Sabaody Archipelago!

3rd Person POV

One week after departing from Water 7, Jackson, his friends and Tom were about to reach the last island of Grand Line's first half, the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Captain! I can see our destination ahead of us."

It was Augur who informed the others.

"Alright! Everyone inside! We will dive from here on."

"Ah I can't wait to see it for myself."

While the others followed the order and prepared to dive down with the sub marine, Tom, who was impressed by Wolf's creation, felt glad that he could witness the procedure of diving under again.

Besides some nasty storms that practically appeared out of nowhere and some ghastly fog that seemed to follow them for a day, the voyage was without problems much to Jackson's disappointment.

Just before the fog had appeared, the Augur noticed a barrel in the sea. Jackson instantly knew what it was but still ordered to grab the barrel and open it.

To him, it would have been quite fun to mess with Moria while letting the others beat up some zombies. Since the undead can't they, they would have been great target and practice puppets.

But little did he know that, as soon as Moria received the report about who opened the barrel, he ordered everyone to not act and stay away from the Jackson-pirates.

So now the crew arrived at Sabaody Archipelago without any incidents or adventures in between. While underwater, Jackson searched for a possible place to dock the ship and enter the Archipelago unseen, using observation haki.

It didn't take long for a desolate area with a big enough water body to appear, from which they then entered the Sabaody Archipelago. It was at Grove 17.

"Holy bubbles! They are coming out of the ground!" (Sabo)

"For real?" (Kuina)

"Looks amazing!" (Sachi & Penguin)

"But how does that work?"

Half of the crew was immediately amazed by the unique bubbles. Upon hearing them Tom stepped up and explained how they are created and the general layout of Sabaody Archipelago.

"We are on Groove 17, meaning inside the lawless area for pirates and scum. Do we have to hide our selves like last time then? Since everybody around here is probably wanted themselves?"

"I don't think so. At least not, where I want to go."

Jackson's answered Bepo in a casual manner while looking around, trying to see the Grooves' number.

"And where is that?" (Enel)

"Groove 13."

"Huh? Kid do you already know about him?"

"Whatever it is you mean, it most probably isn't a coincidence."

Law said this to Tom as they started walking behind their captain who already went ahead.

On Groove 13, inside 'Shakky's Rip-off Bar'

"Bitch, what did you say?! You want 300.000B for this piss of a beer?!"

"Better watch it! Don't you know who we are?"

Inside Shakky's Bar, A group of 18 men were trying to pressure the owner of this establishment. A tall woman with short black hair stood behind the bar, listening to their rumbling with an annoyed expression.

"I don't care who you are. Pay up and then fuck off."

"Are you tired of living?! I am Pad THE head crusher! Captain of the crusher pirates! My head is worth 184.000.000B yet you dare to try and ripp ME off?!"

The largest of the men inside shouted the loudest. He was around 230 cm tall, bright shoulders paired with an upper body full of gigantic bulging muscles. For whatever reason he walked around shirtless, with only boot pants on.

"Yes. Clearly those who can read have an advantage in life, don't you think so?"

Still, the woman, Shakky, simply didn't give two shits about him, as she straightforwardly mocked the big guy.

"This Damn Bit-"

Just when the situation was about to escalate, the bell from the entrance door rang, letting them know that someone just walked in. Everyone turned around seeing that it was a group of 11 individuals of various sizes and forms who just entered.

"Huh? A kid?"

One of the men thought loudly, but was ignored by everyone. Unlike most of them, Shakky instantly recognized the newcomers.

'Why is Tom-san with them?' (Shakky)

The small bar instantly became crowded once the new group entered but instead of quarrels, or fights, complete silence dominated the bar.

The new group was of course Jackson together with the others.

'Since the place is already so crowded, we will just sit down in that corner.'

Jackson sat on the couch placed in the corner with a small table in front of him. The others just followed and sat down around him, either on the little couch if there was space left, or on a chair near the table.

Without even intending to, they made it look like Jackson was a gangsta boss in a mafia bar, surrounded by the family's big figures with their stern looks and cold attitude.

But the reason for those looks is, they were nervous since both Jackson and Tom just told them that 'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh is in this bar!


"What the fuck is going on? Why are those bastar-"


The guy from before spoke again but this time he wasn't ignored. His captain, Pad the crusher himself, swung his weapon, a big bat, and obliterated this guy's head under the shocked looks of his comrades.

Ironically, Jackson, Sabo and the others were the most shocked.

'Why did this guy suddenly kill someone?!'

It got even weirder when the big guy turned towards Jackson and slightly bowed his head before going to the counter and leaving some money on it. Picking up the dead guy's body he hurriedly left the bar and the rest silently followed.

"What the fuck? Is something like this usual on the blue sea?"

"...Like hell it is." (Law)

"Definitely not." (Augur)

Outside the bar, Pad the crusher started running as soon as the door behind him closed. He was drenched in cold sweat and his pulse might kill him any second now.

'This damn fucker almost screwed us all!'

Unknown to the others inside the bar, he and many of his subordinates recognized Jackson the moment he stepped in.

Having a huge big shot so close to you, was already unnerving but when he heard that ignorant fool call him a kid he got the chills.

Luckily they ignored him the first time but Pad's heart almost sunk to his stomach when the same idiot opened his mouth again, just to insult the admiral killer.

"Everyone! We are going back to the ship! Call the rest and tell them that we will leave as soon as possible!"

"Aye Captain."

Meanwhile, inside the bar Tom and Shakky, who apparently knew each other started to chat.

"Tom-san. I didn't expect to see you here. How come you are with the new Super roockie?"

"Oh that is quite the story but in short he helped me out greatly and is still doing so Ahahaha."

"Wait. Tom you know this woman?"

"Didn't I mention it? Yes, I met her before. She is Rayleigh's wife."


"Whaaaaatt?!!" (everyone minus Jackson and Enel.)

(AN: Hey Everyone! Today's chapter is slightly shorter then the last few but we are slowly getting closer to the final of vol 1. Big fight, time skip and so on. Within the next few chapters a lot of things will happen and my estimation is that vol 1 will probably end around ch. 70. Look forward to the fight, since the slowly amassed power of the crew members (at least of some of them) will be fully displayed against impossibly powerful enemies! Hope you Enjoy reading this ff!)