The price for arrogance

Jackson POV


"Amazing, who would have thought, we'd make friends with Rayleigh!" (Bepo)

By the time we stepped out of Shakky's rip-off bar, almost everyone was at least 'slightly' drunk, despite it only being the afternoon.

Well, for some reason Augur and Enel don't look drunk at all but that's their problem. Sachi as well as Penguin on the other hand are really drunk.

Not even taking 10 steps after leaving the bar, they wrapped their hands around my shoulders, one from the left while the other from my right side before asking.

"SOooo? What now? Do we have plans captain?"

"Hey Hey... why not go get wasted?"

"Wow! That ish a great idea!"

"...No definitely not. How come Kuina can keep her drinks better than you two?"

"Please don't drag me into this conversation."

Getting wasted near the navy hq while surrounded by potential enemies, like rivaling pirate crews or perhaps bounty hunters that could be hiding somewhere?

'No. I don't think I will.'

"Captain, Isn't it about time for me to go and leave 'that' for them."

"Hm? Ah! That almost slipped my mind. Go ahead then but don't cause trouble while you are away."

"Of course I won't. How old do you think I am? 12?"


'Did Augur just make a joke? No way... Is he perhaps drunk as well?'

Even the others, except Enel, looked at him with shock. This has never happened before! Totally ignoring the wide eyed stares he was receiving Augur started to head towards the Sabaody Park.

The thing that has to be delivered is the report about his new sniper's performance. After all it's a weapon made by the revolutionary army in secret, which in accordance to our deal, we would take the risk of putting to test, even delivering reports but in return we keep it AND they provide us with ammunition.

"Captain! We want to go have fun!"

"Tom told us that Groove 48 is full of drinking places! Let's go!"


Sachi and Penguin still want to continue drinking. Why can't they accept what is best for them? Letting them go alone is a big NO but who would want to play the babysitter for them..

"Hey Law-"


Seems like Law immediately understood why he was called.

"Can't you just go with them?"

"Yeah! Law come with us!" (Sachi)

"Come Law! Do as the captain says." (Penguin)

"Shut up!"

In the end he went with them, even taking Bepo along.

"So Jackson-nii... that leaves only us 5 now."

"Right. Let's go visit the tourist area. We have so much money, I'll be damned if I don't spend it, be it on food, drinks or clothes."

"Hell yeah I'm in!" (Sabo)

"I'm in too!" (Kuina)

"Sounds good to me. I'll tag along as well." (Robin)

"Same for me." (Enel)

What followed were hours upon hours spent in the high end shops on the Grooves 40-49, Food tours in restaurants and food stands along with relaxing breaks in bars and bistros. Of course with our masks from water 7 still on otherwise god knows what kind of panic would have started.

During this shopping tour, I got myself new black pants along with a white dress shirt. Leaving the front open and showing off the golden medallion, which is adorned with a black gem. The last thing we bought for me was a red long coat with flowing pattern decorations near the bottom part.

Kuina was only interested in training equipment and outfits so she bought multiple sets of almost anything training related that entered her sight.

Enel got himself white elegant pants and a white coat with silver and gold linings. Don't know why but shirts don't seem to be his thing. Instead he didn't save on jewelry, buying big round golden earrings, a sapphire ring and bracelets.

Robin bought a white summer dress, with short sleeves. She also got herself a sexy black dress, showing a bit more of her assets and a golden necklace with a gem the same color as her eyes. (If there are some artists or men of culture among you, this is your chance to show off. I am sure no one will judge you for whatever One Piece related pics you might upload here.)

"Ahhhh, today was unexpectedly fun!"

"Hmhmhm. I agree, It really was fun today."

Both girls commented on today. It was already late at night so everyone else had long since returned to the ship before we did.

The two drunkards were sound asleep but Law and Bepo were still up, chatting with Tom.

According to Tom, Rayleigh just left before we arrived. A big portion of the coating was already finished So they would definitely be finished by tomorrow evening.

The next day we stayed in Shakky's bar most of the day. The two drunkards are suffering from a hangover so everyone is making fun of them.

'Hope this will teach them!'

Around afternoon we left the bar again but instead off splitting up like we did yesterday we went all together to the Sabaody Park. Augur told us that there would be a play during the evening, about pirates fighting marines or something.

'Since we aren't planning to leave before next day anyways, why not go and watch it.'

...Is what I thought but why do we have to meet a celestial dragon as soon as the sun set.

As if a higher force was determined to mess with us, we ran into a celestial dragon... but unlike what I feared when we arrived here, it wasn't a young master lusting after Robin but an old hag lusting after... me.

"Oh my, look at this one. Doesn't he look like a strong boy? You! Come over here and greet your new master." (Celestial Bitch)



"Didn't you hear me?! Come over here now!"

Definitely worthy to be slapped to death. Still, just for the 1 in a million chance let's try talking it out. Maybe she doesn't know that I am just 12 because I am quite tall... After all not all of them could be into strange things right? right?!

"Uhm... but I am just 12 despite being tall. Wouldn't you want to buy someone a bit older?"

"12? I didn't know since you look a bit older but... This is even better! 12 Years olds are my favorites!"

*lightning sfx* (Enel)

This made me stare angrily at Enel.

"...Sorry" (Enel)

'Forget it. No way in hell am I going to go with this old hag. If push comes to shove I'll fight it out with Aokiji or even that son of a magma bitch.'

But when I was about to knock them out, the bitch moved up to me under the watchful eyes of her guards and *slap*... she just slapped me.

"You dare ignore my order?! Courting death!!"

That slap neither hurt nor made a crisp sound. What it did instead was shocking me, as well as signing her death sentence.

But yet again, just before my hands could unscrew her head from her neck, Sabo and Kuina appeared before me using soru. Sabo the sigma male hit her face with his pipe while Kuina the badass swung her still sheathed katana in a overhead manner hitting the celestial bitch cleanly on the head.


At first the area became deathly silent. Then shocked gasps could be heard. After that panic befell those curious onlookers as they ran in all directions while screaming for their life.

The bodyguards took out their pistols, trying to shoot but were done in by Bepo who rushed in, knocking them out cold.


"Yes captain?"

"Let's run."

"Aye!" "Everyone.

Just because I can fight an admiral doesn't mean that I will. After all it's not a game, especially since they know that I can win against one.

No way in hell would the navy be stupid enough to just send one admiral like it was the case on the sky island back then.

Vice-admirals, Rear-admirals, war ships and what not.


When we reached the Groove 23, I stopped in my tracks prompting everyone else to stop as well. A relatively powerful figure descended in front of us. One that was too familiar to not be recognized.

"Why are you here?!"

Instead of answering me he took out a pistol and shot it towards the night sky. A signal flare.


"What the fuck are you laughing about?"

The others got ready for battle. Sabo and Enel who have observation haki became serious from the get go as every mistake will be fatal to them.

As for me, if this bitch hasn't achieved the devil's fruit awakening yet, then I'll beat him in 10 minutes tops but even if he has I will win.

Yet what worries me is that signal flare.

"Who would have taught that sore loser would report your whereabouts to the navy."

"What are you talking about?!"

My question was ignored again. I want to rush in to end it quickly yet before the fight begins another figure appears. Sand gathers into another familiar figure right next to the first one.

Behind us steps could be heard as a horde of seriously injured pirates and marines appear. They were accompanied by a huge ugly something.



The 3rd familiar figure appeared at the same time as the 4th. In a mere 4 minutes since the signal flare was shot, 4 out of 7 warlords appeared. A zombie army encircled us while the 4 warlords guarded one side each.

Mr. Crocodile. Gecko Moria. Bartholomeo's predecessor, Alman, the invincible, who wasn't shown in the anime or manga. And Doflamingo.

But the truly troublesome one arrived last. Kuzan came with a small army of marines. Among them I recognized Momousagi, Tokikake and Tsuru.

After seeing Tsuru among them it finally clicked in my head. It's impossible for them to arrive and find us so quickly, meaning they waited here after preparing a trap.

I had to arrive on this island at some point to cross over to the new world but waiting for me indefinitely is impossible.

Mingo said before that someone reported my whereabouts, but the only one outside my crew are who knew, would be the people from water 7 or...

"Gecko Moria."

"Shishishi! You finally got it? This is the price for arrogance."

A few days ago I ordered out of arrogance to open the barrel which now turns out to have been a mistake. This snitching bitch didn't confront us but reported our timely arrival. (Barrel is a trap from moria that shoots a signal flare and tells him the location of possible pray.)

But besides Moria, why are the others already here? We only arrived yesterday so if the WG doesn't have a way to transport them faster they coudn't have arrived here already. Especially Crocodile and Mingo.

"Hey Jackson."

"...I know...Shit just hit the fan."

It's useless to think about that right now. First we have to survive this situation.

(AN: Hello! Well guess you didn't expect the warlords to gather, did you? Since Jackson is someone who beat an admiral I felt like this was the next logical step the navy or WG would do. A cooperation with the warlords like they did it for Brandy world and possibly other pirates. But how will Jackson get out of this situation without losing anybody? Answer: He won't! *LAUGHS IN EVIL* Hope you have fun reading!)