Empress over board!!!

Jackson POV

Gobsmacked. I feel completely gobsmacked after being called a son of a bitch for apparently no reason. And what about my audacity?

"...Did I do something wrong?"

While turning towards Sabo on my right and pointing with my finger at myself, I asked the question that bothers me... But that bastard just shrugged his shoulders and smirked!

Kuina on my left was shaking her head and simply sighted after hearing my question while the others... except Augur and Law the guys were staring at Hancock with the famous heart shaped eyes.

"Did we do something wrong?"

Only Robin actually asked the other party directly. Standing tall with an aloof look, staring back at the snake princess who is looking down at us in her usual 'looking down' pose and directly talking back.

'How cool!'

"Have you done something wrong? Of course! How dare you finish the prey I set my eyes on first?! Are you challenging me?!"


'Oh! So that's the reason.'

Logically speaking this shouldn't be a problem then, since it started off with a misunderstanding... unfortunately the actions that followed weren't logical at all.

'Damn her huge EGO!'

"Slave arrow!"

Before I got the chance to speak, she took out of god knows where, a huge pink heart, which she pulled like a bow. A whole salve of arrows shot out of said heart but before they could reach us...

"Heavenly salve!"


A bright lightning salve shot out from behind me, not any less in numbers then the arrows, destroying them midway. Of course it was Enel's doing, his first action as a crew member.

'If it only wasn't for that chuuni naming sense...'

Law, on the other hand, created a room that barely reached half of their ship. I am curious about what he wants to do since a room this big would drain him quite a bit, yet he surprised me and everyone else when he started to sprint and jump into the water...


"...What the fuck!"

Everyone panicked as he was about to fall in the water, during a fight, I even was ready to change into my speed form and catch him until I saw what happened next.



With just the flick of his fingers he suddenly switched positions with Hancock! Just as he was a centimetre above the water!



Ran, Daisy and the other Kuja-pirates shouted in a panicked manner as 4 people, as well as the snakes pulling their ship, hurried towards Hancock.

"You Bastard!"

"You will die for this!"

Sandersonia and Marigold couldn't follow after Hancock since they too ate devil fruits, so instead, after turning in huge Nagas they decided to attack Law.


Law switched positions with someone again since he couldn't take on the sisters in their huge snake form but this time he didn't change position with an opponent...


"Sorry captain but please do your thing."

My view suddenly changed as a light headache attacked me but I still heart Law's voice from somewhere... then it clicked inside my head.

"This Bastard!"

He used me to tank the sister's attack, that were directed at him just a second ago!

'Fine. Well done. You just earned one royal beating but it is a clever plan, I'll admit that much.'

I clad my hands in haki and received both sister's attack without a problem.


Both of them said at the same time while their faces showed pure shock. The nameless cannon fodder started rushing in behind the sisters but Robin caught them using her devil fruit. At least those who didn't use haki on time to get rid of the hands that suddenly appeared on their bodies.

'This is slowly getting out Hand!'

As I thought that I released a burst of conqueror's haki, that engulfed everyone and everything around us. The sea became hectic as if responding to my will while the pressure rooted everyone on their spot.

The Kuja-pirates looked nervously at me, even the Boa sisters had sweat flowing down their heads but the most important thing was to end the battle now before someone gets seriously hurt.

Under my command we let them bring Hancock back on the ship without making any move while I returned to my ship, showing that we don't want to fight and like this... we returned to square one. The stand off while staring at each other.

(AN: And that's it for today. How will Jackson and Hancock interact from now on? Will they be enemies? What is the next destination. All that and more on the next chapter of 'One Piece: Like father Like son!' Just a joke! I feel like I haven't done this in a while ;P

The stand-off continued for a few minutes. My crew members all took cool looking poses, with their hands on their weapons, ready to fight at any moment, while I... I just stood in the front having what seems to be a starring match with Boa Hancock. That is until I noticed Rindo suddenly walk to Hancock and whisper something to her.

"Huh? That's him? Are you sure?"

"Yes princess I am sure. I didn't recognize them since they weren't seen for more than a month but I finally remembered."

Hancock reacted surprised, even questioning if whatever she heard is true until a piece of paper was handed to her.

'A wanted poster?'

I could catch a glimpse and recognized it as a wanted poster but I don't know whose it is.

'Wait a minute. Could it be mine? Come to think of it... My bounty must have risen since I beat Kizaru but because I was traveling the white sea I don't know by how much.'

"Why aren't we beating them up by now?" (Enel)

"Maybe they don't want to fight anymore?" (Bepo)

"Bullshit! Jackson what are we even waiting for?" (Kuina)

"You brutes! Can't you see the beautiful ladies? Captain, you must tell them!" (Sachi & Penguin)

"You're to loud. Jackson-nii will beat them soon anyway. He isn't someone who would consider gender or appearance."

Meanwhile behind me, these punks are just spouting whatever came to their mind but to be honest I don't even want to fight right now.

'I know that, even though they are acting tough, the Kuja-pirates aren't a bad bunch. On top of that I like or rather liked Hancock's character in the anime. Still if we just turn around to leave and show them our back they might attack.'

Even if they attacked, as long as I focus my attention on them, we would be save but it feels like a wasted chance. I currently have the advantage of knowing Hancock's secret, which is also a big weakness of hers that I could use.

Of course not to make her fall in love with me but at least become friends... or something like that. As it was shown by Luffy, befriending a warlord of the sea can be quite the advantage in certain situations.

'But how do I bring up anything that targets her wound point?'

"You are Portgas D. Jackson?"

Suddenly Hancock spoke again.

"I will bestow upon you the honor of answering one of my questions. Tell me the truth. Why exactly did you do it?"

"...Excuse me?"

Being asked something with so little context, naturally I couldn't answer her.

"The truth about your fight with Kizaru! The newspaper said you saved some runaway slaves but I don't believe that something like that was your reason to fight Kizaru. I am curious so tell me why you fought him and then even saved something like slaves?"



*lightning sfx*

I felt as if a lightning just went off in my brain. It was almost too convenient to be real.

'Are the heavens smiling at me? To think she would bring up something like slaves by herself!'

(AN: Hey everyone! Sorry for not uploading yesterday! I'll write a second chapter a bit later as an apology ( in a few hours). Hope you enjoy!)