Some talk, a confession?! and Sabaody Archipelago!

Jackson POV

A new day arrived. Seeing how everyone except me is still sleeping in the dining hall, reminded me of the fun we had last night.

'What a weird bunch.'

I might not be one to talk about that but it can't be denied that in one way or another, we are similarly weird. I mean just last night I told them that some dude I met showed me an alternative version of this world and they were just like 'Ok. Cool story bro'.

Since the rest of the crew is still asleep I decided to step out and get some fresh air, something extremely scary for introverts and otakus.

Once outside, the sight that appeared to me was that of clouds a blue sky and a rising sun. For whatever reason, we made Sabo raise the ship back into the sky using the cover of the night.

"Why did no one think about how to get back down, without being seen?"

"Look who's talking when it was your idea."


The unexpected answer to my rumbling took me by surprise since I wasn't on guard right now. In my defense, staying on guard all the time is exhausting and steals the joy out of your life.

"Robin. Lovely seeing you but I thought you were still sleeping."

"I woke up just as you were leaving the hall."

Robin came out shortly after me and went over to the handrail of the deck. She leaned on it while watching the sun in the distance.

'The morning just got a lot better.'

She was barefooted at the moment, wore loose white shorts and a light red sleeveless top that slightly revealed a bit of her cleavage. The picture like scenery in the distance behind her, where the early sun colored the sea of clouds with a tinge of red and gold complimented this unforgettable view.

'You know what? I am glad I died back there... All the losers who are still alive and struggle with college and jobs and what not can suck it!'


My inner monologue was interrupted by her calling me.

"Is it ok if I continue to ask some questions while the others are sleeping?"

"...I guess it should be okay. What do you want to know?"

Can't say I didn't expect this outcome at least a bit, even though enjoying the view in silence would have been the preferred option to me.

After a short silence, during which Robin gathered her thoughts to decide what question to ask, she began.

"Do you really know everything about my past?"



This caught me by surprise once more, since she seemed to be only interested in her future. For some reason the tranquil atmosphere from before became serious as Robin turned around and locked eyes with me.

Resolve, firmness but for some reason a hint of nervousness. That's the feeling Robin is currently giving off prompting me to answer seriously as well as honestly.

"No, of course not. I know about your home and the buster call. Your mother and your friend. I also know that you were left on your own ever since. Betrayals, lies and sacrifices..."

The narration went on, letting her know the depths of my knowledge about her. It may be wide but by no means detailed and after finishing it, silence descended between us once again.

It made me feel a bit awkward, like am I supposed to say something now? Or is she crept out by me knowing all this?

"... Can I ask another question?"

"...At this point just go for it, Robin."

Not knowing what this is all about is driving me nuts, so perhaps I might ask some questions back after answering her.

"If I wasn't with you back then when we ran into Kizaru, what would you have done?"

"Made a run for it. Without hesitation. Before fighting him, we were just a slightly strong group that had just entered the Grand Line, so there is no chance he would have cared about us, given his personality."

She looked down. Her fists clenched she came in my direction. It looked like shadows covered her eyes. And she passed by my side silently.

'..*sigh* women and the trut-'

My brain short circuited before I could finish this thought. Two slender arms wrapped around me from behind, in a hugging motion. Black hair fell on my head. And from behind I felt heaven itself.

"...Thank you..."

I heard Robin whisper something in a weak voice. Little did I know, that the answers just now where the final confirmation she so desperately wanted.

She wasn't recruited based on some half knowledge about her. Quite the contrary, I knew the dangers and possible consequences that might follow pretty well.

She wasn't betrayed or left behind even when facing an admiral from the navy HQ. The admiral was fought to protect her.

Little did I know that with this I managed to make her let go of her defenses and walls and accept this ship and crew as friends and family.

I only knew... that this moment... couldn't last long.

"Huh! Robin? Jackson?! What are you doing?"


'Fuck your timing Kuina!'

"Hey what's wrong? What's so interesting to wat-...EHhh?! Jackson-nii and Robin?!"

'You too Sabo!'

"Guys calm down it's just a misund- Hey Robin? You should let go now or else they will really misunderstand something."

As I tried to turn towards Sabo and Kuina, to explain that it's not like it seems, Robin, against my expectations, continued to hug me.

'...What the fuq?'

My face probably became confusion itself.

I mean I am not complaining, I could stand and get hugged like this for eternity but the situation is getting hard to understand for me as well.

Robin is currently hugging me from behind, while also smiling warmly at me. Sabo and Kuina are standing there and misunderstanding on their own but Robin doesn't seem to mind.

'... Could it be?!...Should I ask directly?'

"Hey Robin... Did you suddenly start to like me? As a man I mean?"

'My mouth moved faster than I brain again but even though I've got no idea whether that was the right move, it should be better than not doing anything at all like a beta mc...'

"No, I don't like 12 years old boys in that way. But you are a great friend, captain."

Without hesitation! Even with the same warm smile on her face!

*Sound of something breaking!*

*lighting sfx!*

'Damn you Enel!'

"Ohhh... I guess we misunderstood... sorry Jackson."

"Even Jackson-nii got shot down in one move."

'Now even those two punks are pitying me...I should have aged faster...'

"Hey what is going on out here?"

"What's with all the noise?"

The rest of the crew started to come out as well, seemingly attracted by the noise and soon another chaotic discussion and playful arguments filled the ship.

*A few hours later*

After the whole ordeal this morning and after filling the fridge with scary amounts of chocolate ice cream, I finally get to talk with Tom, Franky and Eisberg, face to face.

The big fishman had a relaxed smile on his face, sitting opposite me without any tension or nervousness, unlike his students.

"Hahahaha! Those CP guys got outsmarted by a 12 years old boy!" (Tom)

"Tom-san! Ah please excuse this blunder of his. His head took a hit recently so-" (Eisberg)

"Ahahahaha!" (Tom)

Unlike Franky who blankly stared at me, as if I was a ghost, Eisberg tried to make up for, what he thought were blunders made by Tom.

"You build the Oro Jackson."

Hearing me speak finally made Eisberg shut up.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I don't intend to hurt you. Despite what you might have heard or read, I am a 'great friend' guy."

"...Why do you look like crying?" (Tom)

"Shut it please!"


I am not even a full minute here and I already get the impression that these guys are weird. Still I like Tom's casual attitude quite a lot.

"Boy you helped us greatly this time. I am very grateful."

"Oh! That's great. Could you come with us to fishman island if that's the case."

"...What?" (all three)

From here on, the real discussion started. The world government knew about the blue prints for Pluton so in short, they need to destroy them in front of an agents or officials eyes otherwise they will try it again and again.

On top of that, Tom, who is the only one who might know the blueprints from memory, will have to disappear, on either the WG's way or my way, which is bringing him to fishman island.

"...Why are you son invested in this?"

"Firstly, the blue prints must not fall in the world government's hands. Secondly I kinda like you-"

"Ahahah. I guess I like you as well."

"And thirdly, you were kind of friends with my old man."


He looked at [ACE].

"Is it that man?"

He immediately guessed it correctly. Somehow a small smile found it's way to my lips.

"Yes. That's my old man."

"Ahahahaha! Who would have known! AHAhaah!"

The three agreed with what I told them faster than I expected and so they went back to make preparations. The destruction of the blue prints was left to Eisberg and Franky, while two days later we departed from Water 7 with one more person.

Our next destination being the last island of Grand Line's first half. The Sabaody Archipelago!

(AN: HA! I bet I got some of you with the slightly fake romance! It was just me playing around for practice purpose since I haven't wrote romance shit before. Don't take that too seriously since I imagined it more like a gig. So how was it? Hope you enjoyed the chapter.)