It’s either do or die!

3rd Person POV

An overwhelming force surrounded Jackson and his crew. Not just an admiral leading some thousands of marines, even 3 of the strongest vice-admirals were here.

This is something that Jackson couldn't possibly deal with by himself yet help from his crew members would be hard to expect given that 4 out of 7 warlords were present as well.

"This is why I wanted to take that break on fishman island. Strong people like them are practically swarming the new world but now..."

No matter what, except for Enel and maybe Augur, Aokiji would wipe them all if Jackson lets him attack them. Even those two would lose after some time.

On top of it, there was Doflamingo among the gathered warlords, who is probably the second strongest among all 7 of them.

'If he has already awakened his devil fruit even Enel would lose but if not he will be able to stall him.'

(7 Nation's army by white stripes)

When Jackson turned around, he looked each one in the eyes. Worry and fear were present but they still grabbed their weapons tightly and stared back.

"Jackson-nii. We are ready to fight."

His brother told him that. With his relative small body compared to the others it didn't sound reassuring or convincing but now it was their only option.

"Don't hold anything back. Don't give a shit about collateral and what not. Most importantly don't ever question yourself during a fight. It's either do or die."

"AYE!!!" (Everyone)

"Shishishishishi! Done with saying your final goodbyes? Zombies, go and tear them apart!"

"Soldiers! Take aim! Our opponent is someone who we can't afford to underestimate at all costs!" (Tsuru)

As the cannon fodder started to move and take position, Jackson drew his sword and started to walk forward.

Rising his sword as if to declare that he won't back down against them, he used his conquerors haki, which gushed out into the area like a tsunami.

An invisible pressure descended on his enemies as lightning danced through the air. The surroundings got even darker, while the night wind howled and raged.


Another person's conqueror's haki activated confronting Jackson's. The clash of will caused even cracks to spread beneath them and the sea to run wild.

Both zombies and navy soldiers dropped like flies to the ground. When the clash stopped only the main figures of this fight remained standing.

"Damn you! All my zombies!"

"Truly a monster of a child."

Doflamingo commented with a wide grin but even he had cold sweat running down his back, after feeling his opponents power. With a cold glint in his eyes Jackson took a look at the warlords.

It became clear that every single one present would have lost in a one on one battle and that they would die if they didn't kill Jackson.

"Even though I already expected this, it's still shocking to witness it with my own eyes. Just where did he come from."

"Don't get distracted now Vice-admiral Gion. Stick to the plan."

Tsuru reprimanded her younger college. They had to split and isolate Jackson on the field to make sure that he dies. Once they kill his crew members the warlords would return to attack Jackson as well. According to what Kizaru told them, he would stand absolutely no chance even if Tsuru didn't come herself yet she insisted just to be sure.

"It's time for every one attack!"

The instant Aokiji heard those words, extreme coldness radiated from him. 5 ice spears of at least 5 meters length formed around him, each shooting towards Jackson with enough speed to generate wall breaking wind pressure.

This attack was a clear message.

'Separate yourself or they will get dragged into it.'

The answer came in form of a huge dark and reddish sword slash, covering their view for a moment as it decimated the ice spears to nothing but powder snow. Aokiji, Gion and Tsuru positioned themselves to receive and block the attack from Jackson, who for this one swing, activated his muscle-form.

Blocking the Black Getsuga Tenshou without conqueror's haki is extremely difficult since it is basically a flying sword slash attack, infused with conqueror's haki, yet they managed to stop it without breaking a bone.

'This attack is better avoided.'

Both of them thought. When the attack dissipated after being blocked, they saw Jackson walking towards them.

Walking slowly step after step. His posture flawless, his head held high and his eyes... they burned with murderous intent.

"Let me tell you something."

No one noticed when he stole the momentum but none of the top fighters, who remained consciousness interrupted Jackson as he continued in a cold tone.

"Tonight, either you die and I life. Or we all die together."


Another wave of his conqueror's haki swept through the area as the pressure increased with each step Jackson took.

To Moria and Alman, he currently looked like a walking mountain. 'The uncrowned 5th emperor' sheathed Kogarashi, the sword in his hand and instead grabbed [ACE], the sword that was almost as long as he is tall.

His late father's sword started to vibrate as it felt all the haki coating it. The blade became pitch black as red lightning danced around it.

"Bring it on. Tonight at least one side will perish."

Faced with his threat the 4 top-level powerhouses of the navy kept their cool, since opponents on Jackson's level weren't new to them and neither were they a threat when they all fought together against one.


Meanwhile Doflamingo and Law locked gazes. The former grinned widely as he didn't know before, that Law is a member of Jackson's crew.

"Law. To think we'd meet each other here."

"Indeed what a shitty coincidence."

Answered Law while flipping him a bird. Still Doflamingo's grin didn't disappear. He was the first warlord to move as he flew towards the Jackson-Pirates aiming for Law.



It didn't go as he planned causing him to click his tongue in annoyance. Instead of grabbing Law, Doflamingo had to dodge lightning strikes that suddenly aimed for him.

Right then, in front of his eyes, a tall man with short blonde hair materialized from these lightning strikes.

He wore elegant white pants, yet was barefooted. An expensive White coat with gold and silver linings was strapped over his shoulder yet his upper body was bare. Golden bracelets on each arm, golden chains around his necks and big golden earrings on his bizarre long earlobes.

"Who are you?"


Enel pointed at himself. A small smirk hanging on the edges of his lips.

"I am just the newbie."


Right after Doflamingo rushed towards the Jackson-Pirate, Crocodile followed suit with a small sand storm forming in his right hand.

"To think they would gather the warlords for some kids when only the Captain seems to be a threat."

He planned to blow them all up into the sky to limit the maneuverability and quickly deal with them but to his surprise, the ground beneath him suddenly started to rise.

A huge part of the earth, the size of a building with at least 4 floors enclosed and carried him, into the opposite direction. Crocodile almost instantly broke free, only to see a small blonde boy, with a black coat and a cylinder hat floating in the sky and looking down at him.


"...What? Do you want to fight me by yourself?"

Annoyance and anger rushed to his head. To him this is just a brat who doesn't know his place, a fly, yet he looked down on Crocodile?! One of the warlords of the sea.

But his thoughts changed the very next second. The boy bit deep into his left hand forcing a strong bleeding effect, which he used to smear the blood on his pipe.

"...Who are you and how do you know about that?"

Sabo continued to look at Crocodile from above

"I am Sabo, Vice-captain and first maat of the Jackson Pirates. As for your second question... Let's say, there was an interesting story someone told me. Why don't you beat me first if you want to know more."



Unlike the others, Kuina wasn't one to wait for her opponent to make the first move. With the sword in her hand, she dashed towards Gecko Moria using soru to it's fullest.


Of course Gecko Moria didn't put her in his eyes. Despite the speed that even he couldn't keep up with, he was certain that she won't be able to overcome his shadow defense.

Just when Kuina reached and swung her sword at him, Moria's shadow raised up,blocking the attack, before attacking the girl in front.

Kuina, didn't shy away from the attack. After all the training and almost breaking her body multiple times, she was eager to see her improvement.

The veins in her arms thickened to the point that almost every one became visible as white steam was exhaled with every deep breath she took. Her eyes only saw the opponent behind that shadow.

"ROOM! Shambles!"

Law, who witnessed the prior clash, reacted quickly and changed Kuina's and the shadow's positions, greatly shocking Moria.

Yet Kuina didn't let something like that, break her focus as she swung her sword once more. Moria was forced to block the attack head on, and took the attack with his big scissor blade head on.

"You Punks! You think you can defeat the ruler of shadows during the night? I'll show you!"


"So I get to fight against 4?"

Alman walked towards Robin, with Sachi, Penguin and Bepo around her in a guarding formation.

"Wait? Wasn't there one more guy on your side? Did he somehow run away."

Hearing Alman's question Robin couldn't help but smile at him.

"Who knows? Why don't you find out?"

Unbeknownst to the warlords, Augur used the first opportunity to retreat into the distance. He went as far as Groove 21, where he used the bubbles to climb onto one of the huge trees branches.

"This place is ideal. From here I can see and support all ongoing battles."

Augur analysed as he grabbed his light sniper rifle and took aim.

(AN: SO guess who is going to die?! Will it be Sabo who plans to take crocodile on his own?! Or maybe Kuina and/or Law who seem to underestimate Moria? What about Robin or the poor three guys fighting by her side against the new (original character) warlord? Maybe one of the current power-players like Enel or Augur? Or will it be Jackson himself and gets reincarnated again? Find out next week since I'll be taking a break! Love u hope you all enjoy this ff!)