I might turn into stone when I see her!

"Captain? The guys on our left are leaving."


Bepo called out to me and brought me out of my own thoughts. What's done is done and when thinking logically about it I am used to an equal level of beauty thanks to Robin! Yes, the snake princess won't be a problem. I am no simp!


"Right. Robin, you are the most knowledgeable out of us. Do you know that crew?"

"...Hmmm. I think I know about them. The captain is called grizzly and apparently he ate a zoan fruit. They are on the Grand Line for about 10 years but are considered around lower average at best. Mainly deals with Robbing and kidnapping on smaller to middle sized villages."


That was way more detailed than I could have expected for a lucky shot. Meanwhile I could sense movement on the Kuja-pirates ship.

'Seems like the captain decided to come out now. But before that...'

"Hey Augur."

"Yes Captain?"

Quick response as always.

"Don't you think we should do some more testing with 'that'?"

"Aye captain, I understand."

"Huh? Captain, one of the seven warlords of the sea is here. Are you sure you want to use it?"

Unexpectedly, Robin interjected. What she said makes sense since officially, the warlords and the WG and navy are working together but...

"Afraid that they might snitch? Robin. If you knew what I know about the snake princess, trust me, you wouldn't think of that as a possibility even if you were twice as suspicious of people as now."

Despite the curious looks around me, I just signaled Augur who in turn took his new sniper, let it charge a bit and shot at the retreating crew. As I expected, the whole ship was destroyed in a big explosion the very moment the death beam made contact and that just on time with the appearance of the snake princess, who could now see this makeshift firework.

'Lucky us, I didn't sense any captives on the ship'

Was my thought as I turned around to look at the Kuja-pirates. Or more specially at the captian.

And damn she is lethally beautiful. At this moment I am sure that if I wasn't around Robin the last few months, I'd be in trouble.

'AH!... We made eye contact! Wow!'

I was about to go and try greeting her when a loud shout sounded across the water. The source? The snake princess who was looking down at me with a disgusted frown on her face.



'...Excuse me?'

(AN: Hey everyone! So I have been thinking that it's about time to once again write some cliff hangers. Having said that next chapter will be really funny(for me since I enjoy your angry memes)! And as always I hope you enjoyed the story!)