A little party never killed nobody

Jackson POV

It was a great night for a party. Everyone gathered in the middle of the town, where we brought out tables and banks to sit on. Meat was being grilled while drinks flowed without any signs of stopping soon.

A cool, late-summer like breeze, occasionally passed by as we partied together with Sunny Village's people. Since we paid for drinks, meat and even music, which was produced by a few town's people, many couldn't resist our invitation.

One would think that partying and getting drunk with pirates would be a bad idea, but everyone here seems totally relaxed. I'm sure they got used to joining Shanks and his crew so it didn't take long for the fist few to join us, which in turn caused the next few to join and so on.

Long story short, starting from this afternoon till now, most of the locals started partying together with us. Even Shank's special sake wasn't spared though I had to get that one myself.

They did request not to touch that sake out of respect for Shanks but that's got nothing to do with me. Apparently before Shanks came this was a paradise for various shady groups, other pirates included. Kidnapping, killing, rape, slaving away, you name it what those drunk bastards did until this island was declared red heads territory.

But that is the past. Right now people are celebrating and getting drunk, me included.

'Hm? Did I drink too much?'

For some reason my vision is swaying and all the lights are becoming increasingly blurry.

'Wasn't I with someone just now?'

I believe to remember someone leaning against me in my arms though I am not sure who. Before I knew it, the music became incomprehensible noise, my body was moving but I already forgot where to.

I didn't notice how drunk I was until the next morning, when I woke up to a rather unexpected surprise, lying naked beside me.


3rd Person POV


The next day started for most with a loud explosion like sound. It was a gun-shot.


Shortly after the gun shot, a high pitched scream could be heard from within one of the houses nearby. A young man with blonde hair, white shirt and dark jeans was holding a pistol, of which the barrel's end point was lightly steaming, evidently showing, that someone used it just now.

On a couch within the living room were two people. Another young man with a more unique tone of blonde and a huge build of 280 cm was lying naked next to a pretty brown haired woman, who seemed to be in her early 20s.

"What have you done?!!"

Ella, the brown haired woman, shot up and almost hysterically, shouted. Being covered in just a thin blanked did little to hide her long legs, thin waist, peachy ass or D-cup breasts. Andrew, the intruder with the mentioned gun, would normally appreciate such a pleasing view but he just created more pressing matters for himself.

"ShitShitShitShitShit! You bitch this is all your fault! We broke up just recently but you sleep with another man before I can even pick up my things?! And with a pirate on top of that?!"

Andrew didn't know what he should do now. The guy he just shot is Portgas D. Jackson, someone worth over 2 billion Bellies. If he died from that shot, his crew members will surely avenge him but if he survived wouldn't Jackson finish him off himself?

"FUCK!!! If only I never fell for you bitch! If only you didn't exist I wouldn't be in this situation!"

The poor guy grew paler by the second. Everyone would be able to see, that his state of mind definitely wasn't normal. The sudden urge of jealousy and anger, the loss of control, the realization and fear coupled with the resulting stress sent the poor guy's mind into nirvana.

"That's right! They still don't know what I did. No one does! No one except..."

Andrew started muttering strange gibberish while gripping his head, until his eyes met with Ella's deep blue ones. She noticed and knew that having such a crazed look meant nothing good, yet the seriousness of her situation hit her only when she saw him raise and aim the pistol at her.

"No plea-!"


Another shot. Again, thundering noise resounded throughout the surrounding. Eyes closed tightly, Ella waited for her death or at least a painful sensation but even after a few seconds nothing happened. Opening her deep blue eyes allowed Ella to see the bullet a few centimeters away from her head, caught in between Jackson's fingers.

"What the hell? Can you argue any louder? Argh! Fucking hangover!"

Jackson waking up and catching a bullet with his bare fingers sent everyone present into silence. Ella still needed a few seconds till she realized that her life was just saved, even after she practically saw it being put out. Andrew on the other hand believed to see his life slipping away from him.


Jackson POV

A splitting headache. That's what first greeted me after waking up, closely followed by a sudden feeling of urgency. Without even realizing it, I caught a bullet while half asleep between my index and middle finger reflexively. Strangely enough it wasn't aimed at me but at a young, pretty woman.

Light brown hair reaching beneath her shoulders, deep blue eyes and a figure according to my personal preferences in every point. On second look she was naked, kneeling right beside me on... On this very same couch I was sleeping till now. Looking down at myself I notice, the absence of all my clothes. Trying to remember on my own only revealed that my memories from yesterday night are practically none existent.

'Perhaps she knows?'

Turning my attention back on her, I snap the pretty woman out of whatever daze she was currently having.

"Excuse me? I can't remember last night because of the many drinks so maybe you can help me. Did we have sex on this couch last night?"

How do you ask a woman a question? Bluntly. You gotta ask very bluntly. If you mean something say it and proudly stand behind whatever you said like a man. She finally looked at me for a few seconds, then turned slightly red and hid most of her mesmerizing figure with the blanket while weakly nodding with her head.

"I see. Good. And was it good?"

As a man, this is important to know. After all no one is perfect. Her face turned even redder than she nodded again while stealing side glances at my exposed abs and for some reason at my collar bone as well.

'All hail the inventor of Seimei Kikan. One does not miss with this godly technique. If someone could somehow read about this, I bet they would want some lemon. Well unlucky them, this isn't something like a fan fiction.'


Some strange noise entered my ears. It was a young man. In his hand a pistol, probably the same which shot the bullet I caught. I've got no clue why he tried to shoot this lovely lady but it seems like something the village head or someone in a similar position should deal with.

It didn't take long for others to arrive. Among the first were Sachi and Penguin, who shot venomous stares at me, followed by Augur and Robin who calmly observed the scene before connecting the dots. Eyeing the man and the woman even I suspect a quarrel involving romantic feelings and jealousy but don't care enough to ask/investigate.

Townspeople also started arriving one after another, among them someone with the authority to take that guy with a pistol away, probably fearing that I will take care of him on my own. That's not gonna happen though.

Anyways. After shooing them away I began the day with a light breakfast served along with tea. Since I got manners and shit, I made some for Ella as well, who's name I now know by the way. Now I am ready to start the day. Surprisingly I found Enel soundly asleep with, not one but two young women in the house next door.

"If my two troublemakers were to see this, they would either fall into rage or get severe depression."

We drank most of this town's good sake yesterday, so today we will pack whatever is left and prepare to depart tomorrow. Why wait till tomorrow? Cause I want to try my luck and visit Ella again. And as long as we don't forget to take down Shank's Jolly Roger it doesn't really matter... or so I thought.

Later, around noon time, Augur came to find me with unexpected news.


He called me like he usually does, before reporting something that will surprise me.

"I've just spotted a group getting close to this town... It's the Kuja-Pirates."

(AN: Hey everyone! Seems like there was a little incident involving heavily drunk Jackson but oh well... It happens! It's a bit late so I hope you will be understanding when spotting mistakes I might have overlooked. Also apparently Web novel, will undo it's latest change regarding the free chaps and fan fictions not being readable on the website so I won't change platforms for my story. Other than that I hope you will leave a comment or meme or some stones if you liked this chapter! Till next time)

(PS: Sorry for the delay but I am currently writing and uploading chapters at a pace which does not interfere with my private life nor burdens me too much. Hope you understand)